Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 581 to 600 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Socialstyrelsen

    • National Board of Welfare
    • National Board of Social Affairs
    • Riksarkivet
    • Socialstyrelsen
    • English
    • 1912-2005
    • 2227,3 linear meters of mostly textual records and statistics.

    There are four different sub-archives in the National Board of Welfare's archive holding records from the handling of Holocaust refugees and survivors coming to Sweden: (1.) The archive of the Bureau for Social Affairs in General (Byrån för sociala ärenden i allmänhet, 1:a byrån), 1st Bureau: Foreigners Affairs. It contains minutes, letters, reports and correspondence relating to refugees and other foreigners up to 1939. The F series contains personal files on foreign nationals, including refugees from Nazi Germany. The 1st bureau's tasks were taken over in 1938 by the (2.) Foreigners Burea...

  2. Arbetarrörelsens flyktinghjälp

    • Fackliga och politiska emigranters hjälpkommitté
    • Labour Movement Refugee Relief

    The series E/1/12 contains correspondence with the Matteotti Committee in Copenhagen, the refugee committees in Oslo and Helsinki regarding the entry and support of German and Sudeten German refugees 1938-1944, and with Social Democratic refugee aid committees and other organizations in France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, and Poland 1938-1939. Some of the refugees that the organization corresponded with and about were Jews. The archive also contains personal files from the period 1933–1961, some of which contain documents about Jewish refugees in Sweden.

  3. Jacob Ettlingers arkiv

    • Riksarkivet
    • Jacob Ettlingers arkiv
    • English
    • 1916-1952
    • 4 linear meter of records. Textual material, financial records, printed material, photographs and film.

    Jacob Ettlinger's (1880-1952) archive consists of a total of four shelf meters and includes many records related to the Holocaust. For example, series number 3: Jacob Ettlingers ”privata” pärmar 1932–1952 (Jacob Ettlinger's "private" binders 1932-1952) consists of 27 volumes in cardboard boxes. They include alphabetically arranged correspondence containing information from survivors of war and camps, lists of relatives and friends sought through the Red Cross and other aid organizations, and lists of survivors. There are also documents relating to Ettlinger's work in sending aid to German...

  4. Folke Bernadottes, greve av Wisborg, arkiv

    • Personal archive of Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg
    • Riksarkivet
    • Folke Bernadottes, greve av Wisborg, arkiv
    • English
    • 1798-1984
    • 0,5 linear meters of mostly textual records.

    The archive contains (in vol. 1), among other things, Folke Bernadotte's pocket almanacs from 1944-1945 with notes on the Red Cross campaign and notebooks with notes on meetings in Berlin during the negotiations (March-April 1945) in connection with the Red Cross operation with the 'White buses'.

  5. Family Remembrance

    Contains two booklets of Holocaust memorials, 'Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Commemoration Service, 1995' and "We Will Not Forget Them - In Memory of the Jews of Vilna (1943- 1963)." Herein Sonia Tencer (nee Smolnik) tells the story of the murder of her brother, Leib Smolknik, during the Holocaust.

  6. Holocaust materials

    Includes material regarding the story of 93 girls who arrived to Canada in 1942 and the Spanish Civil War.

  7. Nazi era ration card for Jews

  8. A Promise to My Mother: Memories of a Life Shaped by the Holocaust

    File contains a bound book detailing the memoirs of Yossi Indig.

  9. Central Committee of Polish Jews — 1946 Activities Report

    Contains a report regarding the activities of the Central Committee of Polish Jews to aid Polish Holocaust survivors. These include providing food, clothes, children’s homes, etc. Booklet largely consists of graphs and diagrams.

  10. Paul Trepman Fonds

    Fonds consists of manuscripts and notes from Paul Trepman's articles, books, and lectures as well as personal biographical documents, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera.

  11. National Holocaust Remembrance Committee (CJC) meeting minutes

    Contains meeting minutes for the National Holocaust Remembrance Committee hosted by the Canadian Jewish Congress, for which Shaffer was a consultant for associated documentary projects. Also contains CJC Audio Visual Department meeting minutes.

  12. Undzer Zhornl (Our Journal) — Rosh Hashanah 5707 (October 1946) Issue

    Contains the Rosh Hashanah 5707 issue of “Our Journal”—a periodical published by the American Council for Warsaw Jews. Journal contains appeals for donations, articles regarding the situation of Warsaw survivors in Europe, accounts of the Holocaust, and poetry.

  13. Presentation notes, "Art of the Holocaust"

    The file contains notes for Rita Briansky's slide presentation and lecture on art of the Holocaust.

  14. 1946 letters addressed to wife (Augusta) from Eastern European cities, plus letter to Hillel Becker

    Contains 4 letters from Becker addressed to wife (Augusta) from Eastern European cities on July 23, 24, and 26, and August 2, 1946, describing his work through the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Also contains a transcribed copy of a letter addressed to son Hillel Becker in June of 1946 from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

  15. Poster. Yizkor Service in memory of the Jewish victims of Hitler Germany.

  16. Personal correspondence, 1981-1985

    Contains personal correspondence from 1981 to 1985, including a nomination for an Order of Canada, a letter from President Reagan inviting Becker to the White House, and correspondence related to the Holocaust Survivors Documentation Campaign.

  17. Holocaust Documentation Project (CJC) programming draft, evaluation

    Contains programming draft and evaluation relating to the Holocaust Documentation Project (associated with the National Holocaust Remembrance Committee), addressing budget, production, educational guides, archives, and historical authentication.

  18. I Am Drenched in the Dew of My Childhood: A Memoir

    File contains Henry Gitelman's memoir.

  19. Milestones to Freedom

    Files contains a translation from the German original manuscript of Mrs. Murawski Szlak's biography. It was written by Leokadia Murawski Szlak, compiled Bettina Vogt, and translated by Bernard Deschamps.

  20. Sholem Krishtalka Collection

    Consists of personal documents from the Krishtalka family, correspondence, ephemeral and organizational material from international and Jewish Montreal organizations such as United Jewish People's Order (UJPO), Yidisher Kultur Farband (YKUF) and the Jewish Public Library. Also contains numerous posters and flyers for theatre, arts and musical presentations in Jewish Montreal.