Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 481 to 500 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Уполномоченный по нацистской четырехлетке - Геринг, г. Берлин

    • Records of the Beauftragter für den Vierjahresplan (Göring)
    • Commissioner for the Four‐Year Plan

    Consists of directives for organizing the Four-Year Plan, with estimates of labor needed from civilian prisoners, foreign workers, and POWs; a 1936 memorandum from Hitler about German foreign policy, including preparation for war with the Soviet Union, "Lebensraum," and ascriptions of collective Jewish responsibility for economic crimes; information about Göring's conferences with military commanders and the Agriculture Ministry regarding increasing food production for Germany from the Occupied Territories; records about Göring's orders on forced mobilization of the male and female populati...

  2. M.52.DARO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Rivne Region

    M.52.DARO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Rivne Region History of the Archives The archives was established in March 1940 as the historical archives of the region, and as of 1941 it was called the State Archives of the Rovno Region. The material for the archives was collected gradually. At the start, the archives received documents from local institutions and from factories, non-profit organizations, associations, and from educational and healthcare institutions that were in existence from the period when Rovno still belonged to Poland. By 1940, collections that dated from 1921...

  3. Documentation of the Reichsgericht (Reich Supreme Court) in Leipzig and the Reichsanwaltschaft (Reich Prosecution Service) associated with the court, 1939-1945

    Documentation of the Reichsgericht (Reich Supreme Court) in Leipzig and the Reichsanwaltschaft (Reich Prosecution Service) associated with the court, 1939-1945 The main subject of the files is the determination of racial origin. Appeals of verdicts handed down by various courts throughout the German Reich regarding people who had been defined as Jews or Mischlinge (children of mixed marriages) reached the Reich Supreme Court, arguing that in actuality the origin of these people was Aryan. The vast majority of the files were from Austria, mainly from Vienna. The files on Microfilm JM/29041 (...

  4. Имперский суд и Прокуратура Германии (г. Лейпциг)

    • Reichsgericht und Reichsanwaltschaft (Leipzig)
    • Records of the Reichsgericht and Reichsanwaltschaft in Leipzig (State Court and State Prosecutorial Office)

    Investigatory records, letters, newspapers

  5. Підпільні організації, партизанські загони періоду Великої Вітчизняної війни на Вінниччині (1941–1944 рр.)

    • Underground organizations, partisan units of the period of Great Patriotic War

    The participation of Jews in the anti-Nazi underground was reflected in various categories of documents, starting with the list of Communists left in the rear of the enemy by the party organs, the NKVD organs of the Ukrainian SSR, and the state security organs of the UkrSSR to establish underground activities. According to these documents, out of the 150 people left in the region, 12 were Jews [inventory 1, file 42, pp. 3-21]. The same can be seen also in the list of persons left by the local security authorities in Vinnytsia region in the enemy rear with the tasks of individual sabotage an...

  6. Documentation of the partisans and underground organizations active in the Vinnitsa region, 1942-1944

    Documentation of the partisans and underground organizations active in the Vinnitsa region, 1942-1944 The collection includes official documentation, including appeals and posters intended for the Ukrainian population, and anti-fascist propaganda and oaths of partisans (including Jews) from various places in occupied Ukraine, 1943; survey reports regarding the activities of the Lenin partisans unit in the Vinnitsa region, the cavalry brigade under the command of V. Vladimirov, and the Stalin partisans unit under the command of V. Slyusarenko, 1943-1944, including sections of lists of names ...

  7. Вінницька обласна комісія сприяння роботі Надзвичайної державній комісїї по встановленню і розслідуванню злочинів німецько-фашистських загарбників

    • Vinnytsa regional Commission for assisting to the work of the Extraordinary State Commission on Investigation of the German-Fascist Crimes

    Inventory 1 contains resolutions of the SNK of the USSR, of the Ukrainian SSR, and instructions on the activities of the Commission (hereafter ChGK). It also includes decisions and instructions from local authorities; instructional materials by ChGK USSR and that of the USSR; summaries of records, registers, acts, lists of crimes and damage caused by the German-Romanian occupants and their accomplices to citizens, organizations, enterprises, and collective farms; reports, notes on the work of regional, district, city committees of the ChGK sent to the republican ChGK and Moscow’s ChGK. Inve...

  8. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, 1944

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, 1944 The collection includes documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Vinnitsa region, June-November 1944, and includes documents, testimonies and survey reports regarding the murder of Jews during the German occupation. The documentation includes statistical reports, arranged according to the districts of the Vinnitsa region; information regarding the mass murder of the Jews of Vinnitsa, including the dates, methods of murder and the murder sites; number of people murdered, and numbe...

  9. M.52.DAViO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Vinnytsa Region

    M.52.DAViO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Vinnytsa Region History of the Archives The State Archives of the Vinnitsa Region was established in 1920 as the Archives of the Podole Region. During its first years, the Archives was intended as a place the storage and conservation of documents from the pre-Bolshevik period. The Archives was transferred to the responsibility of the NKVD in 1938. The Archives received the name: the State Archives of the Vinnitsa Region, in 1944. Since 1960, the Archives has been under the authority of the Implementation Committee of the Vinnitsa Reg...

  10. Всемирная организация борьбы против расовой ненависти и нужды (г. Вена)

    • Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhass and Menschcnnot (Wien); World Organization Against Racial Hatred and Poverty (Vienna)
    • Vsemirnaia organizatsiia bor 'by protiv rasovoi nenavisti i nuzhdy (g. Vena)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. The collection contains bylaws, memoranda, platforms, minutes, instructions, and appeals of the World Organization; biographical information on the organization's leader, Irene Harand; applications to join the organization; correspondence with subscribers to the newspaper Gerechtigkeit (by country); lists of subscribers to the newspaper Gerechtigkeit; correspondence on providing aid to the Jewish population of Vienna; letters of invitation to Harand; proposals for publication in the n...

  11. Documentation of the Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhass und Menchennot (World Organization Against Racial Hate and Human Distress) in Vienna, 1936-1938

    Documentation of the Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhass und Menchennot (World Organization Against Racial Hate and Human Distress) in Vienna, 1936-1938 The organization, which was intended first and foremostly to fight against antisemitic and Nazi propaganda in Austria, was established and led by Irene Harand, and in some of the letters it is simply called "Harand-Bewegung" (the Harand Movement). The organization published the periodical "Gerechtigkeit" (Justice). In the collection there is correspondence between the organization and its members regarding the periodical, as well as newspaper...

  12. M.52.DAZO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Zakarpatye Region

    M.52.DAZO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Zakarpatye Region History of the Archives: A regional archives was active in the Země Zakarpatskoukrajinská sub-division during 1919-1939. The Central State Historical Archives of Zakarpatska Ukraina was established in November 1945. The Archives' name was later changed to the Regional State Archives of Zakarpatye in 1946. During 1945-1954 the Archives was located in the city of Uzhgorod. A branch of the Archives was active in the city of Beregove as of 1953, in which documentation from the 16th century and until 1945 was to be found....

  13. M.52.DAZpO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Zaporozhye Region

    M.52.DAZpO - Documentation of the State Archives of the Zaporozhye Region History of the Archives: Concentration of the archival documentation in the Zaporozhye area began in 1925, and in the same year the regional archival authority was also established. With the cancellation of the sub-sections system in Soviet Ukraine in 1930, the State Historical Archives were established in the area, which were subordinate to the regional archival authority in Dnipropetrovsk. With the creation of the Zaporozhye region in 1939, its historical archives changed its name to the Regional State Historical Ar...

  14. M.52.TsDIALU - Documentation from the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv

    M.52.TsDIALU - Documentation from the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv Documentation in this Sub-Record Group includes many documents from the period before World War II, including personal files of professors from the University of Lwow, letters and documentation of Metropolite Andrzej Szeptycki, official documentation and legal documentation regarding members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), lists of Jewish residents who voted [in the elections] for the Polish Sejm, lists of voters in the elections for the Jewish Community Council in Lwow, lists of ...

  15. Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Chernovtsy region, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission active in the Chernovtsy region, 1944-1945 Documentation from documents of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission, regarding the mass murder of residents in Cernauti, most of them Jews, 1944-1945; Reports of the municipal committee for the investigation of Nazi war crimes and Romanian war crimes in the city of Cernauti, regarding the mass murder of residents of Cernauti, most of them Jews, 06-08 July 1941, including by the drowning of some of the Jews in the Prut River; abuse of rabbis, and murder of the rabbis; establishment of ...

  16. Управление государственной тайной полиции (Гестапо) (г. Штеттин)

    • Geheime Staatspolizeistelle (Gestapo) (Stettin); Office of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) (Stettin)
    • Upravlenie gosudarstvennoi tainoi politsii (Gestapo) (g. Shtettin)

    The collection's contents are described in three inventories. Inventories no. 1 and 2 are systematized by structure; they catalogue documentary materials of the first section (organizational issues), the second section (domestic political surveillance), and the third section (intelligence and counterintelligence). The files catalogued in inventory no. 3 are systematized thematically: Stettin Gestapo circulars and internal documents; surveillance of the Communist Party of Germany and of anti-fascists; surveillance of persons suspected of espionage, and of companies, the mail, and the press; ...

  17. Documentation of the Stettin Gestapo, 1933-1943

    Documentation of the Stettin Gestapo from the Osoby Archive in Moscow, 1933-1943

  18. Управление государственной тайной полиции (Гестапо) (г. Берлин)

    • Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Berlin); Office of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) (Berlin)
    • Upravlenie gosudarstvennoi tainoi politsii (Gestapo) (g. Berlin)

    A significant portion of the collection's contents was transferred to the German Democratic Republic in the 1950s-70s. (These materials are noted in the inventories and are not included among the collection's files.) The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. Documents in the collection contain information on communist, social-democratic, anti-fascist, religious, and Jewish organizations in Germany; reports on "unreliable" persons; information on Masonic lodges; police surveillance files (for example, on the conduct of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin); agents' dispatche...

  19. Documentation of the Gestapa (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt-Secret State Police Office), 1932-1939

    Documentation of the Gestapa (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt-Secret State Police Office) [predecessor of the Gestapo], 1932-1939 The documentation includes files from the Gestapa headquarters and files from the Gestapo headquarters from 1939 (prior to the establishment of the Reich Security Head Office ([RSHA]), when it was called by the double name Geheimes Staatspolizei and Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt, Some of the files contain police materials from the period before the Nazi rise to power and the establishment of the Gestapa; these materials were later handled by the Gestapa.

  20. Главное управление имперской безопасности Германии (РСХА) (г. Берлин)

    • Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) (Berlin); Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) (Berlin)
    • Glavnoe upravlenie imperskoi bezopasnosti Germanii (RSKhA) (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in six inventories. Inventories no. 1, 2, and 6 are arranged by structure and chronology, and catalogue documents of departments I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII of the RSHA. Inventories no. 3, 4, and 5 are arranged by document type. These inventories catalogue orders, edicts, directives, instructions, accounts, surveys, reports, dispatches, employee directories, surveillance files, and correspondence of the Reich Security Main Office and its subordinate entities regarding the issues indicated. RSHA documents include orders, edicts, and other regulatio...