Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,601 to 4,620 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Rose Katz collection

    Papers, documents, and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Rose Reichman Katz's (donor's mother) extended family in Raslavice, Slovakia before, during, and after the Holocaust. Includes correspondence received by Rose from her family; pre-war photographic images; and receipts dating from the 1930s documenting monies sent from Rose and her husband Milton to her mother and father Hermine and Wolf Reichman and their extended family in Slovakia. Documents indicate Rose's siblings were deported in 1942 to the Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center in Poland where they are presumed to have ...

  2. Displaced persons camp at Henonville

    Women working in a garden at Displaced Persons Camp near Paris in September 1946. Children smile and laugh, dance with young woman, Pola Stopnicki (nee Shechter/Schaechter). Pan, David Boder examines a bundle of crops with a group of DPs. Child holds up a freshly picked vegetable. CUs, DP families. Pan, group of men pose for the camera with a religious Jew reading from a book. CUs, women smile, one waves at camera, holding flowers, celebrating. Father with baby. 01:03:33 Sign above the Hénonville chateau doorway for ORT vocational training facility 65km NW of Paris: “Atelier d'Ébénisterie d...

  3. Watercolor

    Watercolor that forms part of a portfolio depicting the Officer's Quarters in Dachau, Germany. The watercolor is titled, grüße aus bayern, or "greetings from Bavaria" and depicts flowers, interlacing hearts, and a mountainside gravesite. The watercolor is initialed "H" and dated February 1946, Dachau, Germany in the lower right corner. The watercolor has been taped to a white piece of paper.

  4. Selected records of the Provincial Office in Tarnopol Urząd Wojewódzki w Tarnopolu (Sygn.1180)

    Monthly reports of the Tarnopol regional municipal offices regarding regional security, social and political movement, professional associations, communist organizations; papers from conferences of governors, maps of the voivodship showing the activities of political organizations; correspondence regarding communist propaganda; reports on sabotage actions, and lists of foreigners displaced from the Polish People's Republic (Illegal trips, seeking refugees for deportation).

  5. Synagogue in prewar Kastoria; local Jewish families; street scenes

    Façade of the synagogue in Kastoria (built in the 1800s and destroyed after WWII), inside there is a flag with the Star of David and a tablet with Hebrew writing/Ladino [plaque for Bocko Mayo with a poem that speaks to his qualities). A small child picks flowers off a bush. Isaac Elias, Sr. and his wife stand arm in arm and blow kisses to the camera. A young Maurice Russo at far right. Little girls wave at the camera. The outside storefront of Isaac Elias’s sewing machine shop (Isaac is the father of Jack Elias, the patriarch of the last remaining Jewish family in Kastoria today). Isaac sta...

  6. Office of the Chief Representative of the Government of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Repatriation of Polish Citizens From the Territory of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic to Poland

    Records of the special office established by the Soviet and Polish Governments for the resettlement of ethnic Poles from the territory of Ukraine after WWII. It includes registry of documents submitted by the Polish citizens who were evacuated from Ukraine, lists of evacuees compiled by the district and region, orders and directives of the Soviet Government agencies related to the evacuation of Polish citizens, correspondence between the Office of the Chief Representative and various Soviet Government agencies concerning the evacuation of Polish citizens.

  7. Hansi's first vacation (2 reels)

    FILM ID 4538: Teil I. Lizzy Film Produktion. Mitglied des Klubs der Kinoamateure Osterreichs. At a train station, men in uniform waving flags. The frame pulls back as if the filmmaker is on a train leaving the station. Image of a boat on the water being seen through binoculars. On a boat, Hansi is looking over the railing and waving to the camera. Hansi is joined by his Father. “Hansi’s erste Reise”. 01:01:31 “1931.” “I Teil." Hansi ist schon 2 1/2 jähre alt.” “Italien Sein Reisezeil" “Am Strand von Laurana” Homes by the large lake with mountains in the background. “Ausblick auf’s Meer” Foo...

  8. Georg Guggenheim papers Nachlass Dr. iur. Georg Guggenheim (1897-1987)

    Private papers of Georg Guggenheim (1897-1987), a Jewish lawyer and active member of Jewish Community in Zürich. The collection consists of personal documents: passports, certificates, CV, condolences on the death of Georg Guggenheim, private correspondence, congratulations on birthdays; correspondence and other documents by his wife, Josi Guggenheim (1900 to 2005); official correspondence and documents on the Israelitischen Cultusgemeinde (ICZ), and Georg Guggenheim's presidency, 1917-1953, to become a member of the Central-Comité in the Business Committee, as well as the management of the...

  9. Miriam and Aaron Gopman papers

    The collection consists of a manuscript by Fern Sharon Ellis entitled "Miriam Gopman: The Courage of a Hero and Her Story of Survival” describing the prewar, wartime, and postwar experiences of Mirian Gopman of Tarashcha, Ukraine. Also included are reparation documents of Miriam and her husband Aaron Gopman, Polish and Russian military identification cards of Aaron, and a document regarding Aaron’s arrest in Tarashcha in 1958.

  10. Jewish wedding of Holocaust survivors in Salonika, March 1953

    Color. Ocean. Boats. Waves wash over rocks. More boats on the horizon. INT, an older woman clasping a necklace around the neck of a younger woman in white, the bride, a Holocaust survivor from Kastoria, Lena Elias. A little girl sits next to her. They are all fancily dressed. More women, including Kastoria Holocaust survivor Berry Nahmia, join them and tend to Lena, fixing her hair, attaching her veil, arranging it over her face, adjusting her train, etc. Lena paces, smiling. Low-lit shot of Lena sitting surrounded by two young children and other family members. The groom, a Jewish Holocaus...

  11. Bernard and Jadwiga Kornhauser collection

    Collection of documents, photographs and correspondence related to Bernard Kornhauser, b. June 7, 1909 in Kraków, Poland and Jadwiga Gaschge Kornhauser, b. February 3, 1926 in Jarosław, Poland. Bernard Kornhauser was forced into the Kraków ghetto in March 1941, and two years later, during the liquidation of the ghetto, he was transferred to the Płaszów concentration camp. In October 1944 he was transferred with a group of men on the so called “Schindler’s List” to Brünnlitz. He returned to Kraków and went back to his dental practice. He and Jadwiga married in 1947 and started to apply for a...

  12. Prayer book

    German book about the Bible, published in 1921, which belonged to Martha Bermann Loeb. The book includes an insert (b) with notes and Psalm 126 written out.

  13. Selected records from Vilnius Regional State Archives in Lithuania related to restitution of Jewish property after WWII

    Records of the County People's Court related to the restitution and inheritance of the individual and communal Jewish property located in the Vilnius county, Lithuania after World War II.

  14. Gestapo Brno (B 340)

    Investigative and arrest files as well administrative records of the Gestapo Brno. The investigative and arrest files concern mostly Czech individuals arrested on a variety of charges such as making anti-German remarks, listening to foreign radio broadcasts, sabotage, malingering, anti-social behavior, possession of arms, miscegenation, and other charges. The records also contain documentation pertaining to Gestapo actions against Czech resistance groups and Jews, the disbandment of Czech organizations, the confiscation of properties and assets, and situation reports including from Czech in...

  15. Elisabeth Eidenbenz papers Nachlass Elisabeth Eidenbenz (1913-2011)

    Private papers of Elisabeth Eidenbenz (1913-2011), a teacher, nurse, and aid worker for refugees in the camps of Argelès-sur-Mer, Saint Cyprien, and Rivesaltes, France and in other places. The collection consists of private personal documents, correspondence and photographs of Elisabeth Eidenbenz and her family; reports, press articles, correspondence, and photographs relating to activities of Elisabeth Eidenbenz to rescue children of Spanish Republicans, Jewish refugees and Romanies fleeing the Nazi invasion. Elisabeth Eidenbenz was a founder of the Mothers of Elne-a maternal hospital at E...

  16. Private papers of Salomon (Shalom) Adler-Rudel (A140)

    Personal papers of Shalom Adler-Rudel (1894-1975): Lists, brochures and leaflets of various schools, and correspondence between Shalom Adler-Rudel, Paul Reiward and the Zionist Federation of Belgium regarding the financial situation and activities of Jewish refugees in Belgium, 1938; a copy of a letter from Reiwald to Adler-Rudel, concerning the economic activities of German refugees, including a list of companies in Belgium owned by refugees; reports on the assistance to Jewish refugees, 1939, in Antwerp, Brussels, and other locations; correspondence between the World Jewish Congress, the ...

  17. Martin Sloan collection

    Consists of identity paperwork, naturalization and citizenship documentation, and restitution paperwork related to the post-war experiences of Mendel Slomovits (later Martin Sloan), a survivor of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Also includes testimony written by Albert Hersch (born Adolph Hershkovitz), who survived the camps with Mendel.

  18. Moritz Löwenstein papers

    Collection of papers including identity card, membership card, receipt, and certificates relating to Moritz and Florica Löwenstein.

  19. Sightseeing in Palestine, circa 1930

    Sixteen films by Carl Lutz of Palestine: Nr. 303 Bethlehem, Jerusalem (Film Nr. 26) [ca. 1936] (09:15) Nr. 305 Palästina 3 (Film Nr. 10) [1935] (11:56) Nr. 306 Palästina (Film Nr. 22) [1935-1936] (12:56) Nr. 307 Palestine, the land of the bible (Film Nr. 21) [1937] (12:41) Nr. 308 Tel Aviv, Hafen (Film Nr. 18) [1936-1937] (11:47) Nr. 309 Palästina 1951 (Film Nr. 13) [1951] (13:16) Nr. 310 Palästina 1951 (Film Nr. 14) [1951] (13:36) Nr. 311 Ägypten (Film Nr. 4) [ca. 1935] (08:40) Nr. 312 Palästina 4 (Film Nr. 11) [ca. 1935] (09:27) Nr. 313 Palästina (Film Nr. 12, I) [ca. 1935] (16:56) Nr. 31...

  20. Jewish community of Kastoria, Greece; Sephardic school for children

    EXT pan of a building. Children stand outside. Pan, shopfronts with signs in Greek, crumbling stone wall on Metropole Street. A man with hat walks along the street. Houses over a lake, pan coastline. Residences, laundry hanging from balcony. A woman walks in the street. Another woman steps outside her house. A man walks towards her and they shake hands. Cobblestone streets in Kastoria with local people walking around, including Nona, Sol, and Victor Hazan. A woman does the washing in a body of water. A group of men in hats and long jackets walk towards the camera. Pan, building with balconi...