Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 441 to 460 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Gathering of child survivors of the Holocaust housed in Belgian orphanages. Collection

    This recording contains the exchange between 11 child survivors of the Holocaust during a zoom meeting held on 17 January 2021. All participants and their siblings were housed in Jewish and/or non-Jewish orphanages in Belgium during the war. These institutes included the Meisjeshuis and Good Engels (the Meisjeshuis department for babies and toddlers), the Jongenshuis and Pennsylvania Foundation orphanage, the Wezembeek-Oppem children's home, the Baron de Castro children's home in Etterbeek and the Les Moineaux children's home in Uccle. The following survivors participated in the discussion:...

  2. Tadeusz Geisler. Collection

    The collection contains: cutlery (spoon, fork and knife) used by Tadeusz Geisler during his internment at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp ; two strips of fabric with a red triangle, the letter P and Tadeusz Geislers prisoner number at Sachsenhausen (90175) ; three patches of cloth depicting Polish and French flags ; three small pieces of bread, saved by Tadeusz Geisler during a death march in 1945 ; a prototype of a violin bridge - the Geisler-comb - developed by Thadé Geisler; a photocopy of the patent accorded to Thadé Geisler for his violin bridge in 1966 ; three post-war photos, in...

  3. vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind, Brussel. Collection

    The archive of vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind - L'Enfant caché asbl consists of: (1) institutional files and series on the creation of the association, on the administrative committee, on the yearly general assembly and on the membership administration, as well as (2) files and series on the organisation of activities. This second section includes both general files and files on activities organised to reach the goals of the association. The archive of vzw Het Ondergedoken Kind - L'Enfant caché asbl also contains several files created by the Amicale des Anciens de Jamoigne, the association of Je...

  4. Pensionnat des Religieuses Servantes de Marie in Erps-Kwerps. Collection

    This collection consists of three photos of pupils of the Pensionnat des Religieuses Servantes de Marie in Erps-Kwerps, including several Jewish girls hidden there (among who Marie, Sara and Louise Goldberg).

  5. Goezu-Samuel family. Collection

    This collection consists of: KD_00126_0001: Documents and photos regarding the Goezu-Samuel family, including pre-war photos of relatives ; the Belgian IDs of Markus Goezu and Charlotte Samuel ; a declaration of nationality for Markus Goezu ; a post-war statement by Arthur Pierre regarding the plundering of the Goezu-Samuel and Kremer-Samuel family home in 1943 ; wartime photos of André Goezu, Hugues alias Guy Goezu and their cousin Rosette Kremer while in hiding in Wuustwezel ; photos of their rescuers Petrus and Johanna Smeulders-Van Dijck and their granddaughter Godelieve Ceuppens ; docu...

  6. Fishel-Black family. Collection

    This collection consists of: digitised copies of 9 letters sent by Mendel Fishel, Emily Black and their youngest son Leon Fishel in Antwerp to their oldest sons Maurice Bernard and Leonard Fishel in a civil internment camp, including one dated on the day Mendel and Emily reported at the Dossin barracks ; a family portrait of Mendel Fishel and Emily Black, with youngest son Leon ; portraits of Mendel Fishel and Leon Fishel ; Leon Fishel in the Maccabi football team outfit ; Leon Fishel and his soccer team of Maccabi Antwerp ; Leon Fishel wearing the yellow star ; a series of propaganda photo...

  7. Lucy Sara Mandelbaum-Lipiner. Collection

    This collection contains an interview with Lucy Sara Mandelbaum-Lipiner. During the interview Lucy recounts her journey from the DP camp to the orphanage in Antwerp and the arrival there. She also describes the atmosphere and facilities at the home, the staff members and other children, the food and religious holidays, activities such as lectures on Zionism and the bi-weekly Shabbat celebration at the home of her aunt Lotti Mandelbaum, the language challenge, the visits from the women’s committee, Lucy’s visits to the movie theatre with her sister to watch movies with Steward Granger, the t...

  8. Flag used by the anti-Semitic Volksverwering during the first progrom in Antwerp - April 14, 1941

    This flag consists out of two layers and handstamped letters. The dimensions are 90 cm x 60 cm. The main tissue is thin woven black cotton, in the center a second circular layer of tissue is sewn, colored in red. On this red circle an image of a skull is painted in black. Around the red circle, the following text is stamped by hand in a yellow color : JUDE - VERREKKE (Jews - die). On the left and right lower corner, following letters are stamped in yellow : B-R-B, standing for : Beveiliging van Ras en Bodem ( Gardian of our Race and Soil )

  9. Documents of the Collection Vandevelde relevant to the attack on the XXth Convoy in Korbeek-Lo 19 april 1943

    • Huis van het Belgisch-Franse Verzet
    • HBFV_XXth Convoy_Korbeek-Lo
    • English
    • 1943-1951
    • Cluster of documents, pictures and a diary related to the incident and attack on the XXth Convoy near the railwaystation of Korbeek-Lo ( Belgium ) at midnight of April 19th, 1943. The cluster has been validated by the facilities of Kazerne Dossin in 2024.

    The cluster consists of 11 documents, several pictures and a handwriten diary. The content of the documents : - Besonderen Hinweis from the Sicherheitsdienst Headquarters of Brussels (Sachgebietes IV/B3) towards the Dienststelle Löwen (Leuven), dated 23 April 1943, rendering information on the attack in Korbeek-Lo, specifics on the assembly of the train of the XXth Convoy, the order to search and arrest Jewish prisoners that have escaped in the vicinity of the St. Kamillus Institute and the identification of the remains of Pieter Scheepers, killed during the action against the convoy. Also ...

  10. Resolution of the Massachusetts House of Representatives concerning Nazi antisemitism

    The resolution, which condemns Nazi violence against Jews, was introduced into the General Court of Massachusetts by Hyman Mann (or Manevitch) in 1933, and it was passed by that body the same year.

  11. Dr. Arthur Kessler papers

    Dr. Arthur Kessler's papers related to reparations for Vapniarka survivors as well as related to his own compensation from Germany.

  12. Prof. Yeshayahu A. Jelinek Collection

    Documents: - personal documents of the Jelinek family, 1925 - 1950. - notebooks of several issues of the “Mogen David” bulletin handwritten by Jewish children in the Prievidza Jewish school between February 1943 - January 1944; typed versions of several issues. - an issue of the newspaper published by the Judenrat in Bratislava (Vestnik Ustredna Zidov) on January 28th, 1944, and delivered to Prievidza. - materials concerning the Achdut group of HaShomer HaTsair in Prievidza, including two diaries written by Jakov Jelinek between 1947 - 1948; - various materials concerning the El-Al ...

  13. Kazerne Dossin's library

    Kazerne Dossin's library is thematic and focused on the Holocaust. It contains mainly: - reference works on the persecutions and racial deportations (Jews and Roma people), the spoliations, the resistance, the rescue, the hidden children... in Belgium and in the north of France as well as in Europe, - undergraduate theses on Judaism and Jewish history - testimonies of survivors, hidden children, resistance fighters, sometimes published by authors. - a section of "precious books", published before 1950

  14. Steen Fischer papers

    Contains three Danish passports issued to Steen Fischer, a letter dated 1943 October 21, from Mr. Fischer to the Royal British Legation in Sweden asking to join the British military forces; and a response dated 1943 October 26. The third item is a letter dated 1985 April 29, from Danish Prime Minister Poul Schluter, responding to an earlier letter from Mr. Fischer.

  15. Družina Kukovec (1908-1981)

    • Kukovec family (1908-1981)

    Personal documents (diplomas, certificates); biography and obituary of Klara Kukovec.

  16. Weiss Žiga in soproga Paula roj. Freyer (Žid, Jud), Dolnja Lendava, vpis v mrliško matično knjigo, umrla v Veliki Kaniži in Auschwitzu, št. spisa 3088/47(Okrajni ljudski odbor Lendava)

    • Weiss Žiga and wife Paula, née Freyer (Jew, Jewish), Dolnja Lendava, entry in the death register, died in Velika Kaniža and Auschwitz, file no. 3088/47(People's Committee of the Lendava District)

    Weiss Žiga and wife Paula, née Freyer (Jew, Jewish), Dolnja Lendava, entry in the death register, died in Velika Kaniža and Auschwitz, file no. 3088/47 (People's Committee of the Lendava District). Also contains: testimonies of individuals about his suicide in Velika Kaniža and the death of his wife in a gas cell.

  17. Weiss Samuel (Žid, Jud), Dolnja Lendava, vpis v mrliško matično knjigo, umrl v Auschwitzu, št. spisa 3088/47 (Okrajni ljudski odbor Lendava)

    • Weiss Samuel (Jew, Jewish), Dolnja Lendava, entry in the death register, died in Auschwitz, file no. 3088/47 (People's Committee of the Lendava District)

    Weiss Samuel (Jew, Jewish), Dolnja Lendava, entry in the death register, died in Auschwitz, file no. 3088/47 (People's Committee of the Lendava District), also contains witness statements from individuals about his death in a gas cell.

  18. Odločba o proglasitvi Juda Jurija Baderja in njegove družine iz Dolnje Lendave za mrtve

    • Decision declaring the Jew Jurij Bader and his family from Dolnja Lendava dead

    Decision declaring the Jew Jurij Bader and his family from Dolnja Lendava dead. Note: Most of the Jews from Lendava were taken to Velika Kaniža on April 26, 1944, from where they were then transported to Auschwitz. According to the testimony of Jurij Bader's cousin, Pavel Bader, Jurij Bader was released in Velika Kaniža (Nagykanizsa) so that he could return to Lendava. In October 1944, they were interned once again. They were taken to prisons in Budapest, where they died during the bombing of Budapest at the end of 1944.

  19. Spisi Mestnega ljudskega odbora Dolnja Lendava za leto 1947

    • Files of the Municipal People's Committee of Dolnja Lendava for the year 1947

    From workflow number 2 to workflow number 2204. The following files from the series are of particular interest to Holocaust researchers: the 2-page file SI_PAM/0164/004/00007 (Potrditev internacije Judov trgovca Zsige Weisa in soproge Paule Weis iz Dolnje Lendave v Auschwitz, 1947.03.06), which is a confirmation of the internment of the Jews of the merchant Zsiga Weis and his wife Paula Weis from Dolnja Lendava in Auschwitz, 1947. 03.06), as it contains the confirmation of witnesses that both were interned on April 26, 1944, and that Zsiga Weis died in the camp in Velika Kaniža (Nagykanizsa...

  20. Seznam tujih državljanov, Judov, Romov ter demobilizirancev in invalidov v občini Dolnja Lendava

    • List of foreign nationals, Jews, Roma, demobilized and people with handicap in Dolnja Lendava