Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,501 to 33,519 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Former prisoners’ diaries, accounts, and questionnaires

    Post-war sources: - accounts by former Majdanek prisoners (VII/M – 777 units) - accounts by former prisoners of the Lublin Castle (VII/Z – 74 units) - recollections concerning the occupation in the Lublin region (VII/O – 259 units) Moreover, the collection includes: - questionnaires of the former prisoners (VII/133 - 56 units – 12942 questionnaires) - personal questionnaires of the former prisoners (VII/134 – 44 units) - interrogation reports of the District Commission for the Prosecution of Nazi Crimes in Poland (VII/135 – 257 units)

  2. Outside records (1941-1944)

    The records connected with the camp at Majdanek produced by different offices functioning in the Lublin region during the German occupation. The group of the most important materials in this collection includes notifications of prisoners’ deaths sent by the camp headquarters to Lublin’s Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic parishes (2777 documents) and orders of release from the camp issued by order police in 1944 (81 documents). The collection numbers 60 units.

  3. Private documents belonging to the prisoners (1813-1946)

    After the camp was liquidated some private documents were found in the area. The materials were divided into two groups: V-1 (a collection of documents with the names of people put in alphabetical order – 1244 documents in 29 units) and V-2 (systematized by nationalities, without names – 809 documents in 28 units). Among other things, the collection includes identification cards, passports, school certificates, photographs, letters, official correspondence, acts of legal assignments, notebooks, prescriptions, etc. One of the most important documents is “Marylka’s Diary”, a diary of a young ...

  4. The Archives of Prisoner Organizations (1942-1944)

    A significant part of the collection is secret letters, mainly addressed to families, written by prisoners in the years 1942-1944. Apart from illegal correspondence, the collection includes official postcards, which were allowed from spring 1943. The materials in this collection were handed over by the former prisoners and their families. They document the situation in the camp at different times of its functioning as well as prisoner self-help and camp resistance movement.

  5. Private documents of crew members and German soldiers (1939-1944)

    They include official identification cards, military IDs, private correspondence and diaries with some notes inside. While this collection was being compiled, it turned out that most documents did not belong to the camp crew, but to the German soldiers who were taken prisoners by the Soviets during Lublin battles. They were kept in a makeshift POW camp organized on one of the prisoner fields at Majdanek.

  6. Ecole, inscriptions, Relevés des élèves 1940 – 1944

    This collection contains materials on Jewish school children in Luxembourg city.

  7. Fichier du service de la population de la période de l’occupation avec information sur les déportés 1940 – 1944

    This collection contains materials from the administrative department of the city of Luxembourg concerning the deported citizens 1940-1944.

  8. Arrivés 1933 – 1941 ; Départ Etrangers 1938 – 1941

    These files contain the administrative files on foreigners registering in or leaving from the city of Luxembourg.

  9. Worship

    This collection is part of the Modern Archives (1795-2006) of the City Archives of Luxembourg. It is classified under Central Administration (LU - 1 Administration Centrale), General Secretary (LU - 11 Secrétariat Général). The collection contains documents pertaining to the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish religious communities. It contains among other things papers from the Jewish consistory concerning the appointment of Joseph Kratzenstein and Charles Lehrmann as rabbis, and the allowance for the prayer house after the demolition of the synagogue.

  10. Applications for obtaining permission to build/construct

    The bulk of this file contains requests for the construction of residential homes, changes of private buildings into corporate buildings (among others from Ditsch-Printz, Liebermann & Hertz, Sternberg, and Heintz von Landewyck). The file also contains a report of the economic situation of the city and country's movie theaters (letter of 12/01/1934) with racist remarks against Jews.

  11. Shoah in Luxemburg

    Issue of "Ons Stad" 71/2002 has an article on the Jews in Luxembourg.

  12. Die Alte Synagoge

    The journal Télécran's issue 24/2012 has in the article "Zeitreise mit der Kamera" illustrations of the old synagogue building in 1940 and in 2012

  13. Villa Levy - 257, route d'Arlon

    This collection contains the following files concerning the challenging of the sale of the Alfred Levy & Co. property to the City of Luxembourg in 1940: - Appeal against the judgment of 7 April 1948 - Notice of Appeal and adjournment - Question on the start of the special measures against the Jews - Appointment of Hengst - Testimony of Hengst concerning the acquisition of the Levy home - Civil Judgment in favour of Levy rendering the purchase of 08.30.1940 null and void (31.07.1950) - Cassation against the civil judgment of 31 July 1950 - Belgian Legation tenant Villa Levy - Supreme Cou...

  14. Villa Levy - 257, route d'Arlon

    This file contains documents concerning the challenging of the sale of the property to the City of Luxembourg by the company Alfred Levy & Co. in 1940. Documents include the contract of sale, the statement of accounts (balance sheet, results) of Levy & Co. in 1940, documents of the lawyers Thorn and Bonn, The April 7 judgment in favor of the City of Luxembourg

  15. Enseignement

    This collection is part of the Modern Archives (1795-2006) of the City Archives of Luxembourg. It is classified under Central Administration (LU - 1 Administration Centrale), General Secretary (LU - 11 Secrétariat Général). This file contains information on education and more specifically information concerning the admission of children of foreign nationality of whom the parents are domiciled abroad (Jews).

  16. Ministère des Affaires étrangères

    The record of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs contain among other subfonds the following three subfonds which contain information on the persecution and the fate of Jews in Luxembourg: government in exile, the Luxembourg embassy in Washington and World War II.

  17. Image Collection NIOD

    The collection covers the period from 1914 to 1949, with a particular emphasis on the 1930s (the Interbellum), the Second World War, the Bersiap period in the Dutch East Indies and the aftermath of the war.