Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 33,001 to 33,020 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Объединение "неарийских христиан" (г. Берлин)

    • Paulus-Bund Vereinigung nichtarischer Christen (Berlin); St. Paul Alliance of Non-Aryan Christians (Berlin)
    • Ob"edinenie "neariiskikh khristian" (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory, to which there is a geographical index. Certain documents catalogued in inventory no. 1 were transferred to the German Democratic Republic in 1957. The collection contains Alliance correspondence with Nazi German authorities defending the rights of "non-Aryan Christians," as well as correspondence with members of the organization on helping them find work, matriculate in programs of study, and travel abroad.

  2. Всемирная организация борьбы против расовой ненависти и нужды (г. Вена)

    • Weltorganisation gegen Rassenhass and Menschcnnot (Wien); World Organization Against Racial Hatred and Poverty (Vienna)
    • Vsemirnaia organizatsiia bor 'by protiv rasovoi nenavisti i nuzhdy (g. Vena)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. The collection contains bylaws, memoranda, platforms, minutes, instructions, and appeals of the World Organization; biographical information on the organization's leader, Irene Harand; applications to join the organization; correspondence with subscribers to the newspaper Gerechtigkeit (by country); lists of subscribers to the newspaper Gerechtigkeit; correspondence on providing aid to the Jewish population of Vienna; letters of invitation to Harand; proposals for publication in the n...

  3. Начальник полиции безопасности и СД на оккупированной территории советской Прибалтики (г. Рига)

    • Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei and des SD Ostland (Riga); Chief of the Security Police and SD in the Occupied Soviet Baltic Territories (Riga)
    • Nachal 'nik politsii bezopasnosti i SD na okkupirovannoi territorii sovetskoi Pribaltiki (g. Riga)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories. The inventories are, for the most part, arranged chronologically. The collection contains dispatches, German translations of documents, minutes, circulars, orders, reports, reviews, secret publications, accounts, correspondence, special bulletins, transcripts of testimony, and assorted other materials, such as copies of documents (from the German Democratic Republic) and maps. There is information on the participation of Jews in the partisan movement in the Baltics, and notes by the head of the Main Office of the Security Police a...

  4. Управление государственной тайной полиции (Гестапо) (г. Штеттин)

    • Geheime Staatspolizeistelle (Gestapo) (Stettin); Office of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) (Stettin)
    • Upravlenie gosudarstvennoi tainoi politsii (Gestapo) (g. Shtettin)

    The collection's contents are described in three inventories. Inventories no. 1 and 2 are systematized by structure; they catalogue documentary materials of the first section (organizational issues), the second section (domestic political surveillance), and the third section (intelligence and counterintelligence). The files catalogued in inventory no. 3 are systematized thematically: Stettin Gestapo circulars and internal documents; surveillance of the Communist Party of Germany and of anti-fascists; surveillance of persons suspected of espionage, and of companies, the mail, and the press; ...

  5. Центральное строительное управление войск СС и полиции (г. Аушвиц)

    • Waffen-SS und Polizei. Zentralbauleitung in Auschwitz; Waffen-SS and Police, Central Construction Office in Auschwitz
    • Tsentral'noe stroitel'noe upravlenie voisk SS i politsii (g. Aushvits)

    The Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police at Auschwitz (Oświęcim), subsequently renamed the Central Construction Office of the Waffen SS and Police, was created in 1940 with the commencement of construction of the concentration camp. Here, in October 1941, construction began on a prisoner of war camp. In 1943, the Auschwitz concentration camp was divided into three independent camps: Auschwitz I (the main camp), Auschwitz II (Birkenau), and Auschwitz III, subsequently renamed the Monowitz concentration camp. The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police at Auschwitz ...

  6. Управление государственной тайной полиции (Гестапо) (г. Берлин)

    • Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Berlin); Office of the Secret State Police (Gestapo) (Berlin)
    • Upravlenie gosudarstvennoi tainoi politsii (Gestapo) (g. Berlin)

    A significant portion of the collection's contents was transferred to the German Democratic Republic in the 1950s-70s. (These materials are noted in the inventories and are not included among the collection's files.) The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. Documents in the collection contain information on communist, social-democratic, anti-fascist, religious, and Jewish organizations in Germany; reports on "unreliable" persons; information on Masonic lodges; police surveillance files (for example, on the conduct of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin); agents' dispatche...

  7. Фашистские и профашистские организации Германии

    • German Fascist and Pro-Fascist Organizations
    • Fashistskie i profashistskie organizatsii Germanii

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory. The documents are catalogued by document type, according to the organization to which they belonged. The collection includes various documents of German Nazi, pro-fascist, and nationalist organizations, including the Berlin-Charlottenburg Antisemitic Union and the German Union for Nationalist Propaganda Abroad. Among these are charter documents of organizations; correspondence between organizations and rank-and-file members; circulars, propagandistic literature, and Nazi periodicals; as well as membership cards, inventories, and pers...

  8. Имперское министерство экономики (г. Берлин)

    • Reichswirtschaftministerium (Berlin); Reich Ministry of Economics (Berlin)
    • Imperskoe ministerstvo ekonomiki (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in 54 inventories, all of which are arranged by structure. The inventories are loose-leaf and type-written, and include inventory section indexes; there is a cartographic index to. the collection's files and an index of inventory titles. The collection contains thematically organized files consisting of circulars, orders, decrees, and correspondence devoted to restricting the rights of Jews in Germany and German-occupied territories (including the Soviet Union, the Baltic republics, and Belorussia) with regard to personal and property insurance, the ...

  9. Немецко-фашистские административные и судебные органы на временно оккупированных территориях

    • Nazi German Administrative and Judicial Agencies in the Temporarily Occupied Territories
    • Nemetsko-fashistskie administrativnye i sudebnye organy na vremenno okkupirovannykh territoriiakh

    The collection's contents entered the RGVA among materials brought by the Soviet Army from the territory of Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Poland in 1945-46, and from the First Special Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1953. The collection is described in one inventory, arranged structurally. The collection includes a broad range of documentary materials of German administrative and judicial agencies in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, as well as edicts and orders of the occupation authorities on the structure of administrative services and degrees of jurisdi...

  10. Главное управление имперской безопасности Германии (РСХА) (г. Берлин)

    • Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) (Berlin); Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) (Berlin)
    • Glavnoe upravlenie imperskoi bezopasnosti Germanii (RSKhA) (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in six inventories. Inventories no. 1, 2, and 6 are arranged by structure and chronology, and catalogue documents of departments I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII of the RSHA. Inventories no. 3, 4, and 5 are arranged by document type. These inventories catalogue orders, edicts, directives, instructions, accounts, surveys, reports, dispatches, employee directories, surveillance files, and correspondence of the Reich Security Main Office and its subordinate entities regarding the issues indicated. RSHA documents include orders, edicts, and other regulatio...

  11. Дочерние ложи Великой ложи Германии "Бней-Брит"

    • Affiliated Lodges of the German Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith
    • Dochernie lozhi velikoi lozhi Germanii evreiskogo ordena "Bnei-Brit"

    The collection's contents are described in two inventories. In them, documents are catalogued by type. The collection features an accumulation of documents of affiliated lodges of the German Grand Lodge of the Order of B'nai B'rith in 36 German cities, including East Prussia (in Allenstein/Osterode), Abraham Geiger (Berlin), Berthold Auerbach (Berlin), Gabirol (Berlin), Montefiore (Berlin), Spinoza (Berlin), Julius Fenchel (Berlin), Leopold Zunz (Braunschweig), Lessing (Berlin), Nehemia Nobel (Naumburg), Leibniz (Hannover), Zion (Hannover), Friedrich (Heidelberg), Silesia (Berlin), Moritz L...

  12. Союз еврейской молодежи "Ринг" (г. Берлин)

    • Bund Judischer Jugend "Ring"; Union of German Jewish Youth "Ring" (Berlin)*
    • Soiuz evreiskoi molodezhi "Ring" (g. Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in one inventory. The inventory is arranged by document type. The collection includes the "Ring" union charter; circular letters of the union and its local chapters for 1933-36; lists of union members; the program of the 5th conference of the Association of Jewish Youth Societies in Germany, held in Düsseldort appeals by Jewish youth organizations on the holding of charity events; the Montefiore Jewish youth organization's plan of operation for 1925-26; correspondence with union members and local chapters on organizing lectures and submitting reports...

  13. Krajowy Zakład Leczniczy w Międzyrzeczu - Obrzycach

    • Landesheilanstalt Meseritz-Obrawalde
    • Regional Treatment Institute in Międzyrzec-Obrzyce
  14. Polsko-Brytyjskie Towarzystwo Okrętowe S.A.

    • Polish-British Shipping Company

    Files include official correspondence regarding reservations, copies of tickets, lists of émigré passengers, among whom were large numbers of Jews, and shipping documents. These materials are an interesting source for research into emigration of Jews from Poland on the eve of the outbreak of World War II. They contain considerable information on mutual aid campaigns by Jewish organizations, which assisted with all the formalities surrounding emigration. There is also a large volume of correspondence regarding reservations and information.

  15. Akta miasta Łowicza

    • Files of the town of Łowicz

    The collection contains i. a. information on forced labour among Jewish artisans in the years 1940-1942, including in the local labour centre established specifically for this purpose, the Dom Pracy (Labour House, call no. 3045, 3046, 3052), as well as a list of Jews dating from 1940 (call no. 3060) and documents referring to confiscations of industrial plants owned by Jews.

  16. Akta Miasta Lublina. 1939-1944

    • Files of the city of Lublin

    The collection contains i.a. materials concerning the establishment of the ghetto, “lists of deaths” among the Jews, and forced labour, and also large numbers of residential registration ledgers

  17. Rejencja Opolska

    • Rejencja Opolska
    • Opole Regional Administration

    The collection comprises i.a.the extensive correspondence in connection with the destruction and liquidation of synagogues during the Kristallnacht, 9-10 November 1938, and other antisemitic incidents; documents of the Związek Żydów Polskich (Union of Polish Jews) and other materials (file with the call no. 1963, Wydział I [Department I]).

  18. Kalevi-Liiva süüdistab

    • Kalevi-Liiva accuses, Documentary
    • Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.203.1436
    • English
    • 1961
    • Record contains film tape (b/w, sound; 35 mm), duration 21 minutes.

    Contains video materials about a show trial in Tallinn (March 6-11, 1961) against war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik, who were accused of a massacre in Kalevi-Liiva (Camp Jägala).

  19. Fašistlike sõjaroimarite kohtuprotsess Tallinnas 6.-11 märts 1961.a. A. Mere, R. Gerretsi ja J. Viigi süüasjus

    • Process in Tallinn (March 6-11, 1961) against fascist war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik
    • Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.319.77
    • English
    • 1961
    • Record number 77 contains 18 audiotapes, with total duration ca. 27 hours, (EFA.319.77. parts I-XVIII).

    Contains audio recorded show trial in Tallinn (March 6.-11. 1961) against war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik, who were accused of participation in a massacre of German and Czech Jews in Kalevi-Liiva (Camp Jägala) in September 1942.

  20. Tartu protsess sõjaroimarite Ervin Viksi. Karl Linnase, Juhan Jüriste üle (16.-20. 01. 1962)

    • Process in Tartu against war criminals Ervin Viks, Karl Linnas and Juhan Jüriste (January 16.-20, 1962)
    • Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.319.79
    • English
    • 1962
    • Record number 79 contains 16 audiotapes, with total duration ca. 21 hours, (EFA.319.79, parts I-XVI).

    Contains audio recorded show trial (January 16-20, 1962) in Tartu against war criminals Ervin Viks, Karl Linnas and Juhan Jüriste, who were accused in the massacre of local people (including local Jews) in Tartu 1941-1942.