Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,801 to 32,820 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Rukšėnas K. Hitlerininkų politika Lietuvoje 1941-1944 metais (Istorijos mokslų kandidato disertacija)

    • Nazi Policy in Lithuania 1941-1944 (K. Rukšėnas, PhD Dissertation)

    This work contains information about Nazi attitudes toward Jews, about forced labour camps for Jews, and about Jewish prisoners in Lithuanian jails.

  2. Ukmergės kalėjimas

    • Ukmergė Prison

    Many files of people who were arrested and interrogated at the prison; files of political and criminal prisoners and POW's; personal files of Jews who were imprisoned there from the end of June 1941 until September 1941, as well as documents about prison activities.

  3. Lietuvių saugumo policijos Vilniaus apygarda

    • Litauische Sicherheitspolizei Bezirk Wilna
    • Lithuanian Security Police of Vilnius District

    This collection contains "reports by the security police about arrested and wanted Jews, reports by agents of the security police about Jews in hiding and Christians who help them" (Žirikova Galina, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius, Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, 2011, p. 12. Information about communists, related to Communist party or suspected to be communists; list of the Lithuanian policemen who were accomodated ...

  4. Vilniaus sunkiųjų darbų kalėjimas (Vilniaus Lukiškių kalėjimas)

    • Das Lukischki-Gefängnis in Wilna
    • The Hard-Labour Prison in Vilnius (Lukiškės Prison) of the Lithuanian Ministry of Justice

    This collection contains "documents concerning the handing over of the Jewish inmates to the Special Squad that exterminated Jews in Paneriai" (Galina Žirikova, Lietuvos centrinio valstybės archyvo fondai: holokausto Lietuvoje tyrimo šaltinis (The Collections of the State Archive of Lithuania: a Source of Research on the Holocaust in Lithuania), Vilnius: Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono Žydų Muziejus, p. 12. Subfonds 1 and 3-5 include: alphabetical personal files of the prisoners; lists of arrested people (most of whom were Jews); list of arrested Jews who were handed over to the SS; labour ...

  5. Panevėžio apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreischef des Kreises Ponewesch
    • Regional Administration of Panevėžys County

    Various kinds of documentation concerning the situation in the town and district; orders, reports, and circulars of the head of the district; lists of residents, lists of confiscated private property of local Jews throughout the district; applications of residents to obtain private property and houses of Jews; reports of the chief of Panevėžys County to the Gebietskommissar about lists of people who had received private property of Jews for free or had bought them; lists of people (295 names) who had purchased private property of Jews made up by the liquidation commission of the head of the...

  6. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Panevėžio skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung-Ponewesch des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Chief of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania of the Panevėžys Branch of Lithuanian General Region

    The fonds contains reports of Police precints chiefs of the districts to Police chief of the Panevėžys district concerning exile of local residents to Siberia on June 1941; reports about the first days of the Nazi occupation in the district; reports from the Security police about arrested Jews, communists and ect.

  7. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Kriminalinės policijos Alytaus rajonas

    • Security Police and SD Commander of the Lithuanian Criminal Police in Alytus District

    Documentions concerning confiscation of Jewish property, proceeding files for people who were accused in stolling Jewish belongings.

  8. 1-asis lietuvių policijos batalionas

    • Das Litauische Schutzmannschafts - W-Bataillon Nr. 1
    • Lithuanian 1st Police Battalion

    The main function of the battalion was to guard important structures and sites (bridges, military storages, police offices, camps of the war prisoners, and forced labours camps of the Jews). Also soldiers of the battalion participated in persecution and annihilation of Jews. The fonds consists of correspondence concerning tasks for soldiers, reports and orders of the chiefs of the battalion, list of soldiers, and personal documents.

  9. Saugumo policijos ir SD vado Lietuvai Lietuviškasis Panevėžio skyrius

    • Litauische Abteilung-Ponewesch des Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Litauen
    • Panevėžys Department of the Security Police and SD in Lithuania

    The fond consist of files about persecution and, arrests; anti-semitic documents and reports, documents about mixed marriages and families; lists of arrested Jews, lists of Jews who were given to Nazi Security Police authorities; reports on moods of locals, files of investigations. Correspondence of the Chief of the Department of Local Security Police and SD with Nazi authorities; list of staff members of the Security Police in Panevėžys.

  10. Vilniaus 190-oji kariuomenės apgyvendinimo valdyba

    • Heeresunterkunftsverwaltung 190 Wilna
    • German Army Housing Administration 190, Vilnius

    There are documents (correspondence, reports, circulars) concerning forced labour of Jews in labour camps in Vilnius (Wilna) and Kaunas (Kovno).

  11. Religijų reikalų taryba prie Lietuvos TSR Ministrų Tarybos

    • The Board of Religious Affairs Under the Council of Ministry of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic

    Register of communities; surveillance files of Jewish religious communitie; correspondence concerning activities against members of the Jewish religious communities during the period of Soviet occupation.

  12. Šiaulių apskrities valsčių savivaldybės

    • Municipalities of the Local Rural District of Šiauliai

    Documents concerning activities of the municipalities of the local rural districts Gaščiūnai, Joniškis, Klovainiai, Lygumai, Linkuva, Pakruojis, Radviliškis, Stačiūnai, and Šiaulėnai, including various correspondence, reports, notes, registers, letters, announcements, restrictions, applications from residents and permissions issued by the authorities; documentation concerning private property, business, taxes, issuing of passports; documentation concerning confiscation of Jewish property (lists of belongings, lists of owners, documents about evaluation of the belongings, register of local r...

  13. Antinacistinės rezistencijos spauda. Lietuvos generalinė sritis

    • Collection of Press Items from Anti-Nazi Resistance. Lithuanian General Region

    'Prints by the Union of the Lithuanian Fighters' for Freedom: "Laisvės kovotojas", ,"Laisvas žodis", "Apžvalga", "Frontas"; proclamations, appeals, letters, posters. Prints by the members of the various organization in Lithuania (prints: ,"Į laisvę", "Lietuvių frontas", "Lietuvių fronto biuletenis", "Pogrindžio kuntaplis", "Atžalynas", "Baltija", "Nepriklausoma Lietuva", "Karinės ir politinės žinios", "Lietuvos laisvės trimitas", "Vieninga kova", "Mūsų žemė", "Naujas žygis", "Naujo žygio apžvalga", "Tautos žodis", "Lietuva", "Naujoji Lietuva", "Vardan tiesos". Some of the prints have antise...

  14. Vilniaus apygardos teismo prokuroras

    • Staatsanwalt beim Bezirksgericht Wilna
    • Prosecutor of Vilnius District Court

    Personal files (Jewish names included) of citizens who have committed crimes or have been suspected in committment of crime (photo of arrested person is included). The files consist of personal information as well as information of the members of the family.

  15. Vilniaus miesto policijos vakarinės apylinkės vadas

    • Stadtpolizei Wilna Abschnittsführer West
    • Chief of the Western District of the Vilnius City Police

    Reports, orders and correspondence of the Chief of Police; information concerning arrests of residents and investigations on arrests; information regarding Soviet prisoners of war and escaped prisoners.

  16. Lietuvių savisaugos dalių štabai

    • Kommandod der Litauischen Selbstschutzeinheiten
    • Lithuanian Self-Defence Battalions

    Documentation on activities of Lithunian self-defence battalions, lists of soldiers of the battalions (personal data and personal photos included).

  17. Lazdijų apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreis-chef des Kreises Lasdien
    • Chief of Lazdijai District

    The fonds consist of documents of local collaborator' institutions and Nazi authorities, including: various kind of reports, orders, circulars, correspondence, register books of residents, lists of arrested people, lists of Soviet war prisoners, and lists of confiscated Jewish property (with names of owners). There are also documents concerning establishment of the ghetto in Lazdijai and about anti-Jewish moods amongst local residents.

  18. 1940 -1941 m. rinkimų dokumentų kolekcija

    • The Collection of the Election Documents (1940-1941)

    Lists of the electors (with many Jewish names) from many districts of Lithuania on December 1940-January 1941; statistics on the electors by nationality.

  19. Šiaulių apskrities valsčių savivaldybės

    • The Municipalities of Šiauliai Local Rural Districts

    Documents of activities of Gaščiūnai, Joniškis, Klovainiai, Lygumai, Linkuva, Pakruojis, Radviliškis, Stačiūnai, Šiaulėnai local rural districts municipalities (various correspondence, reports, notes, registers, letters, announcements, restrictions, applications of residensts and permissions issued by the authorities; documentation concerning private property, business, taxes, issuing of passports; also documentation concerning confiscation of the Jewish property (lists of belongings, lists of owners, documents on evaluation of belongings, register of local residents have bought Jewish prop...

  20. Kauno apskrities viršininkas

    • Der Kreischef in Kauen
    • Chief of the District of the City of Kaunas

    Circulars and announcements by Nazi authorities, including announcements from the Kaunas administrative region commissar SA Oberfurer A. Lentzen concerning the limiting of the activities of local Jews 4/8/1941; order by the Kaunas administrative region commissar sent to the head of the county to bring together all Jews in order to establish their number 22/8/1941. Circulars and announcements from local administration, including circular from the head of the Kaunas county sent to all heads of rural districts and police chiefs concerning establishment of the Kaunas ghetto 15/8/1941; orders gi...