Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 32,581 to 32,600 of 33,519
Language of Description: English
  1. Národní soud, Praha

    • National Tribunal, Prague
    • Nár. S.
    • NAD 925
    • Národní archiv
    • 925
    • English
    • 1945-1947
    • 23 linear metres of documents from which all are processed and inventoried and accessible.

    The fonds consists of the documents and files of 39 cases (including three cases of honour). Among the defendants, there were (next to the members of the Protectorate government and the state president) leaders of Vlajka (the Flag), of Liga proti Bolševismu (the League against Bolshevism), of Národní obec fašistická (National Fascist Community) at other social movements and Czech journalists participated on the Nazi propaganda. One of the economic leaders tried at the National Tribunal was Jan Antonín Baťa, the owner of Bata group. Jewish related documents in this fonds consists of the anti...

  2. Срески одбор Савеза бораца Народноослободилачког рата Србије, Земун

    • County Council of the People's Liberation War Veteran's Association of Serbia, Zemun
    • Sreski odbor Saveza boraca Narodnooslobodilačkog rata Srbije, Zemun

    Different documents about prisoners in concentration camps in Yugoslavia and abroad, lists of veterans, WW II victims, questionnaires for deaths and missed persons during WW II.

  3. Card index of the “general documents” of the collection Incarceration and Persecution

    Card index of the “general documents”: Descriptions, among others, of the general documents of the Concentration Camp Collection. Their structure follows a multi-level classification on the overall topics Concentration Camp, SS-Construction Brigades, SS-Iron Construction Brigades, Extermination Camps, Youth Protection Camps, Police Detention Camps under the command of the security police, Slave-Labor Camps for Jews, Ghettos and a chronological index. The referenced collection contains, among others: correspondence, decrees and orders from the Reich Main Security Administration and the SS Ec...

  4. Documentation from Regional Archives in Ukraine, 1934-1966

    In the collection there are files from the following regional archives in Ukraine: the State Archive in the Lvov region, the State Archive in the Ivano-Frankovsk region, the State Archive in the Chervovtsy region, the State Archive in the Khmelnitskiy region, the State Archive in the Vinnitsa region, the State Archive in the Kiev region, the State Archive in the Rovno region, the State Archive in the Ternopol region, the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine (Lvov), the State Archive of the Office of Internal Affairs in Ukraine, the State Archive of the City of Kiev, the Vernadskiy C...

  5. Zydowska Samopomoc Spoleczna (ZSS-Jewish Self Aid) activities in the Generalgouvernement, 1939-1943

    In the documentation: The ZSS documentation includes correspondence between the administration of the organization in Krakow and the branches throughout the Generalgouvernement, and correspondence with the German governmental authorities, the Judenrats, and various Jewish relief organizations, such as CENTOS, ORT, TOZ and welfare organizations outside of Poland, mainly the JDC. In the correspondence there are requests for social welfare in various areas, itemization of aid and welfare activities including assistance to those in need and Jewish refugees, the establishment and maintenance of ...

  6. Lietuvos SSR valstybės saugumo komitetas (KGB)

    • Security Committee (KGB) of Lithuania SSR

    Criminal proceedings (protocols of interrogations, information which deals with personal data of the arrested persons, photos, sometimes-small personal belongings (certificates, books, checks, drawings, photos of the members of the family and ect.), protocols of the questioning to witnesses, various decrees and reports (part of them with the sign: Secret). The subfonds includes approx. 1034 criminal files for people who have been suspected or accused of colaboration, for people who partipicated in mass killings of Jews ect.). - Criminal files No. 8890/3, 36137/3, 739/3, 45275/3, 36138/3, 20...

  7. Lietuvos partizaninio judėjimo štabas

    • The Command of Lithuanian Partisan Movement

    Documents related to the activities of the Vilnius and Kaunas ghetto prisoners' in Soviet partisans squads in Lithuania in 1942-1944: diaries, correspondence, letters and notes, descriptions of everyday life in the unit at the forest, documents of the activities of each squad (reports, announcements, orders, instructions, lists of oldiers, time tables of operations and ect). Also there are personal files of members of partisan movement, movement members' alphabetical index (1941-1949), documents of Awards Commission of Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic (awards for veterans of WWII (1958-...

  8. Documents of Persecution

    • Židovské muzeum v Praze
    • Czech, German, English
    • The collection contains 90 boxes of documents (9.79 bm) organised into 79 groups and cannot be considered closed, being added to with new acquisitions. New groups could also gradually be added.

    This collection originated as a documentation of the persecution and genocide of Jews in the Czech lands excluding the archival materials relating to the history of the Terezín ghetto, which forms a separate collection. The content of the collection comprises originals, copies and transcripts of official documents and personal estates, as well as prints, newspaper clippings, maps, memoirs and a small amount of non-written material. The Documents of Persecution collection is a source of information on Holocaust history of Bohemian and Moravia Jews, and to a lesser extent also Slovakian Jews....

  9. Lietuvos TSR mokslų akademijos Istorijos instituto archyviniams dokumentams skelbti redakcijos veiklos bylų apyrašas Nr. 55

    • Lithuanian SSR Academy of Sciences History Institute's Activities Concerning the Publishing of the Edited Archival Records. Subfonds No 55

    The subfond consists of the files of collections of the microfilmed copies of interrogation minutes of the persons sentenced for collaboration with Nazis and killings of the Jews. There is a possibility to finds copies of the files concerning activities of collaborators in almost every district of Lithuania. Files from No. 68 to 215 are related to collaboration and participation in mass killings: - Files No. 130, 131, 145: Ukmergė district. - Files No. 128, 138, 145: Trakai district. - Files No. 98-100: Kaunas district. - Files No. 105-106: mass killings in Paneriai. - File No 132: Utena di...

  10. Ministerstvo vnitra I., Praha

    • Ministry of Interior I., Prague
    • NAD 1075
    • Národní archiv
    • 1075
    • English
    • 1918-1948
    • The fonds consists out of 2147 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 214 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    Documents of this fonds illustrate the broad scope of the agenda of the Ministry of Interior. It included, apart from the security and administrative matters, also minority and language issues, citizenship, population register, press and censorship issues, and also the agenda of the then non-existing Ministry of Social Welfare. The most valuable documents can be found mainly in the presidial part the fonds, where the events of the period can be studied from the situation reports of district and provincial authorities. Documents relating to the history of the Holocaust can mainly be found in...

  11. Úřad říšského protektora v Čechách a na Moravě, Praha

    • Amt des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren, Prag
    • Office of the Reichsprotector in Bohemia and Moravia, Prague
    • ÚŘP
    • Národní archiv
    • 1005
    • English
    • 1939-1945
    • 255, 12 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and accessible and 50, 52 linear metres are unprocessed and not accessible

    In the fonds, there are many jewish related documents and for studying the theme of protectorate Jews it is a fundamental fonds. There are documents related generally to the status of Jews in the Protectorate, their legal status in the freelance work or in the state administrative. Valuable documents are related to the Aryanization/Arisierung of the jewish property (jewish companies, trades, traffics, agricultural and forestry companies, timber companies) and its later redistribution, various lists of aryanizated property and lists of posted Treuhänders. There are also documents about the N...

  12. Ministerstvo práce a sociální péče - repatriace, Praha

    • Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare - repatriation, Prague
    • Ministerium für Arbeit und soziale Wohlfahrt - Repatriierung, Prag
    • MPSP-R
    • Národní archiv
    • 1146
    • English
    • 1938-1951
    • 441,62 linear metres from which 441,5 linear metres of documents are processed and inventoried and 0,12 linear metres are unprocessed. The fonds is partially accessible.

    The fonds contains important documents about refugees, immigration and emigration issues and about the repatriation and reemigration between 1938 and 1950/1. There are documents from each section of the Institute for the Care of Refugees (1938) (socio-medical, evacuation and financial section) i and also from the Institute for the Care of relocated people (functioning from 1940) in the fonds. The most valuable documents are deposited in boxes 16-895, there is an administrative agenda of emigration - applications for the emigration, further more applications for transports. There are card fi...

  13. Ministerstvo financí I, Praha

    • NAD 517
    • MF I
    • Ministry of Finance
    • Finanzministerium
    • Národní archiv
    • 517
    • English
    • 1918-1945
    • The collection consists out of 344 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 56,1 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    After the Munich Agreement in September 1938 and the establishment of the so called 2nd Czechoslovak Republic the new government in January 1939 took out a loan in Great Britain, part of which was set off as a support for the emigration of Czech and Moravian Jews to Palestine. On the base of a treaty between the Ministry of Finance and the Jewish Agency for Palestine the Czechoslovak Government supported Jewish emigration out of the country. Between October 1938 and July 1939 about 12 000 Jews left the country, mostly to Palestine. In the time of the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia the Min...

  14. Ministerstvo sociální péče, Praha

    • Ministry of Social Welfare, Prague
    • MSP
    • Národní archiv
    • 1028
    • English
    • 1918-1951
    • 631,5 linear meters from which 566 linear meters of documents are processed and inventoried and 65,5 linear meters are unprocessed.

    The Ministry of Social Welfare was during the years of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in charge of supporting the Jewish emigration abroad. The Ministry developed guidelines for the employment of Jews in the civil service, their legal status, control of Jewish names, Aryan certificates, Employment Law for Jews, Pension payments to Jews,

  15. Policejní ředitelství Praha II

    • Polizeipräsidium Prag II
    • Prague Police Directorate II
    • PŘ II
    • NAD 1420
    • Národní archiv
    • 1420
    • English
    • 1914-1953
    • The fonds consists out of 4809,23 linear meters of processed and accessible documents. 4766,23 linear meters are inventoried and accessible documents. 84,34 linear meters are unprocessed and unaccessible.

    The fonds has informations about police, police authorities, criminal police, street police, passports, arms passports, national security, public safety, national security Corps, National Guard security, national security, police affairs, censorship, confiscation of print, personals, population registers and civil defense

  16. Generální velitel neuniformované protektorátní policie, Praha

    • Generalkommandant der nichtuniformierten Protektoratspolizei, Prag
    • General Commander of the non-uniformed Protectorate Police
    • NAD 919
    • Národní archiv
    • 919
    • English
    • 1942-1945
    • The collection consists out of 1,2 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 12,2 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The fonds contents out of different material concerning the Criminal Police in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Of special interest are the camp rules of different Arbeitserziehungslager (AEL) including Svatobořice (Swatoborschitz), were also family members of emigrated Jews ("jüdisch versippt") were captured.

  17. Generální velitel četnictva, Praha

    • GVČ
    • Generalkommandant der Gendarmerie, Prag
    • NAD 1009
    • General Commander of the Gendarmerie
    • Národní archiv
    • 1009
    • English
    • 1918-1942
    • The collection consists out of 25 linear meters of processed and inventoried documents. 1.9 linear meters are unprocessed and inaccessible.

    The Gendarmerie in the pre-war Czechoslovak Republic was a militarily organized security force, according to the applicable legal requirements and according to the relevant state authorities to maintain public order and security throughout the territory of Czechoslovakia. It was also responsible for the border control and sent illegal emigrants from Nazi-Germany, under them also Jews, back to Germany. After the establishment of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the Gendarmerie became part of the occupation administration. Gendarmes were given functions such as auxiliary police, accom...

  18. Коллекция документов "Евреи СССР в тылу и эвакуации"

    • Collection of documents "USSR Jews in Evacuation"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Jevreji SSSR v tylu i evakuacii"

    The collection consists of the material concerning personal stories of the Jewish families who were able to escape country to the East in the first days of the war. There are various correspondence between soldiers of the Soviet Red Army and family members in evacuation, also personal photos and photos taken in evacuation; personal documents; memories about life in evacuation, diaries and notebooks with memories.

  19. Коллекция документов "Праведники Народов Мира"

    • Collection of documents "Righteous Among the Nations"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Pravedniki Narodov Mira"

    The collection stores the material about rescuing of Jews during the Holocaust in the territory of the Russian Federation, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia. The material consists of memories of the rescuers and interviews with them, photos of the rescuers and rescued people. Also there are documents (medals and diplomas also) and correspondence concerning Righteous Among the Nation award; articles and publications with the personal stories of the rescue.

  20. Коллекция документов "Холокост на территории России"

    • Collection of documents "Holocaust in the Territory of Russia"
    • Kollektsiya dokumentov "Holokost na teritorii Rossiyi"

    The collection consists of the documents on the history of the Holocaust in Russian Federation from 1941 to 1944: memories compiled after the war (mostly by relatives), correspondence between relatives and these who later were killed, photos (pre-war family and personal photos of victims of the Holocaust), personal documents (mostly various certificates), the memories of the extermination of Jews, various correspondence. The collection includes the archival certificates about mass extermination of Jews in the Rostov district, a list of the killed Jews in Klintzy (Bryansk district). Collecte...