Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,441 to 26,460 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Okresný úrad v Ilave I

    • District Office in Ilava I

    The fonds contains documents of the District Office in Ilava which was the regional state administration body. The fonds is quite well preserved. It contains files pertaining to the so-called Aryanization, temporary administration of Jewish households, files pertaining to the forced labor of Jews and to the creation of the labor camps. Besides those there are also documents pertaining to activities of the branch of the Jewish Center (Ústredňa Židov) in district Ilava. Some documents pertain to the expulsion of Jews from the center of the town of Ilava in 1942, to deportations of Jews from I...

  2. Главно управление на народното здраве

    • Glavno upravleniye na narodnoto zdrave
    • Main Office of Public Health

    Contains drafts and correspondence regarding medical services, mobilization of Jewish dentists, and payments for confiscated dental equipment of Jewish dentists. Includes name lists of doctors sent to Thrace and Macedonia and lists of people mobilized to the health services (including mobilized Jewish doctors).

  3. Независими работнически професионални съюзи (НРПС)

    • Nezavisimi rabotnicheski profesionalni suyuzi (NRPS)
    • Independent Workers Trade Unions

    Contains appeals against military preparations, military fascist government, and increasing government spending for military preparations.

  4. Министерство на вътрешните работи и народното здраве (МВРНЗ) - Дирекция на общините и обществените грижи

    • Ministerstvo na vutreshnite raboti i narodnoto zdraviye (MVRNZ) - Direktsiya na obshtinite i obshtestvenite grizhi
    • Ministry of Internal Affairs and Public Health - Municipalities and Social Services Directorate

    The collection contains correspondence, decrees, and memoranda relating to the location of German troops, tax, financial, and property regulations, replacement of Jewish workers in the city of Vidin, Bulgaria, and memoranda regarding decorations, bonuses for the killing of partisans, and financial compensation for Allied bombardment.

  5. Български зъболекарски съюз

    • Bulgarski zubolekarski suyuz
    • Association of Bulgarian Dentists

    Contains correspondence and list of members of the Association of Bulgarian Dentists. Includes correspondence relating to the confiscation of telephones from Jewish offices and prohibition of dental practices by Jews.

  6. Комисарство по Еврейските Въпроси

    • Commissariat for Jewish Questions
    • Komisarstvo po Evreyskite Vuprosi

    Contains personal files; lists of the real estate property of Jews; lists of persons of Jewish origin; bank inventories and receipts for deposited Jewish property; correspondence regarding Jewish rights and duties, the payment of taxes by Jews, the expropriation and sale of Jewish property, the “New Territories” of Thrace and Macedonia, and the establishment of ghettos; announcements of actions for the sale of expropriated Jewish property; an agreement for the initial deportation of 20,000 Jews; reports on the rounding up and resettlement of Jews; plans for temporary concentration camps; na...

  7. Okresný úrad v Púchove

    • District Office in Púchov

    The fonds contains documents of the District Office in Púchov which was the state administration body. It contains douments on forced labor of Jews living at the territory of Púchov district, so-called requalification of Jews and various anti-Jewish measures in 1939-1945. Those include house searches, so-called Aryanization of enterprise property, work permissions. Some documents pertain to the Jewish Elementary School in Bolešov, or Jewish birth records. Many files pertain to the expropriation of Jewish real estate property. There are files on the deportation of Jews from Púchov and surrou...

  8. Коллекция документов по Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.

    • Collection of documents related to the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

    Documents related to the period of occupation of Belgorod Oblast, Nazi atrocities, materials related to the liberation of the occupied territory; original letters of soldiers, memories of the participants of the war from Belgorod; award sheets (copies from TsAMO), memories of hospital staff.

  9. Чрезвычайная государственная комиссия по установлению и расследованию злодеяний немецко-фашистских захватчиков и их сообщников и причиненного ими ущерба гражданам, коллективным хозяйствам (колхозам), общественным организациям, государственным предприятиям и учреждениям СССР (ЧГК).

    • Extraordinary State Commision to Investigate the Crimes of the German Fascist Occupiers and their Accomplices and to Determine Resulting Casualties to Citizens, Collective Farms, Organizations, State Enterprises, and Institutions of the USRR

    This collection contains selected material about victims, crimes against persons, and perpetrators, and excludes information about crimes against property. Documents include victim name lists, protocols of interrogating eyewitnesses by local members of the Extraordinary Commission, and signed depositions summarizing the commission’s findings. Also included are photos, diagrams, and maps showing the location of atrocities and graves.

  10. SPF Justice. Service des Cultes et de la Laïcité. Dossiers du Culte israélite

    • Federal Public Service Justice. Department of Worship and Secularism. Files on the Jewish Religion

    The files relating to the Jewish religion originating from the "Worship Department" of the Ministry of Justice naturally fall within the scope of the powers exercised by department: namely, recognition of the Jewish religion, synagogues and local communities, relations between the State and representatives of the religion, appointments and salaries of rabbis and cantors and management of religious buildings. In fact, the fonds contains vital archives on the creation and management of all the country's synagogues as well as on the State's relations with the Central Consistory and most of the...

  11. Ministère des Affaires Economiques. Office belge de gestion et de liquidation)

    • Ministry of Economic Affairs. Belgian Administration and Liquidation Office

    This archival collection is of interest for three principle reasons. First, a study of the archives allows us to understand the establishment and operation of the Belgian Administration and Liquidation Office an organisation created by the State at the beginning of the Second World War for the management of Belgian property. Second, it also sheds light on the life of Belgians in London during the Second World War, through files other than those relating to the management of the Office, for example no. 114. Finally, a large number of the archives provides us with information on maritime tran...

  12. Delegatura Rzadu RP na Kraj

    • Government Delegation for Poland

    In terms of Holocaust research, the most important departments of the Delegation were as follows: Departament Spraw Wewnętrznych (Department of Internal Affairs – Security), above all files 26-28, whose content includes the personal files of Jews who collaborated with the Germans, and registration data from the Warsaw ghetto for the years 1941-1943. These are some of the most important documents for anyone researching the Polish Underground State. Departament Informacji i Prasy (Department of Information and Press), which covers areas such as radio tapping, reviews of the underground press,...

  13. Ministère des Finances. Archives de Carl Requette, liquidateur du Commissariat belge au rapatriement

    • Ministry of Finance. Carl Requette Archives, liquidator of the Belgian Repatriation Commission

    The documents in this fonds are either the specific products of Carl Requette's activity as liquidator or copies and original documents collected by him to serve as debt instruments or documentation. They come from the archives of the Belgian Commission for Repatriation (C.B.R.) as well as files transmitted by the Ministry of Public Health concerning Minister Marteaux's "hospital re-equipment" operation. Within its limited volume, the fonds has a considerable documentary value. It shines a light on Carl Requette's work as liquidator, but also that of the C.B.R. By including the documents th...

  14. Ministère de la Justice. Administration de la Sûreté publique. Police des étrangers. Dossiers généraux 2e série (Versement 2003)

    • Department of Justice. Public Security Administration. Foreign Police. General Files Series 2 (2003 Transfer)

    This fonds is, above all, a source of information on the role of the State in Belgian society, although its wealth goes far beyond this particular aspect of Belgium's political and social history. All the activities in which foreigners were involved on Belgian territory are mentioned. This ranges from religious orders to circuses and musicians, as well as (universal) exhibitions. The establishment of foreign companies was also the responsibility of the Foreign Police. Moreover, a multitude of subjects concerning foreigners such as the carrying of weapons, gambling, education, etc. were deal...

  15. Ministère des Affaires économiques. Direction de l'organisation professionnelle

    • Ministry of Economic Affairs. Directorate of Professional Organisation

    The archives inventoried here constitute a mine of information for anyone interested in the organisation and operations of the Belgian economy under German occupation, economic collaboration, or the persecution of Jews.

  16. Administration de la Sûreté Publique. Service de la Police des Étrangers. Dossiers individuels ouverts entre 1835 et 1912 (nos 1 – 999.999).)

    • Public Security Administration. Foreign Police Department. Individual files opened between 1835 and 1912 (no. 1 - 999.999.999).

    The Foreign Police opened an individual file on each foreigner who entered the country. The files are numbered in the order assigned to them when they were first opened. These files generally consisted of: a declaration of registration in a municipality, references to the family and professional situation and the period during which the foreigner wished to remain in Belgium; relocations and changes of residence; civil status records, including marriage, birth and death certificates; the files dating back to the 19th century contain few photos except for the files of so-called "dangerous" fo...

  17. Préfecture de Constantine. Service des questions juives et des sociétés secrètes

    • Prefecture of Constantine. Jewish Affairs and Secret Societies Department

    A note to the Secretary General for Administration dated 4 March 1942 (FR ANOM 93/3G1) details its remit: A - Status of Jews: requests to maintain the political status of French citizens, prohibited professions, requests to remain in prohibited professions, studies and interpretation of texts concerning Jews, directives to be provided to divisions B - Secret societies: Among other things, note to the Secretary General, undated, but written after March 1942 (FR ANOM 93/3G1), reviews the department’s establishment and reports on the department at that moment. It is worthwhile giving providing...

  18. Radios privées

    • Private radio stations

    Private radio stations since 1945 Several fonds from various private radio and programme companies acquired by the Ina (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel) or transferred as part of deposits and donations: La Voix de l'Amérique (1947–1975): this fonds includes programmes broadcast by the Parisian station of "La Voix de L' Amérique", a programme company broadcasting from North America. Gaston l'Herbier Fonds: selection of programmes broadcast mainly on Radio Luxembourg / RTL between 1947 and 1980. The fonds was created by radio technician Gaston L'Herbier during his professional career a...

  19. Archives de l'institut d'étude des questions juives

    • Archives of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Affairs

    The fonds of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Affairs (IEQJ) held by the Defence Historical Service (Vincennes) consists of the files of Captain Paul Sézille, Secretary of the IEQJ in 1941 and 1942 and organiser of the exhibition "Le Juif et la France" (The Jew and France), which was exhibited from September 1941 onwards. It also contains documents on the activity of this institute and another anti-semitic organisation called the Groupement des amis anti-juifs (Association of Anti-Jewish Friends).

  20. Fonds avant-guerre / guerre des ondes

    • Pre-war fonds / war of the airwaves

    Pre-war (1933–1940) The fonds includes programmes broadcast on state radio stations and private stations. - Public stations: Paris PTT, Radio Paris, Poste Colonial - Private stations: Poste Parisien, Radio cité, Radio Nîmes, Radio 37 Agence sonore Radio Actualités Françaises: several copies of material and reports that had been recorded on discs for distribution to different radio stations War of the airwaves (1940–1944) The fonds consists of radio recordings from different radio stations broadcasting: - In occupied areas: Radio Paris - In the free zone: Radio Vichy - In Free France...