Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 25,121 to 25,140 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Gestapo HQ Berlin: copy order re dissolution of B'nai Brith, Berlin

    Copy order from the Gestapo Headquarters, Berlin, to the chair of the B'nai Brith, Berlin, stating that B'nai Brith will be dissolved forthwith and that all the organisation's property will be confiscated (19 Apr 1937) copy nd

  2. Northampton Hostel for Evacuated Jewish Children: Papers

    Northampton Hostel for Evacuated Jewish Children: Papers 

  3. Cilly Haar collection

    Cilly Haar: Correspondence

  4. Copy letter re Mischling status of Hans von Dohnanyi

    This copy letter from Hitler's deputy, Martin Bormann, reports Hitler's decision to continue employing Hans von Dohnanyi as a lawyer, despite being a second class Mischling.

  5. Austrian Ministry of Finance: Gazette

    This official gazette of the Austrian Ministry of Finance lists all the artworks and other cultural goods, stolen by the Nazis, in the State's possession, which they wanted to return to their rightful owners.

  6. The Tythrop Institute: copy papers re appeal for funds

    This collection of copy papers deals with the project of a group called the Langham Committee, whose object was to put to work several hundred German, Austrian and Czech Jewish refugees on the renovation of a delapidated manor House and grounds, Tythrop House. For a system of block guarantees a small band of young people came together calling themselves 'the Langham Committee' which has been able to ensure that some 200 working class men and girls are able to enter Great Britain.This copy appeal and account documents the committee's activities. 929/3 is a narrative account of its activities...

  7. Lloyd Parfumerie: shampoo advertisement

    This German advertisement of the Lloyd Parfumerie for “Excentric Shampoo” appears, at some point, to have been used in an exhibition. On the reverse side are directions for use of the shampoo.

  8. Norbert Masur: Report re meeting with Himmler

    The report describes a meeting between Norbert Masur and Himmler in Berlin, 20 April 1945, which was arranged by Felix Kersten, Himmler's doctor, the objective of which was to bring about the release of Jews from concentration camps. The meeting resulted in the release of all the women from Ravensbrück and of prisoners from a number of other camps.

  9. Copy Neo-Nazi material

    This collection comprises copies of German neo-nazi periodicals arranged in alphabetical order (632/1); miscellaneous copy publications of (or about) neo-nazi organisations in Germany arranged in alphabetical order of organisation; copy articles re neo-nazi activities from the German press. All of the material is dated c1980.

  10. Airborne leaflet

    Leaflet “Sieg im Osten 1917-1940” No. 338German 

  11. Simson Klein collection

    The collection contains Simson's and Mary's letters to each other and to the authorities on the subject of Simson's interment on the Isle of Man as an enemy alien. There are also some digital copies of photographs of the Kleins.

  12. Anti-Jewish enactments in the Reichsprotektorat

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.It also includes some material on the deportation of Jews from Vienna, Prague and Brünn. In addition there is some reference to the deportation of Gypsies from Berlin and former Czechoslovakia. The papers provide a detailed insight into the logistics of deportation including the appropriation of belongings over the years 1939-1944. Reference is made to the preparation of Theresienstadt as a camp for deported Jews.Correspondents include the Zentralstelle jüdische Auswanderung, Prague; Israelitische Ku...

  13. Fürth family papers

    This collection consists of correspondence, documents and personal papers of the Fürth family, a family with Jewish roots, which has it's origins in the town of Susice, near Pilsen in the Czech Republic. They founded a paper mill in 1869, which was later run by Emil Fürth, grandfather of Peter Fürth, the main character of this family history, who was himself the son of paper manufacturer, Eugen Fürth. With the annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland, Emil and his wife Sophie, Eugen and Peter fled to France and their paper factories were confiscated along with property in the Czech Republi...

  14. Jewish Relief Unit volunteers: Index cards

    Jewish Relief Unit volunteers: Index cards 

  15. Regensburger family papers

    This collection of papers concerns the experiences of a German Jewish family which settled in Great Britain in 1939. Correspondence and personal papers of Resi Regensburg re naturalization, the possibility of voluntary work, restrictions for aliens and the remittance of money abroad

  16. Heydecker: family papers

    This collection contains personal papers and correspondence of the Heydecker family, German Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany who settled in Great Britain shortly before the outbreak of World War II.

  17. Birkenau: copy report re poison trace

    This collection comprises documents concerning the existence of poison traces in the debris taken from the crematorium at the death camp of Birkenau. It includes a request (887/1) from the Committee Investigating German War Crimes in Poland to the Institute of Toxicological Experts in Krakau to investigate and report on the extent to which various items salvaged from Birkenau contain traces of poison. the items include 25.5 kg of human hair; zinc metal sheets which covered the vent openings of the crematoria; mortar from the walls; and various metal objects. The report (887/2) concludes tha...

  18. Copy Correspondence re news of the Holocaust

    This collection of copy correspondence is concerned with the question of the first dissemination of information about the Holocaust. In particular the correspondence between historians and protagonists addresses Martin Gilbert's assertion that the first news of the Final Solution came via Chaim Pazner, worker in the Palestine Office in Geneva during the war. Correspondence from Dr S. Scheps, former director of the Palestine Office, Walter Laqueur, historian and co-author of Breaking the Silence, Gerhart M. Riegner, head of the World Jewish Congress, amongst others.Also included are some cop...

  19. Documentation re the publication of Auschwitz in England

    This collection consists of correspondence and contracts regarding the publication of Auschwitz in England , by Mavis M. Hill and L. Norman Williams. The collection consists primarily of correspondence and contracts re the publication of the book and issues relating toa BBC broadcast of a dramatisation of the book. In addition there is a copy transcript of the testimony of Dering during the trial (1418/146).