Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,161 to 24,180 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Nuremberg: War Crimes Trial (IMT) - Soviet compilation

    Russian film produced by the Central Studio of Documentary Films in Moscow about the War Crimes Trial (IMT) in Nuremberg. Reel 4 begins with archival footage of Warsaw bombardment: Goering pointing to a map, quickly cutting to an aerial LS of a descending German plane cuts to an aerial shot depicting bombs dropping past lens. CU Goering in courtroom. Montage of archival footage depicting German soldiers entering Paris, often smiling at the camera intercut with MS of French prosecutor addressing court. MS British Prosecutor Hartley Shawcross. Montage of footage of German U-boats under Doenit...

  2. Russian documentary

    Russian film produced by the Central Studio of the Red Flag of Documentary Films in Moscow. Includes footage of a memorial statue to victims of Kzasula village.

  3. Nuremberg: War Crimes Trials - Soviet compilation

    Russian film produced by the Central Studio of Documentary Films in Moscow about the War Crimes Trial (IMT) in Nuremberg, 1945-46. War footage: Warsaw destroyed, Operation Barbarossa, transports. Courtroom scenes: prosecutors and defendants enter, seated. Courtroom. Gen. Rudenko, Soviet prosecutor. Reel 1 begins with shots of defeated Berlin, Allied troops marching, hoisting flags and piloting tanks. MS of Nazi officers surrendering. Tracking and still MSs of Goering, Keitel, Doenitz, Goebbels' corpse, Jodl, Ribbentrop. Tracking shot of empty bombarded Nuremberg juxtaposed with archive foot...

  4. Emil and Erich Beamt letters

    Consists of copies of letters written by Erich Beamt and his brother, Emil Beamt, president of the Jewish community of Prostějov, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic), during the period from 1939 to 1942. The letters describe the sorrows and anxiety felt by the Beamt family members as they witnessed the Nazi advance during the early years of World War II and the family's strong desire to emigrate to Canada, the United States, or South America before their deportation.

  5. Llewellyn Zullinger photograph collection

    Consists of three photographs of the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp, and eight photographs of the liberation of the Ohdruf concentration camp.

  6. Αρχείο της Ιστορίας των Ελλήνων Εβραίων

    • Archive of the History of the Greek Jews
    • Archeio tis Istorias ton Ellinon Evraion

    The collection consists of documents related to the history of the Jews in Greece, the State policy towards the Jews, the situation of the Jews in Greece and the Balkan States as the Greek State was expanded from the end of the 19th century to the mid of the 20th century. It covers the Nazi-era and topics as the situation of the Greek Jews who lived in other countries, as Romania, the antisemitic measures taken by the German authorities, the deportations of the Jews in German and Bulgarian occupied zone, the case of the Jews in Dodecanese, the issue of the Italian Jews who lived in Greece, ...

  7. Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives

    This collection contains records from the "Jewish Collection-Archives of the History of the Jews in Greece, 1885-1957". Copies of documents taken from various fonds in the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs Archives, mainly from the central political files and the reports from Greek embassies and consulates, to create the "Jewish Collection".

  8. Memorbuch - Juden in St. Pölten

  9. Collection of Personal Effects

    The collection contains the personal effects of victims (e.g. glasses, toiletries, religious symbols, porcelain), waste materials from the daily operations of the institution (pots and pans, bottles, cups), and construction materials from the demolition of the Nazi euthanasia centre (clay bricks, fragments of white and red tiles, remains of electrical appliances).

  10. Biographical Collection

    The Documentation Centre Hartheim contains a collection of the personal documents and materials of the victims of the Nazi euthanasia that were provided to us by relatives and researchers. Where the relatives gave us permission to do so, we also show these documents in the exhibition station “Life traces”, where the victims can once more be seen as individual people with the diverse life stories.

  11. Documents Collection

    The collection contains sources and documentation on the general history of the National Socialist euthanasia programmes “T4” and “14f13” with a particular focus on the history of the Nazi euthanasia centre Hartheim. These are mostly copies or microfilms, but there are also some originals of contemporary documents.

  12. Photo Collection

    The collection contains photos from the history of the care home, from the Nazi era and from the renovation of Hartheim Castle in 1999–2003.

  13. Júlia Vajda Totalitarianism and Holocaust Interview Collection

    • Open Society Archives
    • 006595-01
    • English
    • 2004-2015
    • 6 Digital container (0.01 linear meters) and 9 archival boxes (1.12 linear meters)

    The collection originally included 334 interviews made in the frameworks of a project led by Júlia Vajda and financed by the National Research and Development Program. Currently, there are over 350 interviews and more of them are expected. The interviews were made with the narrative biographical method developed by Fritz Schütze. Besides gathering information, this interviewing method makes it possible to analyze the narration from the psychological point of view because the narration is construed by the narrator; also because the interview is not lead by the interviewer but is a free-flowi...

  14. Porrajmos - Recollections of Roma Holocaust survivers

    • Porrajmos - Roma Holocaust túlélők emlékeznek
  15. KZ-Verband

    The “KZ-Verband” collection of the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) consists almost entirely of applications for membership to this “Alliance of Politically Persecuted” between 1946 and 1948. The forms filled in by applicants include personal data and information on family members as well as information on the reason for their arrest and the length of imprisonment in jails, ghettos and concentration camps. Most files also contain additional copies of documents on “Schutzhaft” (protective custody), confirmation of release or CVs and letters. In many cases photos of the appli...

  16. Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Landesflüchtlingsverwaltungen

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • B 373
    • German, English
    • 1953
    • 11,4 laufende Meter, 158 Aufbewahrungseinheiten

    Organisation und Geschäftsverkehr, Kassensachen, allgemeiner Schriftwechsel (1952-1990, 11), Tagungen der ArgeFlü, Durchführung und Protokolle (1952-1978, 1987-1990, 23), Ausschüsse (1951-1990, 55), Zusammenarbeit mit Behörden und Institutionen von Bund und Ländern (1952-1990, 18), Kulturarbeit, Sprachförderung, Schülerwettbewerb (1952-1990, 11); Verschiedenes (1952-1989, 11).

  17. Oral history - The National Center for Roma Culture

    The collection includes about 60 oral history interviews which relate to the Roma deportations to Transnistria. Between 2007 and 2019, various Roma activists, such as Delia Grigore and Adrian Furtuna, interviewed about 60 Roma survivors of deportations in Transnistria. The interviews were conducted as part of various projects and under the umbrella of several Roma organizations. Most of the interviews were conducted by the "Romane Rodimata" and Amare Romentza (two Roma NGOs based in Bucharest). However, in recent years the activity of the National Center for Roma Culture (CNCR) has become m...

  18. Oral history – Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitate

    • Oral Interviews on Roma deportations in Romania
    • Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitate
    • 006592_01
    • English
    • 2005-2023
    • The oral archive contains 280 recorded on various formats: initially audio and video tapes and later digital recordings, both audio and video.

    The collection includes 280 oral interviews. Most of these interviews were conducted with Roma who survived the deportations in Transnistria. Seven interviews were conducted with Romanian or Roma witnesses of the deportations (Romanians who prevented the deportation of certain Roma, or Roma who managed to escape deportation). Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitate (The Center for Community Resources) was founded in 2009 in Cluj and generally carried out projects to help physically impaired or socially disadvantaged people through projects and volunteer work in the fields of social work and ed...

  19. Institutul de Istorie Orală - Oral Interviews

    • Oral History Institute Cluj-Napoca Oral Interviews
    • Institutul de Istorie Orală Cluj-Napoca
    • 006593-01
    • English
    • The oral archive contains interviews recorded on various formats: magnetic tapes, audio cassettes (60 and 90 minutes), VHS and HS videotapes, digital recordings.

    The collection includes 1756 oral history interviews. Of these, about 90 relate to the Holocaust (55 to the Holocaust in northwestern Transylvania and 33 to the fate of deported Roma in Transnistria). The Institute of Oral History in Cluj Napoca has developed several oral history projects over the last 25 years, dealing with the following topics: holocaust in northwestern Transylvania, World War II, anti-communist resistance in Romania, ethnic and religious minorities, everyday life under communism , the 1989 revolution, the war in Afghanistan, gold mining etc. There have been several proje...

  20. The Benjamin Tenenbaum (Tene) collection: testimonies of child survivors of the Holocaust

    The GFH Tenenbaum collection includes hundreds of unedited testimonies of Holocaust survivor children, collected in 1946 and 1947 in Poland and Germany. Some eighty of the testimonies were published in his book "One of a City and Two of a Family". However, as Tenenbaum himself admitted, they were edited, and carried some bias in favor of Zionism and the USSR. The GFH collection holds about 650 unedited testimonies in Russian, Polish and Yiddish. The material has been fully catalogued, indexed and scanned. For further information, see Cohen, Boaz. “The Children’s Voice: Postwar Collection of...