Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,521 to 20,540 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Trains and their manufacture

    Large locomotive starting up, VAR conductor, engineer pulling gears, signals changing. Picturesque view of sky and countryside from train window; stoking coal for engine; HA over the rails. VAR dissolves, then fade to black.

  2. Bent knees praying figure carving

  3. Bueckeberg Harvest Festival

    Vast number of people on hillside, dressed in traditional folk costumes and headdresses. Hundreds of flags and flagpoles, including good shots of very tall flagpoles with swastika flags. Vast number of people in traditional costumes on hillside. VLS, LS. CU costumed men and women in elaborate, grand clothing, many smiling for camera; men with pipes, women with enormous jeweled hats.

  4. Burning farms; POWs; town on fire

    LS views of farm burning in Bialystok; soldiers arrest citizens, check IDs. CU of frightened man. Long view of tanks lining road; soldiers. Pan of many wrecked tanks burning in fields near Minsk, all spewing black smoke. HA pan of Russian POWs sitting on the ground (POW camp?). CU endless line of turbanned Russian POWs, many with Asiatic faces. Distance sign: "Berlin/Breslau/Moskau." MS Kalvaria in flames in the distance. Nazis ride into town. Dead horse on road ("Dunaburg"?); scorched earth. Many views of smoking rubble, total destruction.

  5. Liebknecht speaks

    Title: Demonstration vor dem Abgeordnetenhaus waehrend der ____ des revolutionaeren Reichsparlaments. "Liebknecht speaks." Karl Liebknecht, a communist and member of the Spartacus League who was executed without trial following the Spartakus Rising of January 1919, speaks to a group of demonstrators. Title: "Volksbeauftragte [delegate] Barth speaks." Emil Barth speaks to the crowd. New scene - camera pans across men, seated and standing (appearing to pose for cameras). Two men, seated, talk and shake hands. Scene switches to a man and a woman posing beside a ship; the (presumable) ship's ca...

  6. Government troops parade in Munich

    Government troops take aim, bullet holes in shop windows. Victorious government troops through Munich.

  7. SA parade in Koln

    Tracking shot, SA/Nazi parade through Koln. Intertitle identifies "Gauleiter Grohe". Banner: Heil der alten Garde

  8. OSE (Ouevre de Secours aux Enfants) armband

    Armband isssued to and worn by Julien Engel as identification for group of 60 children transported to the U.S.A. aboard "Athos II" leaving Marseilles September 1946 under the auspices of the French-Jewish aid organization, O.S.E. (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants).

  9. Soviet soldiers captured in Finland

    Dead bodies (Soviets) in the snow. Bundled up Soviet prisoners/soldiers coming out of forest. The narration states that the Soviets have given up their resistance. Close ups of Soviets' faces, including a man with Asian features, who is eating something. One of the men's face is blackened, perhaps by frostbite?

  10. Soviet POWs rounded up

    Pan/overview of hundreds of Soviet POWs in a gully, sitting on the embankment. Some are barefoot. Potatoes are tossed down to men who scramble and fight desperately to get them. Russian women stand on the bridge beside the Germans, looking down.

  11. Soup kitchen; International Workers Health Org

    Interior of a soup kitchen, showing women and children being served bowls of soup or some other food from large barrels. A couple of men are also present; they fill out papers or cards which are collected by one of the women. A close-up shot of a ration card, good for one hot lunch on November 8, 1923. The ration card is stamped with the logo of the "Internationale Arbeiter-hilfe" (International Workers Aid Association). More shots of women and chilren receiving rations of soup; one of the aid workers takes notes. A woman feeds soup to her baby. A close up shot of a sign that says "Only Com...

  12. Exhumation of bodies massacred in the Katyn Forest

    Exhumations of bodies of 12,000 Polish army officers massacred by Soviets. Pan of forest edge from river. MLS pans of men digging in separate areas (cordoned off like archeological sites). Quick flashes of bodies meshed together in a ditch. Slow pan around. CU bodies caked with mud, piled up. CU on individual bodies. CU on the 4-star uniform of corpse. Hands tied behind backs. Bodies laid out, lifted up to camera. Carrying bodies out on stretcher. Shots of belongings of victims: money, cigar (taken from pocket of uniform), family photos, "Carte Celonkowski." The narrator explains that the p...

  13. Russian village

    Various shots of destroyed homes, roads, fences. Sunny day. Villagers looking uneasily into the camera. Large military truck rolls through town. Mound of Russian bodies lying in a heap.

  14. Belsen Concentration Camp on the 7th day after liberation

    LS over women's camp, sky gray, cloudy. Tents in foreground, huts behind. Dark MS of two women attempting to cook meal during rainstorm. MS of mobile bath units, two women showering outdoors, wringing out clothes, makeshift privacy. MCU of two women in shower, scrubbing themselves vigorously. Lots of activity. LS shower area, barracks and trees in FG, pumping unit connected to open, concrete reservoir. CU, bedraggled unhappy male POWs, stringy hair, series of CUs of SS prisoners on seventh day of British occupation.

  15. Gdynia surrenders; Volksdeutsch refugees

    Refugees walking on the road. Several shots of people sitting by river, near destroyed bridge (narration identifies them as Volksdeutsche); people arrive at riverbank in small boats. Sick and wounded are helped to walk, refugees eating (all identified as "suffering Volksdeutsche"). German soldier hands out candy to little girl; kids gathered around in small crowd. Bandaged, forlorn men.

  16. Nazi invasion of Denmark

    Factory. Soldiers on bicycles. Nazi flag on boat mast, view of airplane flying overhead. Soldiers on boat, smiling and smoking. Boat moving on water, plane soaring above. Snow-capped mountains in BG. Plane landing in the water. More shots of soldiers. Tanks loaded onto a ship as horses are unloaded. More soldiers. HASs soldiers marching and singing, playing drums. Civilians watch, some interact with soldiers. More views from different angles of the soldiers marching and band performing. Tram, pedestrians. Soldiers socializing with women.

  17. War Crimes Commission: Nordhausen Concentration Camp

    "Nordhausen Concentration Camp" Views of the camp where slave laborers, unfit for work, were kept. The camp is liberated by the 3rd Armored Div, First US Army. INT building, there are a few living among the pile of bodies. Soldiers carry survivors out. CU, surviving inmates. One man clasps his hands in gratitude as he is lifted onto a stretcher. Inmate eating soup; inmates helped into ambulances; Red Cross truck. 600 Germans are ordered to bury the dead. Army priest administers last rites. 2500 are placed in graves. U.S. soldiers look into mass grave/pit of bodies.

  18. "The Paper Gauze Ballerina"

    Contains information about Sophie Miklos and her experiences of persecution in Romania, deportation from the Oradea (Nagyvárad, Hungary) ghetto, imprisonment at Auschwitz, and liberation by the Red Army.

  19. Remember not to forget: memoirs of a survivor of the Holocaust

    Contains information about the life of Clara Horowitz in Czortkow, Poland, before, during, and after World War II. In the form of a poem, Horowitz describes life in the ghetto, atrocities against Polish Jews, and her life in hiding. Specific dates are not mentioned in the poem.The poem was likely authored by Clara in the 1970s.

  20. Nina Kaleska papers

    Contains information about the experiences of Nina Kaleska in Auschwitz and her thoughts on Jewish-Christian relations in the years since the Holocaust. Also included is a copy of a love poem in German written during the Holocaust.