Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,221 to 13,240 of 34,429
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Dutch
  1. Testimony about Buchenwald and priests at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 531) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 29, 1946. French prosecutor Dubost addressing the Tribunal. Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaking to the prosecutor. 08:29:37 MS, Dr. Alfred Balochowski testifies in French. Balachowski testifies that Block 50 in Buchenwald was really a "factory" for the production of the vaccine against typhus. He was taken there by the Germans because that was his area of specialization. The Head of this block and the experimentation block (Block 6) was Obrfuehrer Mugrowski of the Waffen-SS. 08:33:22 MS, French witness Francois Boix is questioned by ...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Sweden

    1021 E (04:00:40): View of Swedish Foreign Office in Stockholm. Christian Gunther, Swedish Foreign Minister, in his office at the Swedish Foreign Office, smoking, looking at papers. Various shots, CUs. VS Por Ablin Anson, Prime Minister, in his private office in the Kanslihuset (slightly underexposed). Looking at papers on desk, CU, Anson. Cabinet meeting in Kanslihuset, Stockholm. Members of the Swedish cabinet with the Prime Minister as president. CU, Swedish Foreign Minister (Gunther) on the immediate right of the Prime Minister (Anson). LS and CU of the cabinet, ministers in council. 10...

  3. Documentary re: the Slovak State (part 2)

    Shop on Obchodna Street, with a gardist flag and a swastika, sign saying "non-Jewish business." Hitler Youth parade. Flags in the street. Women and children going to church in a village, a child in the arms of a German soldier. Guarded entrance to the building of the Central Customs Office in Bratislava. Poster: Anti-Bolshevik exposition. Guarded Telegraph Office. 00:21:00 Broken shop window of Samuel Eckstein's candy shop in Bratislava. Bridge from Petrzalka, Bratislava. Building with broken windows, Primate's Square, palace with flags. Military column, guarded building, parade of civilian...

  4. Allied Invasion

    Part 1: Winston Churchill and Jan Christian Smuts wish luck to Allied troops boarding landing craft. General Eisenhower broadcasts to the French people. Shows street scene in London. Airborne troops board planes. The Navy and Air Force blast Normandy shore positions. Part 2: U.S. troops enter Rome. Shows General Clark. Stalin and Marshal Zhukov review Russian troops. Part 3: The 9th Air Force bombs German positions and airborne troops land in Normandy. General Eisenhower and General Montgomery inspect the beach positions.

  5. Translations and murder of Jews discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 373) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 22, 1945. MCU, LS, Dr. Dix, counsel for Hjalmar Schacht speaking before the court about their rights of objection. Pan from Dr. Dix to side view of the eight judges. Dr. Dix has trouble with his earphones and is assisted by several US officers. LS, Dr. Dix facing tribunal as voice of Lord Geoffrey Lawrence, Chief Justice, is heard to say that the best possible translations will be made and that they would be able to object to any document offered. Dr. Dix thanks the Tribunal and moves off. Major Frank Wallis tells of the Nazi plan ...

  6. American Red Cross; Defendants enter dock at Nuremberg Trial

    03:30:00 (Paris 408) American Red Cross Activities, Wiesbaden and Frankfurt, Germany, December 1-2, 1945. LS, EXT of American Red Cross HQ building. MS, CU, two soldiers reading announcement of symphony concert sponsored by the Red Cross. CU, sign over entrance: "American Red Cross Headquarters, Occupied Territory." Shots in the Palm Garden Club in Frankfurt. A few soldiers and Red Cross girl look at globe of the world and walk in the glass-roofed conservatory. SEQ: American Red Cross Eagle Club building. Soldier and his bride enter and leave club; soldiers shower them with rice and congrat...

  7. Discussion of mechanical equipment used at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 348) Nuremberg Trial (Dry Run), Nuremberg, Germany. In a statement to the court, an American officer tells of the perfection of the mechanical equipment and the most talented interpreters being made available for the Nuremberg trial. Statements are made in French, Russian, and German to show how the interpreters will operate. Note: Action is staged before the attendants to accustom them to the processes and procedures that will follow.

  8. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 13)

    The narrator asserts that as long as men such as Globke are part of the West German government, the "Aktion J" is still in action. Scenes of anti-Jewish graffiti and desecrated Jewish gravestones. Footage of Globke walking down his driveway and getting into his car. East German professor Alfred Norden is shown on television, speaking about Globke. He ends by holding up the file on Globke that we have been seeing throughout the film. He calls Globke the "Jew murderer by Adenauer's side." The narrator claims that since the day in July 1960 that Norden gave this speech to a press conference ab...

  9. Soviet Lviv, Ukraine

    Lvov, 1929-1939 (Polish Production). An intertitle reads, "Fragment from a parade: presentations: a) Municipal Guard of old Lwow, b) Riflemen's* Company." Polish King. Procession of the King through the city streets; he is proceeded by a band and honor guard (to whom the intertitle refers) in old fashioned dress. The King rides in an elaborate horse drawn carriage, waves to bystanders, large crowds of well-dressed civilians line the streets, they smile, wave and clap for the King. VS, landmarks, Jesuit monastery, monument to Mickiewicz. *The Polish word is strzelec, which is a musketeer.

  10. Funeral for Mauthausen victims, Bratislava

    News Film - The Week in Film: Funeral for 24 victims tortured in Mauthausen camp in the Bratislava Cemetery in Slavice Udolie.

  11. Jews protest in London; Diplomats sign pact in Italy

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 5, No. 166, Parts 2 and 7. Release date, 07/26/1933. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: Part 2 (11:23:15-11:24:07): "Jews Demand Nazi Boycott" London, England, July 20, 1933. Unprecedented scenes in famous Hyde Park as 50,000 mass to urge a cessation of trade relations with Germany in retaliation for the persecutions of Jews by Adolf Hitler's followers. Demonstration headed by Jewish war veterans. LS crowded city street, well dressed crowd, women, marching, banner 1914 "freedom from Hitler's Armies", double decker bus. Part 7 (11:27:00-11:28:01): "Nati...

  12. Maxwell-Fyfe's summation at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 30, 1946. HAS, MSs, British prosecutor Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, in summing up, tells of Germany in its entirety being dominated by National Socialism. "While Germany is not on trial, the proceedings in this court are to give the German people a chance to rehabilitate themselves...." Maxwell-Fyfe tells of the Nazi leaders knowing and condoning murder of Jewish civilians. LS, Maxwell-Fyfe walking away from speaker's stand after his summation.

  13. Damage to Polish railway system; Jewish forced labor

    (events in 1939) Film about the railroad system in Poland after start of war. Newspaper style titles: Reichs Railroad Film Unit. Early September 1939, map of Poland and railroad system. Bromberg (Bydgoszcz, Poland) Destroyed RR installations, RR bridges in Poland, areas close to German border. Narrator identifies different locations, damage. 01:21:45 "Refugees...Jews fleeing" (on wagons, with hats and coats). 01:26:49-01:28:14 Dwelling near the RR station damaged by bombs. The local inhabitants clear up. Jewish inhabitants, who often comprise more than 50% of the population, must do physica...

  14. 1936 Olympics: diving; swimming

    Film shows the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, the Eleventh Olympiad, at the German Arena on the western outskirts of Berlin, Aug. 1-16th. Reel 7: Japanese athletes participate in fancy diving and swimming events.

  15. Handcrafted commemorative coin medallion created for a US crew member on an illegal immigrant ship

    Small medal commissioned by Paul Kaye to memorialize the imprisonment of the crew and passengers of the illegal immigrant ship, Hatikvah, on May 18, 1947, after their capture at sea by the British on May 17 during a voyage to Palestine. It was carrying nearly 1500 Jewish refugees, mostly Holocaust survivors. The medal was made from a hand flattened Cyprian piaster coin by an artist, name unknown, that Paul met in the internment camp on Cyprus. It is etched with the names, Hatikvah and Cyprus, an image of the ship, and an image of the detention camp; the initials of Paul’s nephew, Joseph Ros...

  16. Doctor testifies about Frick at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Dr. Franz Blaha testifying on stand and being cross examined by several defense attorneys. One defense attorney questions Blaha as to Funk's visit to Dachau: when exactly he had visited. Attorney of Frick says that his defendant claims not to have ever been to Dachau. He asks Blaha from which distance he thinks to have seen Frick there. Blaha responds Frick passed by him with several people. Attorney asks if Blaha recognized Frick himself or was told by other prisoners that this was Frick. Blaha responds he had seen Frick before in se...

  17. War Criminals Hunt

    (LIB 7228-7229) War Criminals Hunt, Norway, June-July 1945. SEQ: US, British, and Nilorg (Norwegian Underground) troops entering German POW camp in the early morning and routing the prisoners from their sleep. The Germans are lined up outside of barracks and informers pass along the lines in an attempt to identify former Gestapo men. MLSs, MSs, German prisoners rush from their barracks in all manner of dress. In many instances the Norwegian troops boot the prisoners to hurry them along. MSs, informers pass along a line of women who had worked for the German government and are presently inte...

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Democracy in Action; GIs with German girls

    Coburg, Germany. Democracy in Action in Germany. Mobs of German children and women (blonde/Aryan) around jeeps (GI) waiting for ride. CUs, faces of children in crowd. Trucks with kids. German infant. German boys in softball contest. Crowds, contestants. High jump. Wheelbarrow race. Red Cross girls. Grandstand. Prizes. Crowd. Lank Hannsa, near Berlin. GIs and German girls fraternize. MSs of GIs at tables at outdoor restaurant with German girls. Lake, beach, GI carrying rifle, walking across beach with girls. Two bosomy girls, walk by beach. On sand (seated), talking, sunbathing.

  19. Hitler youth; Nazi officials; Invading Leningrad

    Reel 1: Hitler Youth do farm work to support German war effort. MS boys with scout caps on, farming in a field. MS, lugging bags over shoulders. CU, smiling boys snacking. MS, girls. CU, young woman crouched in field, feeding hens. Two women herding geese. CU, milking a cow. CU, helping piglets nurse (holding in arms). Boys on tractor, carrying hay, (teens) to haystack. Women standing in truckbed and on ground, stabbing hay, petting horse. Women walking arm in arm. Hitler Youth take summer vacation at Oste River. Shirtless boys all seated outside at picnic tables, assembling planes. CU, fri...

  20. Hadamar Murder Mills

    (LIB 5168 - LIB 5170) Hadamar Murder Mills, Hadamar, Germany, April 7, 1945. SEQ: German civilians dig up bodies from graves. War Crimes Investigation Team arrives and performs autopsies on bodies. INT, MCUs Dr. Adolf Wahlmann, Karl Willing, and Adolph Merkle who were in charge of the asylum are interrogated. Note: In this insane asylum at Hadamar, 35,000 Polish, Russian, and German political prisoners were slaughtered.