Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 13,181 to 13,200 of 34,428
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Dutch
  1. Ostarbeiter games; Parade of SS Galicia in Kolomja; Estonian Waffen SS battalion

    Several shots of different groups of people on a field, each with a sign indicating their nationality: Protektorat, Kroaten, Franzosen, Belgier, Hollander, Ostarbeiter, Italiener, Bulgaren, Ostarbeiter. The narration indicates that these are work teams living and working in Germany. They go on to engage in athletic competitions, including tug of war, a track race, and a soccer game (France vs. Protektorat, France wins). Military ceremony for the SS Waffen Division Galicia in Kolymyja, Ukraine. Men stand on a wooden platform in a field, surrounded by a crowd. They carry flags and military st...

  2. Questioning former SA; Shawcross' summation at Nuremberg Trial

    13:37:59 (Munich 357) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 15, 1946. Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, Deputy Chief British Prosecutor, questioning Max Guettner, former SA official. 13:41:39 (Munich 327) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 29-30, 1946. Sir Hartley Shawcross summing up for the British prosecution. MS, members of the Russian prosecution at table. MS, Thomas J. Dodd and Robert H. Jackson at table.13:43:23 Camera in shot. MS, Justice Francis Biddle and Justice John J. Parker at bench.

  3. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: various shots of individuals

    Reel 2 of 8: Two women together, toothless smiles and laughter; one is older. Man descends stairs on all fours, to camera, CU. 00:06:15 CU man, gray-haired. Another, in jacket and sweater, all outside. 00:06:44 CU, Man, twitching; good looking. 00:07:03 CU, feet dragging. 00:07:14 WS of women in grassy area, one spitting out food. Various movements. 00:07:50 Woman, pretty eyes, sweet. 00:08:09 woman on bench in hopsacking, knees up. 00:08:22 Four men, on bench, pan right to more. Two men walking on sloped path. Various men, CU, not extreme. 00:09:20 Pan, group of men, including young men. C...

  4. Doll

  5. Hitler visits soldiers in forest; German troops advance in the East

    Part 1: Sultan visits Franco. Troops, parade with horse, Sultan in open car. Part 2: Architecture exhibition with models of buildings. Part 3: Romania: Crowd of peasants in ethnic costumes, digging with shovels, planting, dancing. Part 4: Lake, boat with cows, reflection in water, mountains in BG, CU, man rowing, cows herded off boat. Part 5: Tennis doubles. Part 6: Track and field races in stadium, athletes (men and women), crowd, exercises. Part 7: At beach in Greece, kayaking, orchestra, outdoor cafe, HAS street scene, market, selling shoes, ceramic dishes, textiles, cooking. Part 8: Hit...

  6. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy, final speech for defense

    (Munich 299) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, July 11, 1946. Lt. Col. Willis Everett making his final speech for the defense. (scene ends at 22:34:38) 22:34:38 - 22:35:40 shows slate and cameramen packing their equipment.

  7. Hadamar Murder Mills; Atrocities at Ohrdruf

    20:00:41 (LIB 5168-LIB 5170) Hadamar Murder Mills, Hadamar, Germany, April 7, 1945. LSs building of insane asylum where interrogation is taking place. INT, Dr. Adolf Wahlmann, Karl Willig, and Adolph Merkle being interrogated by War Crimes Investigation team. MSs, CUs, political prisoners leaving building and entering car. Car driving off. 20:05:45 (LIB 5211) Atrocities at Ohrdruf, near Gotha, Germany, April 10, 1945. SEQ: Leading German citizens and German officers are brought out to labor camp to view results of the mass slayings. They view stacks of dead bodies and look at outdoor cremat...

  8. R. Lauterbacher, F. Wieshover, and F. Sauckel testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 195) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 27, 1946. MS, Richard Lauterbacher, witness for von Schirach, is sworn in and begins testifying under questioning of defense attorney Dr. Fritz Sauter. MS, Fritz Wieshover, formerly 1st Lieutenant in SS, sworn in and questioned by Dr. Sauter. MS, Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Fritz Sauckel, questioning his client on the recruitment of slave labor. Documents are handed to Sauckel by the attendant.

  9. Babi Yar, Kyiv (Kiev), Ukraine

    Ukrainian narration. Title: "Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg speaks." He and several men, are seated around a large table having a discussion. Anniversary of Sholem Aleichem. Staged wedding in a kolkhoz. Jewish people, song in Yiddish. Intertitle in Russian reads, "Kiev met those who would surrender not an inch of our land". Prewar Kiev, before the arrival of the Germans. Red Army parade. Soldiers dancing with local women. The merriment is inter-spliced with shots of approaching German bombers for heightened dramatic effect. Bombardment of Kiev, AVs of city, bombs dropping (stock shots), explos...

  10. Yakov Neuman papers

    Contains two notebooks, handwritten and hardbound. The notebooks were written in displaced persons camps in Germany and Cyprus by three rabbis (sometimes the rabbinate from Stuttgart is used). The notebooks contain notes on permits for "agunot" (women whose husbands had disappeared or who had died without witnesses, and men who could not prove that they are single or widowed) to marry and a list of names of women who are permitted to marry. The notebooks also contain testimonies of survivors regarding the circomstances surrounding the death of the above mentioned spouses. Each notebook cont...

  11. Huge anti-Axis rally stirs Chile

    Part 1, shows a UN anti-Axis rally and parade in Santiago, Chile. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: Part 2, a naval battle rages off the Solomon Islands. Shows Admirals Halsey and Nimitz. Gen. MacArthur lands in New Guinea. Planes land troop reinforcements. Artillery pounds Japanese positions. Infantry advances through jungle swamps. Part 3, U.S. troops board transports bound for Africa. American and British convoys rendezvous near Gibraltar. Landing operations near Oran are unopposed. Equipment is massed on the beaches.

  12. Schellenberg testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 476) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 4, 1946. LSs, Walter Schellenberg, Chief of the Security Police and SD, continues testimony. LS, Russian judge questions the witness. Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions the witness about a conversation he had with Ernst Kaltenbrunner about the Red Cross wanting to know what happened to fifty American or British prisoners. Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence asks whether it was about shooting the prisoners. Schellenberg explains that he did not take part in the conversation, but was a passive listener. The inquiry was forwarded to the ...

  13. Nazi propaganda about Jews living in ghetto and disease

    Antisemitic propaganda film showing living and housing conditions in a Jewish ghetto in Poland (probably the Warsaw ghetto), typhus patients, and measures against the spreading of lice. Reel 2: Ghetto scenes (in Warsaw, according to Bundesarchiv annotation). Workers disinfecting clothes in large cage. 00:27:54 Man shaving heads and beards, clipping pubic hair. Very thin man seated, with glasses. Man in white coat. 00:28:22 Clothes removed from steamer. 00:28:44 Naked men and boys, very thin, in showers. Man (wearing glasses) in shower, soaping. Washing pubic areas. 00:29:20 Pan of children ...

  14. Former Field Marshal von Paulus testifies about the invasion of the USSR

    (Paris 550) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 11, 1946. MS, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Rosenberg, and other prisoners in the dock. Defense counselors in FG. LS, ex-Field Marshal Friedrich von Paulus giving evidence regarding the preparation of waging aggressive war on Russia. (testimony in German) LS, prisoners' dock and defense attorneys in court during the trial. Good MSs, von Paulus testifying.

  15. French publications collection

    Contains an issue of the newspaper "Guignol" of Lyon, with articles ddiscussing rationing and restrictions during German occupation of Lyon. Also contains a four-page brochure published by the Légion française des combattants et des volontaires de la Révolution nationale.

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- VIPs during postwar; Soldiers raiding homes

    1425 FF (16:00:40-16:06:30) Grafenmehr and Rheinman, Germany, Rhein Main Terminal airport. Joint Chiefs of Staff confer in Europe. Airport. LS, down gangplank of plane. Admiral Donfield, Gen. Bradley, and Gen. Vandenberg near plane. Other officers, civilians. Color guard. Generals talking and the press. Airport; army personnel. Military men, saluting, getting into car, moving off, motorcade. 1425 GG (16:06:32-16:14:40) Early morning shots of tanks, jeeps, along roads of Munich on snoop raid (in winter). LS, vehicles through bombed-out Munich. Infantry men. MLS, GIs raiding house for suspect...

  17. Nazi propaganda film about people with disabilities: occupational therapy at hospital

    Reel 4 of 8: "Noch eine Karteikarte eines Schizophrenen" (woman). Natural sound during occupational therapy. Nun encouraging young woman. VAR scenes of women and occupational tasks. CU of nun with moustache. 00:17:53 Greenhouse and surroundings. New plants, men working, MS transplanting to baskets. 00:18:43 Kitchen, cabbage, vats of soup. 00:19:41 Women in laundry, wooden tubs, hands working. 00:20:27 WS ironing. Sewing machine. Women at work; look quite normal; work at looms. Nun working alongside. Men in woodshop: sawing, sanding, building furniture, making mats. Women: weaving, spinning.

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- Raids on Russian POWs; Patton's funeral

    1425 HH (16:15:11-16:18:12) Prattling, Germany. Snoop raids on civilian and returning Russian POWs. HAS, Russian POW camp, POWs being placed in line. HAS of POWs walking across field and being lined up. Closer shot, with POWs carrying their meager possessions. LS, line of GI trucks, Russian and US soldiers on guard. LS, line of Russian POWs being marched to trucks for return to Russia. Rear shot of prisoners getting into truck being guarded by rifle-carrying US soldiers. Rear shot, truck driving off. MLS, trucks driving up to train, prisoners being searched for knives or weapons of any kind...

  19. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Hermann Goering testifies that the Nazi Party came into power legally: 1) Because of the 30 elections held in the years between 1925-1932; and 2) If Germany had a type of government similar to the US and Great Britain, power would have been theirs immediately. LS, several American and British prosecutors seated at table during trial. Goering testifies that after Hitler came to power, he suggested to Goering the formation of a government along the same lines as that of the US. More generally, Goering talks about how he saw hi...