Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 37
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Romanian
Country: Bulgaria
Holding Institution: Централен държавен архив
  1. Еврейски документи и старопечатни издания

    • Jewish Documents and Old Print Publications
    • Evreĭski dokumenti i staropechatni izdaniya
  2. Министерство на външните работи и изповеданията – Дирекция на вероизповеданията

    • Ministerstvo na vŭnshnite raboti i izpovedaniyata – Direktsiya na veroizpovedaniyata
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religions - Directorate of Religious Affairs
  3. Министерство на народната просвета

    • Ministerstvo na narodnata prosveta
    • Ministry of Education

    Contains a confidential letter regarding a search for Jews and an investigation about teachers who were Communist Party members.

  4. Комисарство по Еврейските Въпроси

    • Commissariat for Jewish Questions
    • Komisarstvo po Evreyskite Vuprosi

    Contains personal files; lists of the real estate property of Jews; lists of persons of Jewish origin; bank inventories and receipts for deposited Jewish property; correspondence regarding Jewish rights and duties, the payment of taxes by Jews, the expropriation and sale of Jewish property, the “New Territories” of Thrace and Macedonia, and the establishment of ghettos; announcements of actions for the sale of expropriated Jewish property; an agreement for the initial deportation of 20,000 Jews; reports on the rounding up and resettlement of Jews; plans for temporary concentration camps; na...


    • Council of Ministers
    • Централен държавен архив
    • ф. 284К
    • English
    • 1879-1944
    • Опис 1, 8846 а.е., 1880-1944 г. - “Протоколи на МС (1880-1944)” Постановления на Министерския съвет за прилагане ЗЗН (1941-1944)

    Опис 1, 8846 а.е., 1880-1944 г. - “Протоколи на МС (1880-1944)” Постановления на Министерския съвет за прилагане ЗЗН (1941-1944) Опис 2, 220 а.е., 1879-1944 г. - Договори, спогодби, конвенции и протоколи между България и различни страни. Опис 3, 190 а.е., 1889-1944 г. - Списъци на закони, решения, укази, окръжни и др. (1909-1933); протокол за присъединяването на България към Тристранния пакт (1941); спогодби между българското и германското правителства за уточняване въпроси в областта на наказателното право, възниквали след установяването на германските войски в България (1941) и между БНБ ...

  6. Българска народна банка – Ксанти

    • Bulgarska narodna banka - Ksanti
    • Bulgarian National Bank - Xanthi

    Contains dossiers of Jewish declarations of currency and assets held.

  7. Българска народна банка – Кавала

    • Bulgarska narodna banka - Kavala
    • Bulgarian National Bank - Kavala

    Contains dossiers on Jewish accounts from the bank in Kavala.

  8. Българска народна банка – Деде Агач

    • Bulgarska narodna banka - Dede Agach
    • Bulgarian National Bank - Dedeagach (Alexandroupoli)

    Contains signatures of supervisors of the Commissariat of Jewish Affairs, correspondence relating to Jewish property, and Jewish declarations of currency and assets held.

  9. Българска народна банка – Гюмюрджина

    • Bulgarska narodna banka - Gyumyurdzhina
    • Bulgarian National Bank - Gyumyurdzhina (Komotini)

    Contains questionnaires with declarations and information regarding Jewish valuables.

  10. Върховна стопанска камара

    • Vurhovna stopanska kamara
    • Supreme Chamber of Commerce

    Contains selected records from Fond 212, including draft correspondence regarding Jewish savings.

  11. Петър Израелевич Габе (1857–1927) - Личен фонд

    • Petur Izraelevich Gabe (1857-1927) - Lichen fond
    • Papers of Peter I. Gabe (1857-1927)

    Contains manuscripts, notebooks, letters and newspaper clippings relating to the Jewish question, Jewish language, resettlement of Jewish families in Bulgaria, and migration of Russian Jews to agricultural colonies in Palestine.

  12. Българско дружество „Червен кръст“

    • Bulgarsko druzhestvo "Cherven krust"
    • Bulgarian association "Red Cross"
    • Bulgarian Red Cross

    Contains correspondence with various Red Cross organizations abroad, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, regarding prisoners of war (POWs ), and missing in action (MIAs), etc.

  13. Министерство на финансите

    • Ministerstvo na finansite
    • Ministry of Finance

    Contains correspondence regarding expenses and consequences of the establishment of anti-Jewish laws and regarding ownership of real estate and houses of Jewish origin.

  14. Колекция „Окръжна организация на Българска Комунистическа Партия – Пловдив“

    • Kolektsiya "Okruzhna organizatsiya na Bulgarska Komunisticheska Partiya - Plovdiv"
    • Records of the Regional Organization of the Bulgarian Communist Party - Plovdiv

    Contains mainly letters, appeals, and telegrams sent to the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Records relate to the international and internal situation. Includes an appeal of the Jewish communists in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, to Jewish workers to boycott forthcoming elections for the synagogue administration and to fight against chauvinism and religious prejudices.

  15. Министерство на външните работи и изповеданията

    • Ministerstvo na vŭnshnite raboti i izpovedaniyata
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religions

    Contains correspondence with Bulgarian legations/consulates abroad in many countries on topics including trade relations, reports to Sofia, Bulgaria, on economic and political conditions, Bulgarian agrarian workers abroad, Bulgarian-German relations; regulations for visas of various types, including transit visas, for non-citizens including Jews. Also includes material regarding the property of Bulgarian Jews; the location of Bulgarian citizens abroad including Jews; requests from relatives of victims of the"Sṭrumah" sinking; and the situation of foreign Jews in Bulgaria.

  16. Дружество на столичните журналисти

    • Druzhestvo na stolichnite zhurnalisti
    • Society of Metropolitan Journalists

    Contains the regulations of foreign journalists’ unions regarding welfare benefits, drafts of legislation regarding journalists in Bulgaria, and letters from establishments and private persons regarding foreign journalists in Bulgaria.

  17. Симеон Николов Петков (1886–1974) - Личен фонд

    • Simeon Nikolov Petkov (1886-1974) - Lichen Fond
    • Papers of Simeon N. Petkov (1886-1974)

    In the fonds can be found, under the archival signature inventory 2, a.u. 434, the printed book "Dr. I. Fadenheht". It contains contributions to Prof. Yosif Fadenheht.

  18. Радио „Христо Ботев“

    • Broadcasting station "Hristo Botev"
    • Radio "Hristo Botev"

    Samples of Soviet radio propaganda directed to Bulgaria from the radio station"Hristo Botev" located in the Soviet Union, which raise issues such as the persecution of Jews in Thrace and Macedonia and German crimes in Kiev, Ukraine.

  19. Министерство на правосъдието

    • Ministerstvo na pravosudieto
    • Ministry of Justice

    This collection contains reports, protocols, correspondence, telegrams, statements, requests, circulars, name lists, annual reports, and maps. Collection consists of correspondence with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Forensic Medicine Institute of Sofia, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Welfare, the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Ministry of Public Education, the Bulgarian National Bank, General Union of Agricultural Economic Cooperative, the Directorate of National Propaganda, Council of Ministries, and Bulgarian cit...