Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 153
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Polish
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Moldova
Holding Institution: Arhiva Naţională a Republicii Moldova
  1. "Maccabi" sports association, Tighina branch

    • Societatea "Makkabi" din Tighina
    • Тигинская организация "Маккаби"
    • Tiginskaya organizatsiya "Makkabi"

    List of officials of the organization; annual report and charter of the organization; information about the activities of the organization; minutes of meetings of the organization; minutes of general meetings of the organization

  2. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Materials related to the Leova Mixed progymnasium from Cahul district. Minutes of the Parents Council sessions, which took place in the study year 1921-1922.Certificates on the “trustworthiness” of the teaching. Correspondence with the Chișinău Public Education Directorate regarding the management of the gymnasium budget and other economic subjects. Parents’ requests to be waived school fees for education of their children. Minutes of the sessions of the Pedagogical Council and the School Committee. Directives of Central office and district office of “Straja tarii” [The Guard of the Country...

  3. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Progymnasium from Vadul Rașcov village, Chişinău district: the record books of the grades received by the pupils from 1‐4 grades in 1931‐1932; the record books on the salaries received by faculty and staff of the school in January‐June 1933; Statistical information for the making of the budget for 1935‐1936 academic year

  4. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Briceni High Commercial School Certificates of the graduates from the school in 1930‐1932; the minutes of the meetings of school’s pedagogical council; correspondence with Chișinău district inspectorate regarding the admission, transfer, summer holidays, and firing of the teaching personnel; documents regarding budget inspection

  5. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Cahul High Commercial School: the requests of the pupils for waiving school fees and the issuing of certificates of education; the requests of parents to accept their children in school and the issuing of certificates of education

  6. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Briceni Private Gymnasium “R. Dr. Penhas”: record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐4 grades in 1930‐1931 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1930‐1931 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1932‐1933 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1933‐1934 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1934‐1935 academic year; record books of the marks received by the pupils of 1‐8 grades in 1935‐1936 academic y...

  7. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Chişinău Private Jewish Gymnasium I. G. Vaisman: the record book of biographical information on the pupils admitted into school in 1916‐17 and 1920‐1921 academic years; the record on the marks received by the pupils of 1‐7 grades in 1917‐18 year; the list of pupils for 1917‐18 academic year; the record books on marks received by the pupils of 3‐8 grades in 1919‐1920 academic year; class books for 1‐5 grades for 1919‐1920 academic year; the marks for pupils of 8th grade in 1920‐1921; the examination files and the minutes of the meeting of committee for graduation exams for 8th g...

  8. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Chişinău Private Gymnasium “Mogen David”: record books on the grades received by the pupils of 1‐6th grades in 1920‐1921 academic year; class book of the 1st grade for 1920‐1921 academic year; same for 2nd grade; records on the paid salaries to the teachers in 1921‐1923 years; the record books of the grades received by the pupils of 1st grade in 1924‐25

  9. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public si instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Schumaher Private High School for Women in Chisinau for 1919-1928: minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council (1919-1920), petitions from students' parents for students' admission and re-examination (1919-1926), a maturity test report in the Russian language for students of the 8th grade (1925).

  10. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public si instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    The fond contains files of the Schumacher Women's Chisinau Private High School for 1919-1925. Contains statements of student performance (for 1919-1920 academic year, 1924-25 academic year, 1925-26 academic year, 1927-28 academic year); minutes of meetings of the school committee (for 1921-22 academic year, 1923-24 academic year); minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council (for 1927-1929 academic years); protocols of the examination commission for the final exams (for 1926-27 academic year); statements of student achievement in grades III-VIII (for 1922); students' applications for admi...

  11. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public si instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Goldenberg Private High School for Women in Chisinau for 1919-1928: minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council (for 1915-1927), certificates of maturity (for 1918-1919), curricula and test reports of students (for 1919-1920), protocols of the examination board, statement of student performance (for 1927-1928 and 1928- 1930), certificates of graduation from high school (for 1921).

  12. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Soroca Mixed Jewish School “Tarbut”: certificate for finishing the IV grade of the Soroca Mixed Jewish School “Tarbut” by Leiba Grinshpun

  13. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Pîrlița Mixed Progymnasium from Bălţi district: record book of the certificates issued to the graduates of the school

  14. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Leova Mixed Gymnasium from Cahul district: the requests of the pupils to be accepted to gymnasium; the requests of parents and pupils for children being accepted into gymnasium; record books on the salaries paid to teachers

  15. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public şi instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    Files of the Soroca Mixed Jewish Progymnasium # 1: personal files of the pupil Rashkovskii Boris

  16. 51st Police Group of the 1st Corps of the Romanian Army

    • Compania de poliţie nr. 51 a Corpului 1 armată
    • 51-я полицейская группа 1-го корпуса румынской армии
    • 51-ya politseiskaya gruppa 1-go korpusa rumynskoi armii

    Orders regarding confiscation of apartments and material warehouses for the German army; list of persons for whom the apartments were confiscated; informational reports on the moral and political mood of the population and the economic situation of the villages; lists of prisoners in the camps

  17. Administrative office of Bessarabia, Bukovina and "Transnistra"

    • Кабинет по администрации Бессарабии, Буковины и „Транснистрии”
    • Kabinet po administratsii Bessarabii, Bukoviny i „Transnistrii”
    • Cabinetul civil-militar pentru administrarea Basarabiei, Bucovinei și Transnistriei

    Orders and Dispositions issued by the Romanian government and Romanian Army Headquarters to General George Alexeianu about taking the control in Bessarabia, Bukovina, and Transnistria, about the disposal of military units, nationalization of population inspection of ghettos, and about the situation of prisoners of war. The memorandum on the Jewish issue of Bessarabia. Regulations related to the organization of the ghettos. Materials about the confiscation of Jewish property. Documents and reports about inspections conducted in Bessarabia and Bukovina in 1941. Statistical data on violations ...

  18. Akkerman district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town hall

    • Аккерманская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Akkermanskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii
    • Judeţul Akkerman: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate

    Orders of the pretura of Volontiri district. Minutes of meetings of the committees coordinating the work of city (town) halls. Orders of the Bessarabian governor on administrative matters. Correspondence on administrative issues, on the number and composition of the population, on agriculture. Minutes of meetings of commune’s councils. Minutes of meetings of the magistrates. Information on issues of education and cults, on sanitation, on road construction. Requests from residents to issue various certificates. Documents on the requisition of food, cattle and horse-drawn transport from the p...

  19. Ananiev district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ananiev – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Примарии Ананьевского уезда
    • Primarii Anan'yevskogo uyezda

    Order of the primaria on the fulfillment of duties by the residents of the Ananiev district; list of policemen at Ananyevka village; lists of residents in Ananievka village et al.

  20. Ananiev district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Ananiev – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Примарии Ананьевского уезда
    • Primarii Anan'yevskogo uyezda

    Files of the town hall of Chernovo village in Chernovsky district in Ananiev county (lists of persons who extradited Soviet citizens to the Romanian authorities; information about the policemen related to the town hall; information about tax collection from the residents) et al.