Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 100 of 163
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Hebrew
Language of Description: Latvian
Country: Moldova
  1. Bălţi Сommission for checking the files of public sector employees who remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941

    • Comisiunile centrale şi judeţene pentru verificarea dosarelor funcţionarilor rǎmaşi pe teritoriul Basarabiei în 1940-1941. Direcţia Bălţi
    • Уездная комиссия при префектуре Бельцкого уезда по проверке служащих, оставшихся в Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг.
    • Uyezdnaya komissiya pri prefekture Bel'tskogo uyezda po proverke sluzhashchikh, ostavshikhsya v Bessarabii v 1940-1941 gg.

    Correspondence with the Bălţi city police, the prefecture and the district preturas on the employees remaining in Bessarabia under the Soviet rule (1940-1941); personnel files

  2. Bessarabian National Education Directorate

    • Directoratul Ȋnvaţǎmîntului şi Cultelor şi instituţiile subordinate
    • Бессарабский директориат народного образования
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat narodnogo obrazovaniya

    Files of Chişinău private male gymnasium owned by mr. Kulin: certificates of students who received the title of pharmacist assistant and a certificates of education; evidences of student performance, etc.

  3. Akkerman district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town hall

    • Аккерманская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Akkermanskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii
    • Judeţul Akkerman: prefecturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor/preturilor şi comunele subordinate

    Orders of the pretura of Volontiri district. Minutes of meetings of the committees coordinating the work of city (town) halls. Orders of the Bessarabian governor on administrative matters. Correspondence on administrative issues, on the number and composition of the population, on agriculture. Minutes of meetings of commune’s councils. Minutes of meetings of the magistrates. Information on issues of education and cults, on sanitation, on road construction. Requests from residents to issue various certificates. Documents on the requisition of food, cattle and horse-drawn transport from the p...

  4. Bessarabian National Education Directorate

    • Directoratul Ȋnvaţǎmîntului din Basarabia şi instituţiile subordinate
    • Бессарабский директориат народного образования
    • Bessarabskiy direktoriat narodnogo obrazovaniya

    Documents on the work of gymnasiums and pro-gymnasiums. Statistical data on the number of students in different gymnasiums. Pupil performance reports. Certificates of preschool education. High school graduation certificates.

  5. Jewish Pedagogical Courses in Chișinău city

    • Cursuri pedagogice evreieşti din Chişinǎu
    • Еврейские педагогические курсы в городе Кишиневе
    • Yevreyskiye pedagogicheskiye kursy v gorode Kishineve

    Statements for the payment of salaries to employees of pedagogical courses for the 1921-1922 academic year; students' petitions for exemption from tuition fees and teachers’ petitions for granting them vacation days

  6. Jewish Central Office in Romania

    • Centrala Evreilor din România
    • Управление по делам евреев Румынии
    • Upravleniye po delam yevreyev Rumynii

    Requests from persons of Jewish origin to register according to the law of 1941; checklists and registration books of 69 individuals

  7. Verification-filtration point (camp) of the NKVD MSSR

    • Проверочно-фильтрационный пункт НКВД МССР
    • Proverochno-fil'tratsionnyy punkt NKVD MSSR

    Orders of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, circulars and instructions of the main quartermaster of the USSR Armed Forces and quartermaster of the Odessa military district on administrative issues for 1943-1946; documents on the issuance of travel allowance to repatriates sent from the Chișinău VFP to the place of residence for December 1944 and 1945; front-line notes on the presence and movement of the contingent in the Chisinau VFP and its branch for 1945-1946 (on the back of each note there is data on citizens of the USSR who were forcibly taken to Germany and other...

  8. Police Headquarters Chișinău. Questura. Passport Office files

    • Poliția Chișinău. Questura. Direcţia de Paşapoarte
    • Кишиневская квестура полиции. Дела паспортного стола
    • Kishinevskaya kvestura politsii. Dela pasportnogo stola

    Passport Office files for individuals residing in Chișinău. Personal files of more than 500 individuals (some listed with their families) of Jewish origin. For example, Abramovich Khaim with his wife, Averbukh Blyuma, Aybinder Bentsion with his family, Basboym Peysakh with his family, Berber Meyer with his wife, Blinder Nakhman with his family, Vaysman Pinkhus, Vertgeyn Meyer, Vizental' Gersh with his family, Gelershteyn Yankel'-Moisey, Gel'man Gitlya, Gil'dengershel Moisey, Dekhter Shulim, Dorf Khana, Zaydman Iosif with his family, Itsik Mirel', Itskovich Khaya, Katsef Abram, Kel'bert Yeli...

  9. Regional Inspectorate of Security in Bessarabia

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Siguranță din Basarabia
    • Бессарабский областной инспекториат полиции
    • Bessarabskiy oblastnoy inspektoriat politsii

    Intelligence materials on the external surveillance of the Soviet diplomatic mission in Romania; historical overview of the legionary and iron guard movement in Romania (1940-1941); information reports of the 3rd Romanian army on the moral condition and political sentiment of the army personnel and the population (1940-1942); information about the Soviet prisoners of war to be interned in the camp (lists of people, 1941); lists of Romanian citizens who served in the German army (1943); lists of informants of the secret information service of Romania etc.

  10. Chişinău City Executive Committee of Council of People's Deputies

    • Comitetul executiv orasanesc din Chişinău ale sovietelor de deputati ai oamenilor muncii din RSSM
    • Исполнительный комитет кишиневского городского совета депутатов трудящихся
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet kishinevskogo gorodskogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya

    Correspondence about the consequences of the occupation of the city of Chisinau during WWII (1944-1945); correspondence with the Council of Ministers of the MSSR and the Commissioner for Religious Affairs on the opening of prayer houses for believers (1945-1948), etc.

  11. Soroca commission for checking the files of public sector employees that remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941

    • Comisiunile centrale şi judeţene pentru verificarea dosarelor funcţionarilor rǎmaşi pe teritoriul Basarabiei în 1940-1941. Direcţia Soroca
    • Уездная комиссия при префектуре Сорокского уезда по проверке служащих, оставшихся в Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг.
    • Uyezdnaya komissiya pri prefekture Sorokskogo uyezda po proverke sluzhashchikh, ostavshikhsya v Bessarabii v 1940-1941 gg.

    The file of the inspection of those employees at the public institutions of the county who remained in Bessarabia under the Soviet rule (1941); correspondence with the county mayors about verifying the activity of those public sector employees who remained in Bessarabia under the Soviet rule (1941-1942); petitions of employees of the county public institutions for reinstatement; lists of the teaching staff of the Soroca сounty schools who remained in Bessarabia under the Soviet rule (1941); lists of employees of the mayor's office of the village Kushmirka who remained in Bessarabia under So...

  12. 15th Regional School Inspectorate and its Educational Institutions

    • Inspectoratul XV regional al învǎţǎmîntului public si instituţiile subordonate
    • 15-й областной школьный инспекторат и его учебные заведения
    • 15-y oblastnoy shkol'nyy inspektorat i yego uchebnyye zavedeniya

    The fond contains files of the Schumacher Women's Chisinau Private High School for 1919-1925. Contains statements of student performance (for 1919-1920 academic year, 1924-25 academic year, 1925-26 academic year, 1927-28 academic year); minutes of meetings of the school committee (for 1921-22 academic year, 1923-24 academic year); minutes of meetings of the pedagogical council (for 1927-1929 academic years); protocols of the examination commission for the final exams (for 1926-27 academic year); statements of student achievement in grades III-VIII (for 1922); students' applications for admi...

  13. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Cǎlǎraşi Police Station

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Poliție al Basarabiei. Poliţia centrelor de plasǎ. Cǎlǎraşi
    • Бессарабский областной инспекториат полиции. Кэлэрашский комиссариат полиции
    • Kelerashskiy komissariat politsii

    Administrative Department (residents' applications to issue certificates of trustworthiness; correspondence on the use of arrest warrants; lists of owners of commercial enterprises; a registration book with lists of individuals under prodsecution by investigative and judicial authorities; reports of agents on individuals who have committed various offenses; information on the activities of Cǎlǎraşi police, lists of Cǎlǎraşi city police members; private cases of the policemen; case of supervising a resident of Cǎlǎraşi Fani Berginer, who served a sentence for anti-Romanian activities and ret...

  14. Tiraspol Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Tiraspol
    • Тираспольская городская примария
    • Tiraspol'skaya gorodskaya primariya

    List of residents of Tiraspol, indicating their property status, professions and addresses (1941-1942); minutes of meetings of commissions on the taxation of merchants with income tax; lists of Tiraspol merchants; taxpayer declarations of their income (1942-1943)

  15. Bessarabian Regional Police Inspectorate. Cǎlǎraşi Police Station

    • Inspectoratul Regional de Poliție al Basarabiei. Poliţia centrelor de plasǎ. Cǎlǎraşi
    • Бессарабский областной инспекториат полиции. Кэлэрашский комиссариат полиции
    • Kelerashskiy komissariat politsii

    Criminal department (orders for the arrest of various individuals, interrogations of individuals without documents; agent reports and information about suspicious persons; orders for searches). Siguranța department (orders for surveilling the population on the occasion of the congress of the 2nd International in Brussels; orders, instructions and reports on surveilling the underground movement; orders and instructions on surveilling foreign subjects; reports on observing the Jewish nationalist movement, orders and instructions on the surveilling individuals newly arrived to the city; observ...

  16. Tiraspol Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Tiraspol
    • Тираспольская городская примария
    • Tiraspol'skaya gorodskaya primariya

    Correspondence with military units on their food supply; the list of gendarmes of the Tiraspol Legion; correspondence with the Tiraspol police questura on personnel regarding the establishment of trustworthiness of individuals; lists of officials of the Tiraspol institutions; personal data of employees at the institutions and enterprises of the city; decrees and circulars of the governorship of Transnistria; personal data of police officers and employees of institutions and enterprises in the city; petitions by the residents of Tiraspol on the return of the lands nationalized after 1917; th...

  17. Chişinău Regional Administrative General Inspectorate

    • Inspectoratul general administrativ regional Chişinău
    • Кишиневский областной генеральный административный инспекторат
    • Kishinevskiy oblastnoy general'nyy administrativnyy inspektorat

    Correspondence with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania about the Communists working at the Soroca City Hall et al.

  18. Orhei Town Hall

    • Primăria oraşului Orhei
    • Оргеевская городская примария
    • Orgeyevskaya gorodskaya primariya

    City Hall orders for the organization of air defense of the city; mayor’s orders for mandatory registration of the city’s population with the police; list of city residents repressed by the Soviet authorities; correspondence on the restoration of destroyed buildings; list of Orhei residents mobilized into the Romanian army; governance guidelines for the improvement of the cemetery for the dead Romanian soldiers; lists of residents of Orhei who filed for a change of names and surnames; statements for the payment of benefits to families mobilized in the Romanian army; the list of traders exem...

  19. Dubǎsari district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Dubăsari – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Дубоссарская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Dubossarskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Files of the Administration Department (correspondence on administrative issues, files of the personnel, lists of employees of the prefecture, correspondence on issuing a permit to carry weapons); files of the Economic Department (orders by preturas on economic issues, information on the ethnic composition of the population); files of the Agricultural Department; files of the Department of Education and Cults (reports on the condition of education in the county, reports on the work of school inspectors, circular instructions on the issue of education and cults); files of the Sanitation Depa...

  20. Dubǎsari district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Dubăsari – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Дубоссарская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Dubossarskaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Files of the County Prefecture (orders of the governorship of Transnistria, reports of persons suspected of communist activity, correspondence with the county district officials on the activities of followers of a religious cult, lists of teaching staff in the counties, cases of issuing permits to employees of county offices for the right to evacuate to Romania, cases of issuing permits for the right to evacuation ) et al. Files of the Dubasari district prefecture; files of the Bosca village primaria; files of the Butur village primaria; files of the Grigiriopol town primaria; files of the ...