Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 81 to 91 of 91
Language of Description: Czech
Language of Description: English
Country: Poland
  1. The collection of video recordings

    The Archives of the State Museum at Majdanek posseses 410 recordings presenting the accounts of the former prisoners, important museum events, and TV materials made for the purpose of educational programmes about the Second World War.

  2. The Society for the Protection of Majdanek (since 1945)

    The fund numbers 993 units and includes the materials documenting the activities of the Society for the Protection of Majdanek.

  3. Historia Mówiona

    • Oral History

    The collection contains the spoken testimonies of the inhabitants of Lublin registered since 1969.

  4. Audio recordings

    The collection numbers 502 recordings. Apart from the former prisoners’ accounts, it includes recordings documenting important museum events and radio broadcasts devoted to the history of the camp at Majdanek and the museum itself.

  5. Maps of the concentration camp at Majdanek and the maps of the museum

    The collection numbers 48 maps of the camp at Majdanek and 112 maps of the area and buildings of the museum.

  6. Trial records

    A collection of materials connected with the trials of the Majdanek crew members, such as copies of trial records, interrogation reports, conclusions of judgments.

  7. NKVD camp

    The materials, most of which are photocopies, are connected with the NKVD camp functioning in the area of Majdanek from autumn 1944.

  8. The collection of announcements and leaflets

    Announcements, leaflets and propaganda posters issued by the occupational authorities and people’s government.

  9. The collection of photocopies

    The collection of the museum’s own materials and the ones acquired from other archives in Poland and abroad.

  10. The collection of microfilms

    Microfilmed documents from the museum’s own archives and other archives in Poland and abroad.

  11. Studies