Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 121 to 140 of 1,934
Language of Description: Czech
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Anti-Nazi propaganda: Russian radio broadcasts

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfim collection of anti-nazi radio broadcast transcripts, emanating from Russia, was collated by the German organisation: Interradio Sonderdienst Seehaus. Each page-long transcript has been annotated 'Geheim' and recorded over the days 14-15 May 1944. The last 8 frames contain broadcast transcripts from National Komitee Freies Deutschland

  2. Antisemitic Biersteins: papers re identification

    The papers include descriptions of the tankards from experts at museums in Frankfurt and Munich; photographs of the tankards; correspondence between Wiener Library staff and various institutions re the tankards.

  3. Antisemitic coloured painting

    Antisemitic painting, coloured, possibly page of a book or broschure, of 'Judensau'The main picture shows the common motive of the 'Judensau' in connection with three Jews who are wearing so-called 'Jew-hats'. Moreover, the picture shows a devil that should be recognized by horns on his head. Coloured painting, possibly a page of a book; "Pag. 392 printed in the top right corner.Headline: "Au weih [Rabbi Ansehl?] au au Mausch auwei au au Under the Headline: Picture of an injured body of a child. Banner under the picture: "Diese Abbildung stehet zu Frankfurt am Maijn am Bruecken Thurm abgema...

  4. Antisemitic discrimination in the Third Reich: Various copy documents

    This is a collection of copy documents, the common theme of which is antisemitic discrimination practised by the nazis with particular reference to the professions. Medicine, dentistry, the law, the theatre and retail are all represented.

  5. Antisemitic flyer, Britain

    Handbill "Achtung alle Juden", purporting to be a deportation order of Jews from London to the "Eastern Territories" English 

  6. Antisemitic Nazi measures: copy orders

  7. Antisemitic notices

    Two small paper notices stamped with the Anti-semitic slogan "Kauft nicht bei Juden" 

  8. Antisemitic Tract, U.S.A.

  9. Antisemitica

  10. Antisemitism in Argentina: various papers

    These papers document, in part, the activities of a number of Jewish and anti-racist organisations in Argentina during the 1930s. The following organisations are represented:Delegacíon de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas- Originally called the Comite contra el Racismo y el Antisemitismo de la Argentina, this umbrella organisation was founded in July 1935 for all important Jewish bodies in Argentina apart from the communists.Hilfsverein Deutschsprechender Juden- founded by seven members of the German Jewish immigrant community of Buenos Aires who had been ostracized by Buenos Aires' non-Je...

  11. Antisemitism in Canada: various papers

  12. Antisemitism in Denmark: Copy papers

    The papers in this collection relate to the trial of 6 Danish Nazis for anti-semitic libel, in Copenhagen in 1937. The defendants include Ernst Lemvigh Müller, Niels Olsen, editor of the National-Socialistiks Maanedhaefte, Aag Henning Andersen, Nannestad Møoller, Valdemar Jensen, editor of Stormen and Betty Henning. The longest sentence was 80 days. The collection includes the transcript of a declaration by the Chief Rabbi of Denmark, which takes the form of written answers to questions about the content of the anti-semitic publications produced by the defendants

  13. Antisemitism in Europe: Cuttings and reports

    Collection of newspaper cuttings and reports concerning antisemitism in several European countries both during and after the Second World War.

  14. Antisemitism in France: various papers

    This collection consists of miscellaneous papers relating to and reporting on antisemitic organisations in France and Belgium. The organisations represented include: Rassemblement Antijuif de France; Union et Sauvegarde Juive; Centre de Documentation et de Propagande

  15. Antisemitism in Greece: reports

    The letters and postcards have been photocopied on to A3 paper, sometimes 4 sheets at a time. There are 13 sheets.

  16. Antisemitism in Holland: records

  17. Antisemitism in Poland, pre-war: Unidentified document

    This document appears to be part of an address by a member of Rote Hilfe, a Polish socialist organisation. It attempts to demonstrate that the pogroms at Pizitik, Cracow, Lemberg and Radom were linked with the murder of the Polish working classes and that the Polish proletariat was not anti-Semitic and that the call for anti-Semitism comes from the government. The author exhorts Polish Jews not to emigrate, stating that they have a right to stay.

  18. Antisemitism in Poland: reports re Jewish schools

    This collection comprises two reports on the situation of Jewish schools in Poland in 1931 and 1937 respectively. The first focuses on the effect of the anti-Jewish boycott movement; the fears of further restricted entry into the teaching profession; the failure of the Polish Socialist Party in opposing the antisemitic measures and the need for well known writers and professors to voice their disapproval of the current trend. The other report (date of receipt February 1937) provides statistics on the state of school provision for Jewish school children and describes the extent of poverty an...