Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,481 to 1,500 of 1,894
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Ferdinand Schwarz: papers re emigration to England

    These papers document, in part, the process of emigration from Germany to England in 1939. The original letters are accompanied by typescript transcriptions and translations.

  2. Bern Brent and Otto Bernstein: Reminiscences

    This series of reminiscences provide an insight into the lives of a German Jewish family from the end of the 19th century until the aftermath of the Second World War.Most of them recount the experiences of Otto Bernstein, the father of the depositor, who describes life growing up in late 19th century Elbersfeld and Kassel (-/1); life in turn of the century Germany and during the First World War(-/2) and his experiences as an inmate of Theresienstadt.(-/3). Bern Brent, the depositor, provides us with an account of his experiences on the ship, the 'Dunera', bringing refugees from Europe to Au...

  3. Max Wolff collection

    Part autobiographical , part historical part legal treatise

  4. Reverend M.L. Perlzweig: Conference address transcript

    Transcript of a speech given by Reverend M. L. Perlzweig from London given at the Conférence de la Jeunesse Juive de France, Paris, 11 April 1938, in which he exhorts his audience in the light of the antisemitism sweeping across Europe, to defend justice and liberty against tyranny 2 pages

  5. Copy report re situation of Jews in Germany

    The detailed knowledge of wide ranging prohibition, intimidation and persecution suggests that the report is genuine. It is stated on the first page that the report was written by 'an intelligent and reliable emigrant, for many years a resident of Berlin.' It is also marked 'Confidential, not to be published' and dated March 17 1942, New York although the title is 'Jews in Germany, October 1941'.

  6. Copy report re the founding of the Anglo-German fellowship

    Letter from the German embassy, London, to the Auswärtiges Amt, reporting on the founding dinner of the Anglo-German fellowship at the Dorchester Hotel on 28 November 1935, in which the German treatment of the Jewish population was regarded as having cast a shadow over what was otherwise thought to be a successful occasion 

  7. Czechoslovakia and the Soviet invasion: Various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.Material re the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union in 1968 consisting of leaflets, proclamations of solidarity, photographs, appeals to the public, warnings concerning traitors issued by the Czech Communist Party, and a report of a confidential press conference given by Prime Minister Černik to the directors of the mass media. 

  8. Chief Rabbi Herz: Passover letter and postcard

    Printed Passover letter from the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain and postcard mourning the victims of the massacres in PolandEnglish 

  9. Eva Williams: Family papers

    This collection comprises the papers of Emanuel Kohn including certificates and testimonials, photographs, copy Red Cross telegrams, family tree; also letters from Kazakhstan from Richard Kohn to Eva Williams, 1983-1997.  

  10. W.P. Jaspert: account of an anti-nazi family

    This collection originally constsisted just of the 2 page account of a anti-Nazi family, described below. Since then more material has been donated to the library: namely an autobiographical account by the depositor and an article on German, non-Jewish anti-Nazis by the depositor's son. These will be catalogued in the main library catalogue. There are also some anti- Nazi propaganda leaflets

  11. Inge-Lore Sommerfeld: personal papers

    This collection consists of the personal papers and photographs of Inge-Lore Sommerfeld, a former Kindertransportee who was sent to England aged 12.Personal papers Including correspondence, passports, school reports and qualifications, certificate of confirmation, correspondence and papers regarding employment with the BBC and Marks & Spencer, and a family tree.

  12. Antisemitism in Poland, pre-war: Unidentified document

    This document appears to be part of an address by a member of Rote Hilfe, a Polish socialist organisation. It attempts to demonstrate that the pogroms at Pizitik, Cracow, Lemberg and Radom were linked with the murder of the Polish working classes and that the Polish proletariat was not anti-Semitic and that the call for anti-Semitism comes from the government. The author exhorts Polish Jews not to emigrate, stating that they have a right to stay.

  13. Jewish community, Stuttgart: commemorative material

    This collection of leaflets and other printed material concerns the activities of the Jewish community in Stuttgart and that of the 'Gesellschaft fuer Christlich-Juedische Zusammenarbeit, Stuttgart'

  14. Report re Nazi propaganda, Amsterdam

    Typed sheet of a confidential report from Amsterdam on Nazi propaganda, mentioning in particular van Heemskerk Duecker who was leader of the Nationalsozialistischen Studentgruppe in Wageningen, Holland. Before that he worked with the Flemish organization in Belgium and in close contact with Rost van Tonningen. There is also a report on Barends who was in close contact with the organization ‘Michiel de Swaen', whose aim was to unite all Flemish speaking countries and was pro Nazi.German 1 pageFormer Wiener Library reference: 211D/ 207E 

  15. Report re bomb damage in Wuppertal

  16. Frank Steiner: Family papers

    This collection comprises the following folders: (1869/1) Correspondence from parents to Willi and Franz, 1938-1939; (1869/2) Correspondence between parents, Willi and Franz and Max Steiner (1874-1942), father's eldest brother, 1938-1942; (1869/3) Correspondence from parents to Franz and Willi, 1938-1943; (1869/4) Correspondence from Julian Halberstam to Willi and Franz, 1939-1951, also biographical material on the family; (1869/5) Correspondence from Julian Halberstam in Saanen, Switzerland, to Willi and Franz, 1951-1956; (1869/6) Correspondence from parents in Budapest to Willi and Franz,...

  17. Copy letter from La Libre Parole re travel expense refund

    Copy letter from Henri Coston, at the offices of the French periodical publishers, La Libre Parole re the refund of travel expensesGerman 

  18. International Committee for Intellectual Refugees: Statement of activities

    Statement of the activities of the International Committee for Intellectual Refugees, a Geneva based organization, founded to provide support to intellectuals, persecuted by the NazisEnglish 2 pages 

  19. Copy document re Schutzjuden