Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,401 to 1,420 of 1,894
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Opening ceremony for synagogue in Mannheim

    Detailed description of the speeches and opening ceremony for the new Synagogue in MannheimPictures of the head of the Jewish community Mannheim Fritz Mayer, mayor of Mannheim Dr. Reschke, Rabbi Dr. Bloch, head of Jewish community Baden Otto Nachmann, prelate Hermann Maas, Heidelberg and pictures of the ceremony and audience 

  2. Copy article re Terezin

    Copy article entitled Das ‘Musterghetto' Theresienstadt in which the author provides some historical background to the camp and describes life as an inmateGerman 2 pages 

  3. C.C. Aronsfeld: copy personal correspondence

    This collection consists of correspondence relating to a letter published in the Times newspaper in 1977 by C.C. Aronsfeld, formerly deputy director of the Wiener Library, which questioned the extended closure period on records held at the Public Records Office relating to the author of an Anti-Semitic book on Anglo-Jewry, (Das Judentum in England , by Peter Aldag), published in Germany in 1940. Some of the correspondence betrays a latent anti-Semitism.

  4. German pre-war propaganda in England: Reports and publications

    This microfilm collection contains a variety of pre-war propaganda materials produced for consumption in Great Britain, including documentation about or from the Anglo-German Fellowship, Deutsche Ausländer Dienst, Deutsche Fichte Bund and the Anglo-German Information Service.

  5. Waldmann-Mandel collection

    The collection consists of the vital records and identity documents of Maurice Waldmann, Rita Waldmann-Mandel and Ludwig Mandel. It also contains letters to Ludwig Mandel, including one sent by his mother in Theresienstadt.

  6. Jews of Bukowina: Papers re compensation of German Jewish nationals

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of documentation contains expert witness testimony concerning the German nationality of Jewish former residents of Bukowina, Rumania/ Ukraine in the context of claims for compensation in post war German trials:Criticism of Martin Broszat's paper (see below) from the United Restitution Organisation, Frankfurt, nd15 pages Frames1-14Copy expert witness testimony by Dr Emilie Kubaschek, for the Verwaltungsgericht der Freien Hansestadt, Bremen, in the case of Dr Wolf Mandel and V...

  7. Max Perls: Family papers

    This is a collection of correspondence from friends and family in Piaski, near Lublin, Poland and Stettin, close to the German border, to Max Perls and his wife in Chile.Correspondence from friends and family in Piaski, near Lublin, Poland and Stettin, close to the German border, to Max Perls and his wife in Santiago, Chile. Includes at -/20 a typescript poem by Friedrich Kroner, which appeared in Aufbau, Friday 14 November 1947. It was originally penned on 3 February 1944, while the author was in a slave labour camp in Thüringen

  8. Polish Jewish experience: Various papers

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection of material, documenting the experiences of Jews in Poland, comprises 3 groups: reports; transcript newspaper articles and extracts; transcripts and extracts of letters from Poland.ReportsRapport sur la situation des Juifs en Galicie Orientale 1940, frames 3-12Rapport speciale sur la situation des Juifs à Lodz, frames 14-16La situation en Pologne, frames 18-20Tausende von jüdischen Flüchtlingen in Wilna, frames 21-22Die Deutschen in Warschau- das Martyrium der jüdischen Bevö...

  9. Antisemitism in Poland: reports re Jewish schools

    This collection comprises two reports on the situation of Jewish schools in Poland in 1931 and 1937 respectively. The first focuses on the effect of the anti-Jewish boycott movement; the fears of further restricted entry into the teaching profession; the failure of the Polish Socialist Party in opposing the antisemitic measures and the need for well known writers and professors to voice their disapproval of the current trend. The other report (date of receipt February 1937) provides statistics on the state of school provision for Jewish school children and describes the extent of poverty an...

  10. Address by Federal President, Johannes Rau

    This collection contains copies of an address in German and English to the Israeli Parliament by the German Federal President, Johannes Rau, 0n 16 February 2000

  11. Ronald Hertzmann: family papers

    Herzmann family papers including family history, correspondence and miscellaneous papers

  12. The Church in Austria: Correspondence

    This microfilm collection of papers documents antagonisms between the Nazi authorities and the Catholic Church in Austria. The correspondents include the Gauleiter und Landeshauptmann in Salzburg and the Reichsminister für kirchliche Angelegenheiten, in the cities of Klagenfurt, Salzburg and Vienna.

  13. Hirsch family documents

    The papers in this collection document aspects of the life of Jonni Hirsch a Jewish Mischling, from Kiel, Schleswig-Hollstein, and of certain members on the Jewish side of his family. The papers are evidence of the way in which the lives of Jews in a German city became ever more difficult as a consequence of growing antisemitism. This is demonstrated in subtle ways by, for example, the copies of Abraham Hirsch's 19th century war record c1935 (-/4); the letters from shops and cafes requesting Jonni Hirsch not to frequent them because the customers do not like it (-/5, -/7, -/15); and the per...

  14. Kindertransport questionnaire survey material

    Kindertransport questionnaire survey material . Note that the original forms are closed to the public.An anonymised speadsheet containing extrapolated data from the forms is accessible in the readimng room.Readers need to book a terminal in the reading room to access his material .

  15. Letter addressed to the Jewish Central Information Office

    Letter addressed to the Jewish Central Information Office from Hans Grabowski of the Jüdische Gemeinde, Herford, detailing the fate of the town's Jewish communityGerman

  16. Institute for American Democracy Inc.

    Diverse printed anti-racist material from the Institute for American Democracy Inc., including eight miniature postersEnglish 

  17. Anti-fascist leaflet

    This anti-fascist leaflet entitled Fascism again in 1948 was written and published by Frederic Mullally against democratic tolerance of new fascist movements in Britain after WW II.