Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 17,721 to 17,740 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Germans in Occupied Ukraine

    Footage shot by a German cameraman during Germany's occupation of Ukraine in World War II. Footage with German photographers traveling through the Ukraine photographing cities, villages, and collective farms. The most extensive footage is taken with a female photographer from her trip to Ukraine in the summer of 1943. She traveled by plane and car from southern Ukraine (the Melitopol region) just north of Crimea, then along the Dnepr River northward over Dnepropetrovsk to Kiev and then due west to Rovno and then the border of General Government. Reel 2: 05:26:20 MS EXT of Germany's main bro...

  2. With Tito in Yugoslavia

    shows Marshall Tito and Yugoslav patriots. According to UN contents sheet: "At his secret mountain headquarters, somewhere in Yugolsavia, is the leader of the embattled Yugolsav Army of Liberation, Marshal Tito. Tito is shown here with the first Allied war correspondents to reach his headquarters.....As United Nations Armies close in on Nazi Germany...they owe much to a small but gallant people and their valiant leader...Marshal Tito."

  3. Exhumation at hospital

    Sign: Maros Utca 16 (address). Sign: X-ray. Exhumation by hospital. VO: Infamous hospital where the Arrow Cross committed murders. Mass graves exhumed in hospital garden. They killed helpless patients in their beds along with doctors and nurses. Former Arrow Cross members (waiting for trials) watch exhumation. CUs intercut with exhumation shots.

  4. Execution of War Criminals

    Bardossy, Szalasi and others (?) executed. Bardossy at ceremony in Music Academy. Szalasi at time of takeover at Royal Castle. Arrival from Germany. Scenes of the coutroom. Chain Bridge blown-up, destroyed buildings, dead bodies. Execution preparations, prisoners lead to posts, faces covered.

  5. Nazi hangs for murder

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 18, No. 419. Release date, 07/26/1945. For murdering a Yank flyer who had parachuted to earth at Preist, Germany, a Nazi war criminal is hung on the gallows until dead. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Nazi Executed, Germany." The execution of one of three German civilians, Peter Kohn, Matthias Gierens, and Peter Bock, who were tried as war criminals after being judged guilty of murdering an American flier who safely parachuted to earth near Preist, Germany, is pictured here. Lt. Col. LV Roddy, Deputy Provost Marshal of the 15th Army officiates at t...

  6. Danzig and Warsaw city scenes

    There are burn-in time codes on the intermediate Betacam SP (Protection) video. There is no way to order a clean copy. City scenes, traffic, pedestrians, shop fronts, kiosks with posters, gliders, horse-drawn wagons. LS town square. Pan, building. VS, MCUs, pedestrians. CU, signs in Polish. Policeman directing automobile traffic. Buses, bicycles, peddlers. Rain. People at storefront. Policemen conversing.

  7. Oral history interview with James Barnett

  8. Large Fascist Meeting

    Narrator voiceover: "Third anniversary of fight against Bolshevists. ..." Eastern Front Brotherhood Organization (forerunner of Arrow Cross) welcomes members returning from Front. Large meeting hall, with giant banner with skull: "Fight to Victory." Sync statements by Joszef Ambross, leader of the organization, and Bela Imredy, National Leader of Brotherhood, re: need for unity, discipline, and sacrifice. Speaker warns audience to not take on the role of Judas.

  9. Children in Warsaw

    Children (mostly) exiting building, a man observes at left, a woman (teacher?) follows the children. Children are escorted through a gate, walking in line, dressed in uniform. Girls dance in a courtyard. Boys enter the courtyard, dressed in uniform, teachers stand aside them.

  10. Second transport of war criminals

    Second transport of war criminals. Former Arrow Cross leaders arrive from Germany, interrogated in former Arrow Cross headquarters. Including: Sandor Csia, Tribunal Judge Lajos Szasz, Supply Minister Ferenz Vas, Leader of Volksbund Emil Szakvari, Secretary of Gombos, Minister under Szalasi Pal Tider, Arrow Cross Count Peter Hain, Gestapo agent Kalman Kubai (L) chained with Laszlo Baky (R) State Secretary Karoly Beregi, Arrow Cross Defense Minister Mihaly Borcsa Kolozsvari, Szalasi Press Secretary Istvan Antal, Minister of Propaganda Ferenz Kiss, Actor Ferencz Fiala, Press Secretary Jeno Rac...

  11. Street scenes; POWs

    Children sitting in street. Shot of man in German uniform on street, pedestrians pass by. Man on street singing or talking to himself. Overall shot of market, very crowded. CUs of people in street. Corner storefront. CU of typhus notice: FLECKFIEBER. Street vendors. Shot of ghetto wall under construction? More street vendors. Pan of ruined buildings. Bombed building. Street with wall built across it. Poor quality newsreel footage of Jews on country road and Polish POWs (also in Bundesarchiv footage).

  12. Hitler with Degrelle & SS

    Hitler congratulates SS Generals Lieb and Gille and decorated Belgian fascist Leon Degrelle for escaping Russian encirclement at Cherkassy. Himmler is present. MS, SS General Lieb salutes, bows, and shakes Hitler's hand. SS General Gille salutes, Himmler walking beside him. Hitler shakes Gille's hand, and looks toward Leon Degrelle (the Belgian fascist) who is in SS uniform and saluting. Hitler shakes his hand and then clasps it warmly with other hand. MCU of the same. MCU hands decoration to Gille then to Degrelle. Camera moves in for good shot as Hitler and Degrelle shake hands warmly. Hi...

  13. Book Destruction

    Beginning of the destruction of Jewish literary products. Mihaly Kolozsvari Borcsa, State Secretary, throws the first book in the pulp mill.

  14. Nazi unit men's brass finger ring found by a US soldier

    Men's Nazi ring found by John W. Runkle, an American soldier.

  15. Blanket from Foehrenwald displaced persons camp

    Blanket bought by Charlene Schiff with cigarettes which she received in Joint Distribution Committee packages during her internment at Foehrenwald diplaced persons camp, near Munich, Germany.

  16. Buchenwald Aussenkommando scrip for SS Ko. Rottleberode, -.50 Reichsmark

    .50 Reichsmark Buchenwald Aussenkommando [Outside Command] coupon for SS Ko. Rottleberode concentration camp in Germany. Buchenwald opened on July 19, 1937, and issued undated notes in 0.5, 1, 2, and 3 mark denominations. The simply designed notes were printed on coarse paper. There were two types of coupons: canteen scrip and exchange scrip issued to members of outside labor brigades [Aussenkommandos.] In early April 1945, as US forces approached Buchenwald concentration camp, the German guards began to evacuate the camp. On April 11, the prisoners revolted and seized control of the camp. ...

  17. Exodus Jews in Germany

    Refugees washing clothes, sewing, near quonset huts and tents. Couple poses with young child. CU boy eating bread. Good view of tents. VAR CUs of refugees. Barbed wire enclosed camp. More general views of camp, people walking, talking. Nice CU of boy wearing a hat with "Exodus 47." Train station, British medical personel load ambulance. Refugees leave train, go onto trucks. British soldiers guard road, trucks pass. Soldier guards camp. More CUs of refugees.

  18. Forced labor construction of giant submarine pen

    French POWs, concentration camp inmates, Polish and Soviet POWs from Neuengamme subcamp Bremen-Farge - forced labor at U-Boat construction site "Valentin" in Bremen. 00:02:09 Good establishing shots of construction complex and adjacent Weser River. Train pulling into site, LS men working at base of high wall under construction. Guiding crane. 00:05:50 VS French uniformed POWs digging, lifting girders. 00:06:17 LS concentration camp inmates in striped clothing unloading bags of cement and carrying them on their shoulders, MS then MCU. 00:07:03 LS of train, and pan of buildings, cranes and co...

  19. Hans Frank in Poland

    UFA #688: Hans Frank, Governor General of Poland, visits Pilsudski Tomb and dines at castle. MS of elaborate scrollwork on entryway to tomb, group of Nazi officials enters, shots of tomb and overhead of people in room. Outdoors in courtyard of castle, Frank and aide are introduced to various people, CU as he shakes hands while in BG Nazi officers stand around. LS of people seated outdoors at table. Good MCU of Frank without his cap, shot of castle exterior.

  20. Westerbork Arrival

    Arrivals at Westerbork transit camp. Workers and guards at train station. Train pulls in. People get off trains with bundles; chaotic feeling. Freight train pulls in, Jewish prisoners from Vught concentration camp wearing clogs and work clothes, get off, line up. They have been sent to Westerbork for punishment. Brief INT of registration (out of focus).