Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,581 to 16,600 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Star of David badge with Jude printed in the center

  2. Decree regarding the use of public transportation by Jews... Broadside announcing travel restrictions for Jews

    Order (Anordnung) concerning use of public transportation by Jews in area inside the district of Cholm (Chelm).

  3. German invasion, occupation of Low Countries

    Reel 3: German troops invade Holland, cross the Maas, cycle thru a village, capture Fort Eben Emael using flamethrowers. German troops guard Belgian and Dutch POWs, cross the Albert Canal, advance with tanks, dig fox holes, eat, man tanks and fire artillery. German planes bomb allied positions. Maps the German advances in Belgium and Holland. Shows the formal Dutch surrender and masses of German vehicles.

  4. Notes

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Synagogue in Czechoslovakia; peasants

    1150 Y: Prague, Czechoslovakia, October 3, 1946 (?). INTs, Jews worshipping in the Synagogue of Prague. MS, the rabbi opens the ark and takes out the Torah which is shown to the worshippers. LS, same as MS above. MS, Jews worshipping the Torah. The rabbi enters the center of the synagogue where the Torah is placed on a table. He opens it. MS, the rabbi opening the Torah for the ceremony. CU, the rabbi opening the Torah and demonstrating it, wide open, to the worshippers. LS, Jews leaving the synagogue after the ceremony. NOTE: The American Jews gave a Torah to the Czech Jews in Prague. This...

  6. Nazi atrocities; surrender

    06:12:46 Reel 2: "Activities in European Theater of Operations" In Germany, Schweinfurt citizens gather in courtyard. Confiscated art, belongings, etc. German male civilians march in columns in streets to be screened by US counter-intelligence. Cached gold and art treasures emoved from Merkers salt mine. Nordhausen citizens loot shops, walk through streets, stopped by armed US soldiers, forced to surrender stolen goods. French POW camp in Seurst, Germany. The liberated wave out of three story building windows, give hugs, pats, and kisses to liberating soldiers, large crowd, US and French ra...

  7. Oral history interview with Sender Lipfield

  8. US publishers visit Weimar and Rheims

    US Publishers and Editors Visit Weimar, Germany and Rheims, France, April 24, 1945. Seq: Newspapermen greeted by Brig. Gen. Frank A. Allen at airport and are taken on tour of Buchenwald concentration camp. CU, Gen. Omar N. Bradley at his headquarters. Seq: Newspapermen visit prisoner of war enclosure and Cathedral at Rheims, France. MSs, visitors greeted by Gen. Bradley and other officers.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- President Benes at his desk

    President Edouard Benes at his Desk. Several angles and takes of Edouard Benes, President of Czecho-Slovak Republic, at desk. Benes reads statement (prepared for The March of Time) in three languages (English, French, Czech). Benes speaks about the Czechs reorganizing their country so that it may take its traditional place in Central Europe as a factor for peace in the United Nations Organization.

  10. Pacific activities on Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and Manila harbor

    Secret Staff Film Reports, US War Department. "Pacific -- Activities on Okinawa" Marines advance on Okinawa, flushing Japanese civilians (women and children) from caves. Japanese planes are downed by planes and ships in heated battle. 06:07:20 "Pacific -- Iwo Japs in Dawn Sortie" Japanese attack American tent camp on Iwo Jima. US Marines fought back, killing 300 Japanese in two hours. 06:08:26 "Pacific -- Mop-Up in Manila Harbor" In the Philippines, engineers lay pipe from an LCM onto Caballo Island; oil is pumped through and ignited to rout underground Japanese troops. A similar action tak...

  11. French liberation: Resisting Germans; de Gaulle

    Reel 3: Armed tanks and infantry rout resisting Germans from the Arc de Triomphe. General de Gaulle addresses the populace and places a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

  12. Panel discussion with Taylor, Ferencz, Drinan, and Dershowitz

    Panel discussion: The Significance of Nuremberg, Principles and Precedents. Speakers include Telford Taylor, Benjamin B. Ferencz, Father Drinan, and Alan Dershowitz. Boston College Law School. Taylor discusses the judicial process as a step in the direction of an ordered world and peace (in his view, this was "the most significant accomplishment of Nuremberg"). Ferencz claims the fundamental principles established as a result of the Nuremberg judgments are a) aggressive war is a crime; b) crimes against humanity; c) head of state is responsible under law. Ferencz argues that the elaborate r...

  13. William "Billy" Carry collection

    Consists of 24 original photographs taken by William "Billy" Carry and of four German postcards from World War II. The photographs depict liberated Berlin, a liberated concentration camp, and mass graves, while the postcards show portraits of Hitler and other Nazis.

  14. Eva, Hitler, wedding of Eva's sister, Christmas, children

    Reel 5 of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). COLOR. Title: "Ausflug zum Kehlstein." [Excursion to Kehlstein] Nazi flag reflected in headlight of Mercedes automobile (short). B/W. Car traveling on mountain road, group admiring scenery, taking pictures. Market, carnival. Group of actors filming "Der laufende Berg" in the Bavarian mountains. CU, actress Hansi Knoteck. Group shots include actors Paul Richter, Maria Andergast, and Hans Deppe. The actors, in the company of actor/director Fritz Kampers, in front of the door to the Kehlsteinhaus. COLOR. Country scenes,...

  15. Supplies produced and shipped to US troops during WWII

    Records world-wide war activities. Reel 3: (1942) US material of war is made and stored. Shows many ship launchings. Troops arrive in England and New Caledonia. Planes and ships deliver supplies in various sectors. Marines land on Guadalcanal.

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- Warsaw after liberation

    LS crossroads of main streets (Sikorski and Marszchalkowska streets) in Warsaw. In BG, wrecked buldings. MS policeman ruling traffic. Polish carts carrying bricks for rebuilding the city pass. In BG famous Poniatowski bridge. Same crossroads. In BG, temporary shops built since liberation. Female policeman directing traffic. A lorry carrying children towards devastated quarter of Warsaw. Cabs and lorries wait to cross pontoon-bridge on Vistula River. In FG, one of destroyed bridges. Cross bridge, side by side with pedestrians. LS sign in Polish: "The first Regiment of Pontooners to the popul...

  17. Samuel Marcus collection

    Consists of four photographs of recently liberated concentration camp prisoners, taken by (and of) the donor in April 1945 after the liberation of Dachau.

  18. Religious service at Dachau concentration camp

    (LIB 6571) Atrocities at Dachau, Germany, May 3,5,6,9, 1945. INTs, Catholic mass for imprisoned priests. EXTs, chaplain holds services for camp inmates. CUs, individuals at services. CU, rosary beads. Rear views, priests with "X" and "KL" on backs of their coats. MS, altar. LS, crowd at Jewish service carrying flags (May 6, 1945). CU, Rabbi David Max Eichhorn with Torah, speaking to crowd. MSs, crowd, woman singing, speaking, crying. Woman giving flowers to the rabbi. Dr. Dortheimer stands to the left of the Rabbi; according to the testimony in RG-60.3006, Dortheimer was introduced at the s...

  19. Krupp's birthday celebration; Hitler visits factory

    Reel 6: (Krupp's birthday celebration continued from Reel 5 - Story 951, Film ID 911) A bust of Krupp is unveiled at Krupp's brithday celebration. Mrs. Krupp is present and featured at the celebration. Son Alfred Krupp von Bohlen, taller & dark, present. Speeches, portrait of Hitler, playing chess. 07:41:10:20 "Essen am 7 August 1940. Laesslich der Vollendung 70. Lebensjahres des Herrn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach" Hitler attends Krupp's birthday celebration. Bust of Hitler. Hitler inspects the Krupp plant at Essen. Workers salute Hitler. 07:44:07:17 "Hitler and Erich Mueller at Gun Tes...

  20. Invasion of Poland; Germans & Russians meet; occupation

    Summary: The German viewpoint of events prior to and during the Polish campaign. Reel 7: shows masses of abandoned equipment and Polish POWs. German and Russian units meet. Hitler poses in front of besieged Warsaw. German armor and infantry enter the city after its capitulation.