Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,421 to 16,440 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Nazi mythology

    As expressed by this film's subtitle, "Allegory of our History and Life," the German forest is a symbol for the German people. The film describes the intimate relationship between peaceful Germans and wood from the Germanic times of Arminius to the present. It draws an analogy between the vertical German tree and the upright German peasant-soldier. In contrast, the aggressive alien is shown as destroying beloved trees, thus destroying the German people. This mystical relationship between man and nature is grounded in the organic idea of a pure-blooded Volksgemeinschaft [ethnic-racial commun...

  2. Maria Lichtsztejn and Sarah Montard collection

    The Maria Lichtsztejn and Sarah Montard collection contains personal narratives by Maria and Sarah describing their experiences during the Holocaust. Three copies of a memoir written by Maria is comprised in this collection, including translations in Yiddish, English, and French. In it, Maria describes her and Sarah’s second arrest in 1944, their internment at Drancy, and deportation to Auschwitz. Sarah wrote two memoirs, the first describing her and her mother’s first arrest in 1942 and their temporary detainment at the Vel d’Hiver before both managed to escape and the second titled “March...

  3. Concentration camp uniform dress with number 94593 worn by a German Jewish inmate

    Concentration camp uniform dress worn by Hannah Lenschitzki in Kaiserwald, Stutthof, and Thorn concentration camps from April 1943 to January 1945. It has a white patch with her Stutthof prisoner number, 94593. On December 15, 1941, Hannah, 19, and her mother Rosa were deported from Hannover to Riga ghetto in Latvia. In April 1943, they were sent to Kaiserwald concentration camp in Riga. Hannah and Rosa were separated and Hannah worked in an AEG factory. In September 1944, Hannah was sent to Stutthof concentration camp in Danzig, Germany, where she was reunited with Rosa. Hannah was sent to...

  4. Simon Strauss photograph

    Consists of one photograph depicting Jewish deportees from the Hanau, Gelnhausen and Schuechtern districts boarding a train at the Hanau station. Among those being deported is the donor's uncle, Ludwig Gernsheimer.

  5. French liberation in Paris: FFI and Germans fight

    Reel 1: Half-tracks, tanks, and infantry move through the streets of Paris. FFI placards, announcing France's liberation, are posted. FFI trucks move through Paris. Snipers fire from windows at German troops. FFI recruits are sworn in and armed. Grenades are thrown at German vehicles. Street barricades are erected.

  6. Civilians at Weimar

    German civilians march along country road to tour Weimar camp. Parchment made of human skin, shrunken heads, and emaciated/wounded survivors. Truck bed of corpses. Pan to crowd looking at inmates lined up behind barbed wire.

  7. Prison for defendants; Landsberg hangings

    SS Bunker, Dachau SS Compound, Prison for Defendants, Dachau, Germany, May 14, 1946. Pan of bunker which houses defendants. LS, German civilian laborers entering main entrance of SS camp. Scenes of prisoners taking walk in yard. MS, Maria Mandl and Elisabeth Ruppert. LS, MP guard trying doors in cell block. MS, Therese Gebhart, Maria Rotman, Barbara Matina seated in cell. CU, Sepp Dietrich seen through cell door opening. Scene through door opening of Sickel seated on bed. Scenes of civilian jailers pressing food through gaps in cell doors. CUs of two unidentified defendants in cell block. O...

  8. DPs return to Russia

    (LIB 6784) Shipment of Displaced Persons Back to Russia, Hamburg, Germany, May 25, 1945. SEQ: 1500 displaced persons march in groups of 35 each to railroad station and board trains. LSs, DPs listen to speech by Russian officer. DPs and US soldiers and officers of the 28th Div.

  9. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 529) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. MS, defendant Karl Gebhardt testifies from witness stand. His counsel, Seidl Ratz, occasionally puts a question to the witness.

  10. March of Time -- outtakes -- London, England: Military, political leaders, Downing Street

    805 D 11:51:00 May 1940. British Army mililtary officers enter War Office between Trafalgar Square and Westminister. Dutch officers getting out of car, entering building, talking on steps. Major General Beith (Ian Hay), Director of Public Relations at the War Office, meets with Richard de Rochemont and Maurice Lancaster (mute). 805 E 11:54:17 June 1940. Scenes at No.10 Downing Street, as military and political leaders arrive and depart by car and taxi. Among them, a rear view of Anthony Eden going into No.10. Also shown are Alfred Duff-Cooper, Brendon Bracken, C.R. Atlee, Sir Dudley Pound, ...

  11. Mass burial of murdered Jews; exhumation of slave laborers

    German Killing of Jewish Slave Labor, Neuenberg, Germany, April 29, 1945. Seq: German civilians are assembled and marched to graves of murdered Jews. Seq: German men and women in teams of four carry decomposed bodies in open pine boxes from woods through town streets to cemetery. VS, townspeople as they walk past open coffins. CUs, facial expressions of townspeople. LS, bodies awaiting burial as civilians walk past. LS, pan, 200 bodies of murdered Jews lying in woods. CUs, German civilians digging up bodies. Exhumation of 1500 Russian Slave Laborers, Essen, Germany, April 28, 1945. VS, 17th...

  12. March of Time -- outtakes -- Bodleian Library; Ashmolean Museum

    Bodleian Library; Ashmolean Museum. Bell being rung in Bodleian Library to announce closing time. CU Sir William Patrick reading large book. Men walking down aisle between book shelves. Students reading. VAR people studying. CU man reading ancient MSS. CU MSS. Foundation of building. Men digging sand away for foundations. Men waterproofing a wall. Men at work with barrows, shovels. General view of excavation, showing Sheldonian Theatre in BG. Old Ashmolean Museum: Shot of elaborate silver microscope made for George III. CU card describing microscope, with picture of George Adams, the maker....

  13. Ferencz lecture: World Federalist Association of Pittsburgh

    Ferencz explains his involvement in world peace and international law. He describes the mentality of the defendents he prosecuted at Nuremberg as well as his legal quest for compensation for survivors. Ferencz claims that world peace can be achieved through a common sense plan that includes laws, courts, and enforcement. He reminds the audience of the dramatic transformation and progress of the twentieth century, that are, according to Ferencz, the beginnings of international law of the world. Ferencz identifies the need for disarmament and social justice to move to a world of caring and sh...

  14. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case, Rostock testifies

    (Munich 522) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. MS, Paul Rostock, one of the defendants, testifying in German. Occasionally a question is put to the witness by the defense counsel Dr. Pribilla. MS, Karl Brandt and other defendants in box. (Brandt is mentioned in Rostock's testimony).

  15. Nazi Party swastika armband

  16. Royal Army pin

  17. Goebbels speaks at Sportpalast, before Hitler's first speech as Chancellor

    Nazi party rally in the crowded Berlin Sportpalast on February 10, 1933. Joseph Goebbels, in business suit, delivers opening remarks about the aggressiveness of the 'Jewish press' and promises to 'shut' its "freches Luegenmaul"[cheeky lying mouth]. This is Hitler's "Regierungserklaerung" [State of the Union address] to the German people after being appointed Reich Chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933. It is also a part of the campaign effort before the parliamentary elections slated for March 5, 1933. Hitler blames the "Maenner des November 1918" [men of November 1918] for the innocently lost war an...

  18. Ferencz interviewed by Rev. G. Arthur Hammons

    Interview with Benjamin Ferencz. Host: Rev. G. Arthur Hammons. Ferencz discusses his optimistic approach to world peace and explains guidelines to further world peace (as published in his "A Common Sense Guide to World Peace," 1985). He claims the world should be governed by three principles: law, courts, and enforcement. Such an effective system will enable international law, and thus man's right to live in peace and dignity. Ferencz relates an important lesson learned at Nuremberg: "We are all our brothers' keepers." Ferencz argues that people, not the government, are responsible for effe...

  19. American propaganda label

  20. Children refugees; Nazi atrocities

    A War Department Film. Army-Navy Screen Magazine, no. 75 Reel 1: Masses of children wandering in war-ravaged cities begging, stealing, and scavenging for food. CUs mental and physically retarded children. Portraits of the "next generation", comparisons to fascist leaders of WWII. Empty fields marking the site of Lidice, Czechoslovakia. Women survivors of the Lidice massacre at gravesite. Nazi footage of Hitler Youth, Hitler, von Rundstedt speech. CUs starving children. Packed courtrooms at Nuremburg, Germany and trials of captured SS men. Hitler speech (narrated in English). Ruins of German...