Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 14,221 to 14,240 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Estonian State Archives of the former Estonian KGB (State Security Committee) records relating to war crime investigations and trials in Estonia

    Contains photocopies of evidence documents, interrogation transcripts, decrees, biographical data sheets, witness statements, photographs, miscellaneous court and trial documents,and sound recordings of trial proceedings relating to the arrest, investigation, prosecution, and sentencing of war criminals accused of atrocities in concentration camps, mass killings of Jews,Communists, and prisoners of war in Estonia during World War II. Documents range in date from 1940 to 1987 with the bulk of the documents dating from 1950 to 1962.

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Tel Aviv Schools

    Herzelia secondary school in Tel Aviv. First day of Mourning, of a week of mourning in memory of the millions of Jews tortured and killed by the Nazis, with a special ceremony at all schools in Palestine. Busy street, buildings. People exiting building en masse. 06:43:15 Lines of school children doing drills. Israeli flag. Women conducting girls singing hymn of Faith (brought from the ghetto). 06:44:35 Man reads oath from scroll to girls. Hebrew writing: "The remnant of Israel shall multiply on its soil. It shall rise. The hope of Israel shall never wane. His home shall be upbuilt and firml...

  3. Abraham M. Neumann family collection

    Contains certificates, legal documents, identification documents, travel documents, menus, postcards, Reisepasse, school report cards, letters, booklets, and photographs relating to the life of Abraham M. Neumann and the Neumann and Kuerschner families in Warsaw, Poland, and Vienna, Austria, and the emigration of several family members to the United States.

  4. Emanuel E. and Dorothea G. Minskoff papers

    The Emanuel E. and Dorothea G. Minskoff papers include correspondence, photographs, printed materials, a scrapbook, and subject files documenting Emanuel E. Minskoff’s work for the Individual Assets Investigation Branch in postwar Europe, his work on the I.G. Farben Trial, and Dorothea G. Minskoff’s work on the Ministries Trial, which were part of the Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings in Nuremberg, Germany. The papers also include information about Emanuel E. Minskoff’s work for the Treasury Department’s Foreign Assets Control Division regarding remittances to and trade with China in the ear...

  5. Latvian State Archives KGB (State Security Committee) records from Fond 1986 relating to war crime investigations and trials in Latvia

    Contains photocopies of selected interrogation transcripts, decrees, biographical data sheets, witness statements, photographs, and miscellaneous court and trial documents from the Latvian State Archives Fond 1986 relating to the arrest, investigation, prosecution, sentencing, and in some cases, execution of war criminals accused of atrocities committed against Jews and Soviet citizens in Latvia during World War II.

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Germans arrive in Sudentenland; Sudeten refugees

    Big crowd mourning, (German) women in tears, talking. 03:43:18 Nazi speaker heard. 03:43:32 People in courtyard silently heiling. Pan, women cries as she heils. 03:44:23 Sad faces of children and women boarding streetcar. 03:44:41 Men on bicycles rush down street, men with QF ruined room. Border, gate going up, 03:45:06 grinning Nazis on horseback go through. Lots of marching Nazis, heiling (hesitant). 03:45:24 Nazis on carts, peasant women, flowers, heiling on cue, others being taught to heil. CU, elderly woman watches and does nothing. Goering with children. SS feeding people in square. F...

  7. Kristina Singer essay

    Contains an essay by Kristina Singer describing her meeting with Holocaust survivors Kuba and Helen Beck in 1991. Kuba and Helen Beck were deported from Kraków, Poland, in 1943 and interned in Płaszów concentration camp where they encountered Amon Goeth and worked in Oskar Schindler's enamelware factory. Helen Beck was transferred to Auschwitz concentration camp but was released three weeks later due to the efforts of Oskar Schindler. Kuba and Helen Beck now live in the United States.

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- The New School, NYC (University in Exile)

    New School for Social Research, NYC. 03:11:34 CU of sign, EXT: "The New School". 03:12:51 INT, people walking through lobby, information board. 03:13:43 CU, individual names and their subjects. View of faculty members meeting around table in front of mural, with the president of the New School, Alvin Johnson. There are various European exiles, including Leo Strauss, Frieda Wunderlich, Emil Lederer, and Max Wertheimer. (Full list of names is available in March of Time research files). 03:14:07 View of adult students in class. 03:16:52 People at a meeting.

  9. Oral history interview with Theodore Kessler

  10. Oral history interview with Bruno Eidinger

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Mosque; Arabs in Palestine

    Road junction with Syrian and Transjordanian borders. Buses, signpost "Jerusalem Trans Jordan South" and "Frontier Syria". 06:32:45 Desert, cows, sea. People on beach. 06:33:24 Jassar Mosque at end of road, old market square in FG. Teachers walking. 06:34:19 Entrance, students walking up and down. Playing board games. 06:35:25 Reading mail. Street scenes with camels, busy 06:36:07 Men drinking tea/coffee. 06:36:45 Shot of busy square. Band walk past. 06:37:45 Arab women and children. 06:38:47 Shot of town. Street, countryside. 06:40:21 Men walking in FG, Khalissa Arab Market, merchants, but...

  12. Oral history interview with Eugene Fellner

  13. German minority census of May 17, 1938 to 1939 Reichssippenamt Volkszählung vom 17.05.1938 durchgeführt 1939

    Contains records of the census of "non-Teutonic" (Jews) peoples in Germany conducted by the Reichssippenamt in 1939.

  14. Records of the Associations for the Care of Orphans CENTOS Zespół Zwiazek Towarzystw Opieki nad Sierotami, CENTOS (Sygn. 200)

    Contains reports, minutes, remarks to reports, inspection reports, kitchen inventory, kitchen menu, financial statements, correspondence, and a variety of documents relating to the work of the CENTOS kitchens and boarding houses between 1941-1942, in the ghetto in Warsaw, Poland. Records document virtually all aspects of CENTOS kitchens activities, including organizational structure, kitchen expenses, staffing, kitchen menu, food supplies, falsification of food supplies, unfair accusation of shortages, disinfection of the kitchens, coal supplies, and all elements of inspection tasks.

  15. Rudolf A. Haunschmied collection

    Two cassettes with music and a discussion regarding the concentration camp Gusen I and II. Cassette 1, Side A: Names of musicians: Herbert Strobel (sp?), Bernard Offen (sp?), Kurt Neumayer (sp?). Program is a memorial event, possibly at the Gusen site; narration in English and German. Sound quality is adequate for 40 seconds only and largely inaudible thereafter. Main speaker is a Polish-Jewish survivor of Mauthausen visiting from California; he tells his story at 16:00. Musical interludes: 07:35 "hasidic nigun" (a textless tune) sung by the men. 12:00 cello solo and male voice perform unid...

  16. Michael Botermans poems

    Contains two poems entitled "Yehoshuah" and "Why" written in remembrance of Holocaust victims and survivors.

  17. Oral history interview with Binjamin Wilkomirski

  18. Schwarz and Mandl families papers

    The Schwarz and Mandl families papers include identification papers; birth, marriage, and death certificates; immigration and military records; restitution files; and photographs documenting the Schwarz and Mandl families of Vienna Austria before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  19. Heinz Praeger papers

    The Heinz Praeger papers include biographical materials, photographs, and printed materials documenting Heinz Praeger, his prewar life in Germany, and his wartime years as a refugee with his wife and son in Shanghai. Biographical materials include three copies of a brief biography of Heinz Praeger by Michael Carlon describing Praeger’s childhood in Berlin, antisemitic persecution in the 1930s, his imprisonment in Dachau after Kristallnacht, his relocation to Shanghai, meeting and marrying his wife, the birth of their son, the family’s immigration to the United States, and their lives in New...

  20. Print

    Lithograph of Oranienburg