Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,861 to 20,880 of 22,191
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Oral history interviews of the "Turned Away" documentary film collection

    Oral history interviews with St. Louis passengers and academic experts gathered for the documentary film "Turned Away"

  2. George A. Silver collection

    Photographs, maps, propaganda leaflets, booklets, and ephemera, related to the military career during World War II of George A. Silver, including his service in the U.S. Army in the North African and Italian theatres, 1943-1945, as well as the liberation of Dachau concentration camp. Included are a book plate from the library of Adolf Hitler, Allied and German propaganda leaflets, and information provided to American soldiers in occupied Germany after the war. Also contains material documenting Silver's attendance at the International Liberators' Conference, hosted by the United States Holo...

  3. Allerhand and Wohlfeiler families collection

    Photographs: depicting the Allerhand family before the war in Krakow; students in the elementary school Alexander attended in 1935/1936; portraits of family members sent to Leopold Allerhand imprisoned in Oflag IIc Wollenberg and postwar images of the family. Photographs of Wohlfeiler family before the war in Katowice and in Krakow after the war; wedding photograph of Olek and Krysia Allerband in Krakow on July 15, 1951. Cloth sack the donor and her mother used in Brünlitz concentration camp used to gather food on liberation day, May 1945; 2 stones: one from Umschlagplatz in Warsaw ghetto (...

  4. Oral history interviews of the Litow family collection

    Litman Litow, born in Visheva, Belorussia, discusses his Holocaust experiences on the run and in hiding from the Nazis and his subsequent years as a leader of a Jewish partisan unit. Included is a panel discussion regarding partisans of Vilna.

  5. Ruth Engelhardt Spivack Meyers collection

    The collection consists of a charm bracelet, handkerchief, wooden jewelry box, a patch, napkin holder, and ORT key award, correspondence, documents, identity papers, and photographs related to the experiences of Ruth Engelhardt Spivack (later Meyers) and her mother Helene Engelhardt, during and after the Holocaust when Ruth lived in Montmorency OSE home in France prior to being sent on a September 1941 USCOM transport to the United States, where she lived with the Spivack family in Cleveland.

  6. Elena Boguslavsky Zondowicz collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, Polish report cards, a Catholic prayer book, and a picture of the Virgin Mary relating to the experiences of Elena Boguslavsky Zondowicz while in hiding during the Holocaust as well as her subsequent immigration to Mexico.

  7. Guy Reed Branch collection

    Consists of a photograph album containing photographs of life at the prisoner of war camp in Laon, France, which the American military used to house German POWs after the war. Includes photographs of performances, housing, and groups of prisoners. The album was compiled, described, and given by an unknown POW to Guy Branch, a member of the American occupying forces who staffed the camp. The POW may have been Hans Scheffler; the collection also contains a letter with his prisoner number which matches the prisoner number and photograph on the interior of the album. Also includes a handmade wo...

  8. Russel McCallum collection

    Russel McCallum collection: papers, notes, statements, correspondence, translations and book jacket relating to the defendants of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg as well as the briefcase/portfolio that the files were originally kept in. The collection was acquired by medic Russel McCallum from a secretary to the Tribunal; in German and English; dated 1945-1946

  9. Gregg and Michelle Philipson Collection and Archive

    The collection consists of poster stamps and a letter relating to the United States and Poland before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  10. Bernhard Wiesenfeld Collection

    The collection consists of correspondence, documents, and photographs from Bernhard Wiesenfeld (father of donor) and his family, dating from his youth in Galicia, through his years in Austria, his immigration to England, and his subsequent immigration to the United States. Documents include letters sent while he was interned at Camp Kitchener in England in 1939, and designs for inventions he created in the United States after his immigration in 1940. The collection also includes a cigarette lighter and a compact that he invented.

  11. Abraham Spiegel collection

    Consists of one pre-war and wartime file of papers gathered and used by Abraham Spiegel, originally of Munkács, Czechoslovakia, to establish himself as a Hungarian citizen. Includes scrip from both the Theresienstadt and Litzmannstadt ghettos and official documents and paperwork for the Spiegels once they arrived in the United States, including passports. The paperwork focuses on Abraham Spiegel and his wife, Edita Rosenwasser Spiegel.

  12. Margolies and Zetterberg Nuremberg collection

    Contains photographs, correspondence, newspaper articles, speeches, briefs, and two badges pertaining to Daniel Margolies and Harriet Zetterberg's role on the prosecution team during the Nuremberg Trials. Includes: briefs regarding the history of various defendents, written by Harriet Zetterberg for the Trials; numerous post-war articles and speeches by Daniel Margolies regarding the Trials; identity cards and Tribunal entry passes; large photographs showing Margolies and Zetterberg in the Trials.

  13. Rivka Ribak collection

    The collection consists of a fragment of embroidered curtain and a scarf relating to the experiences of Rivka Ribak during the Holocaust in the Warsaw ghetto in German occupied Poland.

  14. Oral history interviews of the India Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust who lived in India during or after WWII.

  15. Oral history interviews of the Isaiah Kuperstein collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors produced by Isaiah Kuperstein and Robert Shapiro.

  16. Albert Günther Hess collection

    The collection consists of handmade puppets, two photo albums and loose photographs relating to the experiences of Albert Günther Hess and his family before and during the Holocaust in Germany, Belgium, and France and the experiences of Albert in the United States and after his service in World War II. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  17. Schillinger and Baumann family collection

    The Schillinger and Baumann family papers document Marie and Samuel Schillinger and their children Jan and Jiri’s efforts to emigrate from Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) to the United States after its annexation by Germany in 1938. The papers document their trip on the MS St. Louis from Hamburg, Germany to Havana, Cuba; their relocation to the Heijplaat refugee camp in the Netherlands; their move to Quito, Ecuador; and their immigration to the United States in 1942. The collection consists of biographical materials of the Schillinger and Baumann families from Užhorod, Prague, a...

  18. Fruma Gulkowitz Berger collection

    The collection consists of a fork, spoon, originals and photocopies of poems and prose writings, a composition book of poetry, newspaper clippings, photocopies of articles, and photographs relating to the experiences of Frances (Fruma) Gulkowitz Berger, Murray Berger (originally Mordechai Shmulewicz), and Elliot Berger (originally Elia Shmulewicz) during the Holocaust in Poland where they were interned in ghettos and then escaped and joined the Bielski partisan brigade, as well as their experiences in the postwar period.

  19. Korman and Maizels families collection

    The collection consists of a purse, a briefcase, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of the Maizels and Korman families in Poland and Germany before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  20. Leika and Moisei Akkerman collection

    Abacus and washboard that initially belonged to Leika and Moisei Akkerman (donor's parents). The items were left behind in their family home when they escaped to Tashkent in the summer 1941. When they returned to Edinet in 1948, they found their home occupied by locals. The house had been looted and many of their belongings were found in the posession of neighbors who lived a two houses down and claimed that they had "bought" these items during the war. Among the few items that remained in their home were this washboard and the abacus which was used by Moisei who worked as an accountant at ...