Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,181 to 19,200 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. The New York Times (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

  2. Jewish Resettlers in 1920s

    HA line of cars in small town. People pack furniture. MS of trucks and cars passing by, some traditionally dressed Jews visible amongst belongings on vehicles. HA of trucks on rural road.

  3. Concentration camp uniform coat worn by an Austrian Catholic inmate

    Concentration camp uniform knee length coat worn by Karl Unterthiner, an Austrian Catholic political prisoner in Dachau concentration camp from March 25, 1944, to April 29, 1945. Karl lived in Sterzing, (Vitipeno) Italy, an alpine village, which was part of Austria until World War I. In June 1939, Germany and Italy agreed this area would be Italianized. Residents who wished to retain their German culture and language were given the option to go to Germany or Austria which was part of the German Reich. Karl was Austrian, and he refused to leave his home and spoke out against Fascism and Nazi...

  4. Persecution of Jews 1933-1945

    Pre-title sequence: Bookburning in Berlin, Joseph Goebbels speaking. 09:02:58 View of bodies stacked with wood for burning, and Heinrich Heine quote. 09:03:11 Film title: DER GELBE STERN: Ein Film ueber die Judenverfolgung 1933 - 1945. Events of January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany. NSDAP (Nazi Party) organization, new members, SA marching in streets. S.A. Heim [Sturmabteilung headquarters] 09:05:09 Joseph Goebbels speaks at Sportpalast in Berlin, against the lying Jewish press etc. This preceded Hitler's first speech as Chancellor, February 10. 09:05:53 Still ...

  5. New York Herald Tribune (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

  6. Prayer book

  7. The New York Times (New York, New York) [Newspaper]

  8. Refugees arrive at Ellis Island

    Refugees arriving at Ellis Island on the "Marine Flasher" ship. Crowd waving. A scuffle breaks out among refugees, one woman is visibly upset and yelling toward the camera. Refugees embrace, some with bundles. CU of a woman holding a baby. Side view of a boy waving. Various shots of two children. Two women show tattoos to camera (they seem to be mother and daughter, but this is not confirmed.)

  9. Thomas Sulenski photographs

    The papers consist of six photographs from the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp and of Hitler's Eagle's Nest.

  10. Refugees arrive at Ellis Island

    Refugees wave from ship, the Marine Flasher, to people at dock. Men and women kissing, toting luggage. Children waving to camera. Refugees showing tattoos to camera. Scan of people waiting for refugees to arrive. Seqeuences repeated, although there are a few additional scenes and color bars. Weber family with tags standing together at 06:05:40 (top row: Gertrude, Senta, Ruth, Alfons; bottom row: Renee, Judith, Bela). Sonia Weissman appears briefly at 06:05:50.

  11. Antisemitic campaign: Boycott, Bookburning, Goebbels

    "Part 2 Acquiring Totalitarian Control of Germany, 1933-1935." "Opening of the Official Anti-Semitic Campaign, 1 April 1933." Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels addresses a cheering crowd in Berlin Lustgarten. Speech. Boycott of Jewish shops begins. Truck filled with Nazis moves through streets, chanting: "Germans, protect yourselves. Don't buy from the Jews." Crowds in Berlin streets; good views, various. On doorway, sign with skull: "Achtung Juden." On closed stores the sign "Jude" and the Star of David painted on windows. SA men put up signs, hold back cro...