Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,841 to 16,860 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Oberlandesgericht Posen records (Sygn. 74)

    This collection contains files relating to investigations, indictments, trials, and sentences of criminal cases in the Posen region.

  2. Ilse de Popper testimony

    Testimony, 47 pages, typescript, consisting of transcript that Wolf Popper made of an audio recording of his mother, Ilse de Popper, who recounted the family's experiences in Austria under Nazi domination, the arrest of her husband and his imprisonment at Buchenwald, and the family's escape from Austria.

  3. To remember and not to forget

    Contains an oversize scripted version of a poem entitled "To Remember and Not to Forget."

  4. Maurice Rinde collection

    The Maurice Rinde collection consists of five photographs, two identity cards, one letter, and some photocopies of the Rinde family, originally of Przemyśl, Poland. The photographs are pre-war and wartime family photos and copies of photos; the identity cards are under Maurice and Stella Rinde's false identities as Genowefa and Wiktor Kroczykowski (two original cards and photocopies of additional cards); the letter, written by Maurice Rinde, promises a rescuer that a relative in the United States will reimburse expenses for those in hiding should Mr. Rinde not survive the war. Also includes...

  5. Displaced persons materials from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library

    The collection describes policies and impressions of the Allied Forces towards displaced persons after the Holocaust.

  6. Biography of Stephane Hessel

    Photocopy of typescript, bound biography of a German-born French diplomat.

  7. Temoignage sur la resistance et la deportation and ceremonie d'inauguration du Square Marcel Rajmon

    Testimony, circa 50 pages, typescript, describing experiences of Rajman and his family, fighting in resistance in France during occupation, and deportation and survival in Buchenwald. Also includes documents, including copies of photographs and texts of speeches by local officials, at dedication of a square in Paris in 1994 named in honor of Rajman's brother, Marcel, who also fought in the resistance and was killed in 1944. Marcel was pictured on the "affiche rouge" of targeted resistance fighters ("L'Armee du crime") and portrayed in the 2009 film "Army of Crime" about the Manouchian group...

  8. Selected copies of documents from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Archives

    Contains photocopies of selected documents concerning Jewish displaced persons in Austria and Germany for the years 1945 to 1964.

  9. Regional commission for the investigation of Nazi crimes in Poznań Akta zakończonych sledźtw w sprawach o zbrodni hitlerowskich

    This collection contains investigation case files concerning labor camps for Jews, the murder of individual Jews, and the mass execution of Jews inside and outside the camps in various districts of the Poznań region. This documentation was collected by the Główna Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu (Main Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish Nation).

  10. Charles Kremer collection

    Contains an autobiography about Charles Kremer's experiences as a Nazi hunter, with an introduction by Simon Wiesenthal. Documents Kremer's thirty-seven year pursuit of Viorel Trifa, Iron Guard commandant turned Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Other items include a copy of a July 1982, "Reader's Digest" magazine article; a copy of an article from "Esquire" magazine written by Howard Blum; a program from a banquet honoring Dr. Simon Wiesenthal and Dr. Charles H. Kremer; an article from "Health Affairs" at the University of Pennsylvania; a copy of a proclamation from the Office of...

  11. Sam Pruchno collection

    Testimony, 26 pages, typescript, about experiences of Pruchno, originally of Siauliai, Lithuania, about occupation of Lithuania, life in Siauliai ghetto, as well as deportation to Dachau, and time there and at Kaufering. Accompanied by photos of Pruchno and photocopied document (post-war) attesting that he had been imprisoned at Dachau.

  12. Et deux et lux et Sobibor

    Contains an overzied printing of a poem entitled "Et deux et lux et Sobibor" as well as typed author's notes about the poem.

  13. Der martyrer von Bömenkirch Pfarrer Bernhard Heinzmann

    Photocopy of typescript, unpaginated (approximately 30 pages), containing biography of Bernhard Heinzmann, a Catholic priest who was arrested in 1941 and imprisoned at Dachau, and who was killed in 1942.

  14. Oral history interview with Simon Pitchon

  15. German invasion, occupation of France

    Reel 9: German tanks crash through a forest. German observation plane flies over devastated areas, tanks advance under aerial cover. Tank crews rest, advance with other forces thru Weygand Line defenses into the Chemin des Dames sector and fire their guns. German units advance past dead horses in streets, oil tanks blaze. German soldiers clear rubble. German officers confer underground and German troops cross a river while under aerial attack.

  16. Memories

    Testimony, 20 pages, typescript, titled "Memories of a Wartime Teenager" by Susie Pernitz, written to her son, Jacques in 1989 and explaining what she experienced and witnessed in occupied France. Also includes another testimony, "The Life and Times of Adolf Pernitz, or Adventures of a Young Jewish Boy," written in 1994 with Susie Pernitz, describing his wartime experiencs in Poland, life as a displaced person and resettlment in France.

  17. Zvi Ostrowsky collection

    Testimony, 107 pages plus appendix, typescript. Consists of an English translation and typescript of the diaries of the donor's father, Shmuel Ostrowsky, who wrote down his account of being an eyewitness to the German occupation of his hometown of Slonim, Poland. Contains photographs of Shmuel Ostrowsky's grave.

  18. Sidney Newman collection

    Testimony, 3 pages, typescript, answered in form of questionnaire, with other correspondence and a photograph. Concerns Sidney Newman's experiences at Auschwitz and Mauthausen as a Jew, as he was then not a Freemason but later told his story at the request of fellow Masons.

  19. Selected records from the National Archives in Prague : Judenvorschriften, and other files

    These files relate to the regulation of all aspects of the lives of Jews in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, specifically the confiscation (Aryanization) of Jewish property, the regulation of Jews in professions, travel restrictions, the removal of Jews from civil service and other places of employment, various restrictions on the movement of Jews, places where Jews could eat and sit in public, the issuance of ration cards, the removal of Jews from public schools, the payment of pensions to Jews, etc.

  20. Helena Polanska collection

    Contains memoir and miscellaneous documents.