Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 321 to 340 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Dutch civilians and GIs

    VS, in town of well-dressed civilians walking and riding bikes. CU of a blond woman on street corner, VS of street activity. Civilians riding bicycles down tree-lined streets, coming towards camera. One or two trucks driving down streets of town. Most civilians are wearing heavy coats, there is evidence that it is a windy day (hair, coats, etc. blowing in the wind). VS of five GIs and five local girls standing in front of a building. Hamilton is on left. Girls waving good-bye to GI friends as jeep drives off with GIs.

  2. Dora Camp; opening of railroad bridge

    LIB 6703 Camp Dora Nordhausen, Germany May 16, 1945 A car driving through a lot, airplane hangar in BG. VS, Congressman Everett Dirksen of Illinois and Commander John S Young step out of a car and board a small plane. They disembark and greet two US officers. The officers then bring them on a tour of prison camp Dora. They stand outside a building with a sign that reads, “HEADQUARTERS CAMP DORA.” The visitors question a former prisoner. VS, Congressman Dirksen and Commander Young visit various locations on the grounds, including an underground factory where V-1 and V-2s were manufactured. L...

  3. US Army in Italy, Germany, and France

    TASK FORCE 45 IV Corps Sector, Fifth Army Italy 12 Feb 1945 (M-1273) VS, Maj Gen Willis D Crittenberger, CG, IV Corps, awards decorations and then formally disbands Task Force 45. Pan, troops in formation. FRONT LINE ROAD JAM Fifth Army, Italy 13 Feb 45 (0-1091) Seq: road grader stuck in ditch beside mountain road, causes traffic tie-up. Soldiers of A Co, 126th Engrs, 10th Mountain Div, pull grader out of ditch with bulldozer. GENERAL GEORGE C MARSHALL VISITS 92 DIV Fifth Army, Italy 14 Feb 1945 (0-1091) Short scene, Gen Marshall and official party arrive at 92d Mule Pack Bn. CUs, Gen speak...

  4. Casting of the helm from the Haganah ship "Medinat Ha’Yehudim"

    Painted, epoxy resin casting of the wheel from the Aliyah Bet (clandestine immigration) ship "Medinat Ha’Yehudim" (“The Jewish State”), commissioned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for installation in the museum’s permanent exhibition. The ship was commissioned by the United States Coast Guard in 1927, as the ice cutter “USCGC Northland (WPG-49)”. Following the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, the Northland was refitted for patrol along the coast of Greenland. In September 1941, the Northland achieved the first American naval capture of the war by seizing the Germa...

  5. Sphinx; battle in desert; bazaar; fighter plane

    This story is a compilation of a number of small reels shot in the deserts of Egypt/North Africa. Fire truck with men in black uniforms, shot of the Sphinx. Stevens and Bill Mellor in summer uniforms standing in front of a station wagon, pan to Sphinx. VS of Sphinx with pyramid in BG. Stevens walks to FG, Mellor and Stevens in front of Sphinx. VS of tank battle in desert (Sahara) with dust, smoke, tanks advancing. Men on foot behind firing tanks, dust and smoke blowing in strong wind. VS of scrub brush in desert. Soldiers running with weapons, large explosion screen right, FG, more views of...

  6. Germans in Crimea; Farming; Dancing; Military exercises

    The amateur films shot by German infantryman Corporal Eugen Biedenbach of 419 Infantry Regiment record his training and active service in the German campaigns against Yugoslavia and on the southern sector of the Eastern Front. The films also containg pre- and post-war scenes of Biedenbach family life in Stuttgart (where the family of Eugen's wife owned a clothes store) as well as recreational activities. Reel 17: Crimea: Ukrainian girl harvests grapes, assisted by bare-torsoed German soldiers including Eugen, in late summer 1942. Eugen washes his hands outside single story Ukrainian house. ...

  7. United Jewish Appeal officials visit to Israel, circa 1948

    Interior shots of fabric factory machinery and workers. United Jewish Appeal officials tour the facility, inspect fabric produced, and converse with factory workers. Julian Venezky appears at 01:00:46. UJA men, including Venezky and Sidney Green (?), exit the factory. Some of the officials are women. Point of view shot from interior of a moving car, passing by a checkpoint with a sign in Hebrew. The cars drive past a fenced area, probably a camp for new immigrants. Pedestrians smile at the car. UJA officials, now out of their cars, talk to people on the street. The camera pans down to revea...

  8. Vienna tourist sites

    UFA logo. Official film of buildings in Vienna, introduced with German titles (this was not filmed by Maexie). Includes shots of St. Stephens Church, Ringstrasse, bustling street scenes, Rathaus, Burgtheater, pedestrians/street scenes, State Opera, traffic, Stadtpark, art/statues, tram, fountains, amusements, and crowds. Ende.

  9. DPs boarding truck

    Displaced persons getting onto truck, boy with a guitar being lifted onto truck, female servicewoman nearby. Children on truck waving goodbye to camera. Side view of truck.

  10. FDR delivers war message; Kuhn addresses crowd at Madison Square Garden; Japanese troops

    Reel 1. Bombing of Pearl Harbor and the resultant damage. President Franklin Roosevelt delivers his war message to Congress. Wendell Willkie speaks for one world. German American Bund meets in Madison Square Garden for a "Pro-American Rally" on February 20, 1939; Fritz Kuhn addresses the crowd. Laborers fight at various strikes. Japanese troops invade Manchuria and China. Ambassador Shigemitsu.

  11. Liberation of Nordhausen; Red Cross; V2 rockets

    Shot of stretchers containing emaciated corpses, name "Orlich" and number written on body. Stevens and Moffat talking through window to inmate in striped coat. Inmates in striped coats talking to Stevens and others. Panning shot of camp buildings - Dora in Nordhausen. Bare trees in BG. VS of camp. Small sign reads: "Holzverwertung." Inmate in striped uniform with red cross walks past sign. CU of ambulances and Red Cross tent. Series of Red Cross tents at side of an airfield by ambulances (LoC cataloger's handwritten annotations indicate that this footage is not from Nordhausen, but from ano...

  12. Americans visit Europe in 1938

    Ralph Voigt recorded his family's travel to Europe in 1938, likely in celebration of Ralph's graduation from high school, Title- EUROPE 1938. Couple, probably Elmer and Nellie Voigt, at desk with pamphlet ‘How to See Europe’. The Americans are well-dressed and packing nice clothes. 1:02 Moving train. Ship smokestacks. Map of Europe with the travel itinerary: Havre, Paris, Versailles, Basel, Lucerne, Berne, Zurich, Como, Florence, Siena, Rome, Naples, Venice, Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich, Mittenwald, Nuremberg, Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, Kolberg, London, and Bath. 2:07 Title- FRANCE and...

  13. Refugees, liberation, and an illegal ship (some staged)

    This footage contains a number of scenes from a fiction (staged) film, with Hebrew subtitles, that indicate the year as 1946 to 1948. There are also a number of scenes in concentration camps (staged or liberation: unable to confirm at time of record entry), scenes on boats, people fleeing, being captured, etc. 04:00:36 Shots from behind, crowds marching in streets with suitcases. Smaller group of men and women in forests, a child is helped up a snowy hill. Women helped aboard a boat (presumably to safety). LS of boat, crowded conditions. Boat moving, man with binoculars, hair blowing in the...

  14. Business travel in Mindanao

    Walter Rauscher travels to Mindanao as the Manila representative for Levy & Blum, Inc.

  15. Nazi speeches and music

    The eight recordings include: -Hitlerjugend: Eine Dokumentation ueber Jugenderziehung im Dritten Reich von Horst Siebecke -Macht ohne Moral: Eine Dokumentatoin ueber Heinrich Himmler und die SS -Triumph of the Will: A Sound Documentary of the 1933 Party Day, Marches, Speeches, Ceremonies -Joseph Goebbels: das Dritte Reich und seine Propaganda -Hitler's Inferno in words, in music 1932-1945 -Hitler’s Inferno vol. 2: Marches, Songs, and Speeches Nazi Germany - WWII -Deutschland im Zweiten Weltkrieg [Germany in the Second World War] -Deutschland aus der Asche: Originalaufnahmen aus den Jahren 1...

  16. Bergen-Belsen

    Contains information about the establishment of health care facilities after liberation, the activities of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft as leaders in the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp, and the closing of the camp in 1950.

  17. American military moves through Germany

    Reel 13: (1945) Germany; Air trip to England; Remagen Street scenes, soldiers marching, gathering in the road amongst crowds of civilians. Church. Planes landing in a field, soldiers conversing next to trucks in the airfield (possibly, the Frankfurt airstrip). Soldiers at leisure outside a home (temporary HQ?), play with a small dog, open a metal trunk, and wave to the camera from trucks. Nice CUs of men. Street scenes and views from moving vehicle. In town, soldiers talk with civilians and children, and hang a sign, "534 QM GP". They pose for the camera. Two soldiers in front of the home p...

  18. Trip to Norway and Denmark on steamer

    Reel 8 of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). B/W. German troops, trombone in FG. Nazi party leaders review German troops. Pinning medals onto uniforms. CU, medal featuring crown and Iron Cross. German boards plane, CQ, propellers. COLOR. Rugged scenery from ship, seagulls. This is likely the steamer (“Milwaukee”) that Eva Braun and her companions traveled on during a trip to Norway and Denmark. b/w - Fishing boat (short). Color - Scenes on and from deck of ship. Water surging from bow. “Hammerfest 1789” flag affixed to vehicle in the village of Hammerfest, Norw...

  19. Scrapbook

    Includes information about the work of Josef Rosensaft with the displaced persons of Bergen-Belsen, the final days and closing of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, compensation for Jews who were detained in the camp after liberation, and antisemitism experienced by Jews remaining in the British Zone after liberation.

  20. Public television feature on the USHMM

    WETA's program on the development and construction of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum broadcast on public television in 1993.