Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,821 to 21,840 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Oral history interviews of the Edith Ruina collection

    Oral history interviews gathered by Edith Ruina for her manuscript "The Grupa," which tells the story of Jewish youth from 1939-1945, who fled as a group from Poland through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and finally to Palestine.

  2. Hal and Robyn Klein collection

    The collection consists of an unused Star of David patch, three Theresienstadt ghetto labor camp parcel stamps, and a letter relating to the history of the Holocaust in German occupied Czechoslovakia and Netherlands.

  3. Nathan Baruch collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Rabbi Nathan Baruch as director of the Vaad Hatzala Rescue Organization in Germany from 1946-1949.

  4. Edith Ruina collection

    Contains research materials pertaining to Edith Ruina's research for her manuscript entitled, "The Grupa." "The Grupa" tells the story of a group of Jewish youth from 1939-1945, who fled as a group from Poland through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and finally to Palestine. The manuscript is based on the writings of Rutka Judenherc Bayuk, one of the youths, and the collection includes oral history interviews, and transcripts, of members of the group.

  5. Herbert Fierst collection

    The Herbert A. Fierst collection consists of biographical materials, displaced persons files, photographs, subject files, writings, speeches, and interviews primarily documenting Fierst’s work on displaced persons issues at the Pentagon and State Department in the 1940s; a diary Herbert kept while traveling in Germany in 1935 and 1936; writings and speeches about Nazi Germany and postwar displaced persons issues; McCarthy-era investigations into Fierst and his colleagues; materials relating to Herbert’s family; and an oral history interview with Sam Perlman and Sophy Perlman about Herbert F...

  6. Nellie Wiesenthal Fink family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Ernestine Wiesenthal, her son, Fritz, his wife, Gertrude, and their daughters, Illa and Nellie, in Germany, England, and the United States before and during the Holocaust.

  7. Leopold Schein collection

    The collection consists of handpainted textiles, handmade notebook, correspondence, documents, photographs, and photograph albums relating to the experiences of Poldek (Leopold) Schein in prewar Poland, prior to his escape from Krakow to Soviet occupied Poland and his subsequent imprisonment in a Siberian labor camp and resettlement in Uzbekistan during the Holocaust, and to his life in Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp in Germany and in the United States after the end of World War II.

  8. Levy family collection

    The collection consists of a Star of David badge and identification cards relating to the experiences of the Levy family while living under Nazi occupation in and around Berlin during WWII.

  9. Cesia Carol Redlich collection

    The collection consists of a Łódź Ghetto coin, certificates, documents, photographs, and publications relating to the experiences of Cesia Uncyk and her family before the Holocaust in Poland, and after the Holocaust when she lived in a displaced persons camp in Germany and then emigrated to the United States. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  10. Michal Goldin collection

    The collection consists of a Polish eagle badge, a Polish medal and box, documents, and publications relating to the experiences of Michal Goldin before the Holocaust in Warsaw, Poland, and during the Holocaust, when Michal served in the Polish Army in exile in France, Switzerland, and Scotland, and was killed in combat in Normandy, France, in 1944.

  11. Fritz Hirsch family collection

    The collection consists of a poster, a red box, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Fritz Hirsch, his wife, Hilda, and their sons Gerd Karl and Frank, and extended family members before and during the Holocaust in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States, before the family was deported to various concentration camps in Germany and Poland where they perished.

  12. Lidia Kleinman Siciarz collection

    Consists of prewar and wartime photographs of the the family of Dr. Mendel and Aniuta Szwarcman Kleinman, and their daughter, Lidia (now Lidia Kleinman Siciarz), originally of Krakow, Poland. After the occupation of Poland, the family temporarily found haven in Turka, but in 1942, with the threat of deportation, Lidia went into hiding in a Catholic orphanage under the name Marysia Borowska. Aniuta Kleinman, who was also using a false name, was denounced and perished. Dr. Kleinman reunited with Lidia in May 1945. Aniuta gave Lidia the family photographs in a locked cosmetics bag before they ...

  13. Manfred and Anita Lamm Gans family collection

    The collection consists of a military jacket, scrip, correspondence, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Manfred Gans in Germany, Great Britain, the British Army, and the United States before, during, and after the Holocaust, his family in Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Palestine, and Theresienstadt ghetto labor camp before, during, and after the Holocaust, and Anita Lamm and her family in Germany and the United States during and after the Holocaust.

  14. Natan Caron collection

    The collection consists of a beret, concentration camp uniform, patches, an armband, wallet, and documents relating to the experiences of Natan Chorowicz (later Caron) during the Holocaust, when he was interned in multiple concentration and labor camps, including Dannes-Camiers, Auschwitz, Jawischowitz, Buchenwald, Ohrdruf, Crawinkel, and Espenfeld, and after the Holocaust in Belgium and the United States.

  15. Oral history interviews of the Italy (South Tyrol) Documentation Project

    In Dec. 2009, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Oral History Branch produced its first set of interviews in Northern Italy for the Italy (South Tyrol) Documentation Project. Nathan Beyrak served as the Project Director. In May 2011, the Museum acquired a second set of interviews for the project, coordinated and conducted by Gerald Steinacher, with Franz Haller as the camera operator.

  16. Oral history interviews of the Hungarian Witnesses Documentation Project

    Oral history interviews of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's Hungarian Witnesses Documentation Project.

  17. Heller family collection

    Consists of material related to the Holocaust experiences of Rudolph Heller and Ilona Neumann Hellerova and their son, Ota Karel (now Charles Ota) Heller, originally of Kojetice u Prahy, Czechoslovakia. Includes images of family members and of the family company, Firma Gustav Neumann. Includes a handwritten family history written by Gustav Neumann prior to his deportation to Theresienstadt and death at Treblinka. The family history was continued by Ilona, who used the book as a diary of her experiences remaining in Czechoslovakia with Ota and posing as non-Jews. In 1944, Ilona was sent for ...

  18. Second World War ephemera collection

    The collection consists of one anti-Hitler pin, one ledger from the Chief of Police of Vienna, Austria, and one mimeographed page from an immigrant ship, SS Marine Shark relating to the history of World War II.