Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,121 to 21,140 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Posters

    2 posters: Rescue and Refuge: United States Committee for the Care of European Children Work to Keep Free. War Production Board, dated 1943

  2. Adolf Fingrut collection

    The collection consists of a field camera, tripod, and attachments: lens, remote shutter release, 3 wooden film holders, and metal tripod attachments relating to the experiences of Adolf Fingrut before, during, and after the Holocaust in Rembertow, Poland, where he owned a successful photography studio, then in Warsaw, Praga, and Opole where he survived under a fasle identity and with the help of his future wife Michalina Jarowszewska.

  3. Norman Naftali Silver collection

    The collection consists of a briefcase, wallet, coin, and photograph relating to the experiences of Norman Naftali Zylberminc (later Silver) after the Holocaust in Landsberg displaced persons camp in Germany.

  4. Renee Lisse Sachs family collection

    The collection consists of a doll, documents, an oral history, and photographs relating to the experiences of Renee Lyszka and her family in prewar, wartime, and postwar Poland, France, and the United States.

  5. Michael D. Zentman collection

    The collection consists of American anti-Hitler, anti-Axis, and anti-Stalin propaganda materials, including pins, postcards, toys, advertisements, envelope, and other ephemera.

  6. Stars and Stripes on Nuremberg Trials collection

    The collection consists of a Stars and Stripes newspaper from September 30, 1946, Index to the rulings of the Tribunal consisting of 133 pages, and other documents in a folder marked "Rulings of the Tribunal"

  7. Evelyn Neufeld collection

    Collection of documents relating to Willy and Dora Neufeld during the Holocaust in Hamburg, Germany, 1939-1945. Postwar documents relating to the community activity of Willy Neufeld and the Neufeld family emigration to the US in 1951; Star of David badge which Willy Neufeld was forced to wear during the war years. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  8. Philip Sherman collection

    The collection consists of three newspapers published in the United States: the Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter and the Free American. dated November 30, 1939; The Free American and Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, dated May 16, 1940, and Father Coughlin's Social Justice, dated January 16, 1939; the first two promote German identity in the US and downplay Nazism, while the third last was promoted by a patriotic populist individual.

  9. Kurt Zimmerman collection

    The collection consists of a documents, books, cigarette albums, newspapers, magazines and clippings relating to the experiences of Kurt Zimmerman while he was serving with the US Army in Germany with the Counter Intelligence Corps, following World War II. Kurt Zimmerman was one of the Ritchie Boys and was in charge of Ludwigsburg intermnent camp for German prisoners of war.

  10. Anholt family collection

    Collection consisting of material relating to the experiences of Marius Anholt as a child during the Holocaust, and the experiences of his parents, Solomon and Elsje Joosten Anholt. The collection also includes a Purim megillah that belonged to the donor's nephew (his mother's sister's son), Meyer van Thyn.

  11. US war information publications collection

    The collection consists of two newspapers and five Office of War Information pamphlets published in the United States circa 1941-1945.

  12. Samuel Klehr collection

    The collection consists of three Yank Magazines.

  13. Sheva Alszuld Zilberberg collection

    The collection consists of a prenuptial agreement for Marjem Alszuld donor's aunt, documents relating to the donor's family, a letter written by the donor's cousin, 15 photographs of images of the donor and her family before, during, and after World War II, and a Megilat Ester. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  14. Fernand Brunetti collection

    The collection consists of artifacts and a book relating to the experience of Fernand Brunetti during the Holocaust.

  15. Francois Szulman collection

    The collection consists of an ink drawing, La Barricade De Belleville, created by Francois Szulman and a 1988 book about the artist.

  16. Cafe Beylier collection

    The collection consists of artifacts related to the experience of the French resistance and Oeuvre des Secours Aux Enfants in the Cafe Beylier, in Chateau-Chervix, France, during the German occupation in World War II.

  17. Alexander Bogen collection

    The collection consists of artwork created by Alexander Bogen during the Holocaust depicting his experiences in the ghetto in Vilnius, Lithuania (Vilna, Poland) and as a member of a partisan unit in the nearby forests.

  18. Alexander Bogen collection

    The collection consists of artworks created by Alexander Bogen and newspapers related to his experiences as a partisan in the area near Vilna, Lithuania, during and after the Holocaust.