Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,041 to 21,060 of 22,191
Language of Description: English
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Walter and Gretel Kleeblatt collection

    The collection consists of two pillowcases, documents, photographs, and photograph albums owned by Walter and Gretel Kleeblatt (née David), originally from Germany.

  2. Wolf and Dreisel Bienstock family collection

    The collection consists of documents, papers, photocopies, and a suitcase relating to the experiences of Wolf and Dreisel Bienstock and their children Joseph and Martha before the Holocaust when they fled Dortmund, Germany for the United States via Holland, Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal, and after the Holocaust as they pursued financial restitution for their confiscated business.

  3. Laura Sternberger and Adolf Preizler collection

    The collection consists of a handkerchief, correspondence, documents, a poetry manuscript, and photographs relating to the experiences of Laura Sternberg, originally from Kostrina, Czechoslovakia, who was interned in Auschwitz, Neuengamme and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps, and her husband Adolf Preizler, originally from Marmosch, Romania, who was interned in Auschwitz, Mauthausen, and Melk concentration camps durng and after the Holocaust.

  4. Leon Fierer collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, leaflets, clippings and publications relating to the experiences of Leon Fierer during his military service with the 79th Infantry Division, United States Army, in Europe during World War II.

  5. Martha Salm Oppenheimer collection

    The collection consists of documents relating to the experiences of Martha Salm Oppenheimer during the Holocaust and two Iron Cross medals and sketches drawn in 1941 by a friend of Martha Salm's friend in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.

  6. Raoul Wallenberg Unit, B'nai B'rith International, Melbourne, Australia collection

    Postage stamps from Australia, commemorating Raoul Wallenberg. Included is a block of four stamps, a first day cover, and special display edition of a 70 cent commemorative stamp issued by Australia Post in October 2015, honoring Raoul Wallenberg, who had been made an honorary citizen of Australia posthumously, in 2013. The first day cover and commemorative display also include the two other stamps issued in this series, which honored Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela, as humanitarians who were officially recognized as such by the government of Australia, along with Wallenberg. Also included...

  7. Herman and Ethel Berger family collection

    The collection consists of a boy's suit, trousers, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Herman and Ethel Berger and their son family before, during, and after the Holocaust in Poland when they lived in hiding as well as their immigration to Bolivia in the early 1950s.

  8. Jacob Hennenberg collection

    The papers consist of two certificates and two letters of recommendation issued to Jacob Hennenberg [donor] relating to his experiences as a displaced person after World War II. Two of the certificates have photos of the donor attached. The collection also includes an advertisement sign for the Jakob Haberfeld spirit refinery and liquor factory, and other documents related to his experiences. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  9. Herta Griffel Baitch collection

    The collection consists of children’s clothing, a suitcase, a doll, a siddur, a pair of earrings, correspondence, documents, a notebook, and a photograph relating to the experiences of Herta Griffel Baitch and her parents in Vienna, Austria, before and during the Holocaust, and of Herta in the United States following her immigration in November 1940.

  10. Olga Klein Astrachan collection

    The Olga Klein Astrachan collection consists of twenty eight gouache paintings as well as biographical and photographic materials and personal narratives documenting Russian-born Olga Klein Astrachan and her family’s survival in France during the Holocaust. The papers also include postcards from her husband’s relatives confined to the Otwock ghetto and printed materials documenting German-occupied France and French collaboration.

  11. American war posters collection

    The collection consists of four American World War II propaganda posters.

  12. Samuel and Lazar Krum collection

    The collection consists of five limited edition prints from the series "Holocaust" created by Lazar Krum in 1967-1968 and correspondence relating to the experiences of his father Samuel Krum in France, dated mid 1940s-early 1950s.

  13. Bertha and Isak Melchior family collection

    The collection consists of a brooch, document, and photographs relating to the experiences of Isak and Bertha Melchior in Vienna, Austria, and their sons Norbert and Hugo who were sent for safety to Great Britain, by their parents, who did not survive.

  14. Donald Hershey collection

    The collection consists of an SS patch, correspondence, documents, and motion picture critiques of his photography relating to the experiences Donald Hershey as a Signal Corps photographer who witnessed the liberation of Dachau concentration camp during World War II.

  15. Joseph Goetz collection

    The collection consist of two wallets, documents, writings, photographs, ephemera, and photographic postcards relating to the experiences of Joseph Goetz, a Holocaust survivor, and his experiences as a displaced person in Italy following World War II.

  16. War propaganda posters and ephemera collection

    The collection consists of two posters and a full page advertisement produced in the United States during World War II.

  17. Joseph W. Eaton collection

    The collection consists of a Jewish Police armband, a Theresienstadt scrapbook, correspondence, documents, leaflets, photograph albums, discs, and photographs relating to the experiences of Joseph W. Eaton, a German prewar émigré who served as an American soldier in the Psychological Operations Division during World War II.

  18. Michel Shadur family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, books, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Michel Schadur and his family as they escaped from Nazi Germany to Belgium, then to France, Spain, Portugal, and finally the United States during the Holocaust.

  19. Alfred Fabian collection

    The collection consists of two prisoner patches, a Star of David badge, documents, and photographs relating to the experiences of Alfred Fabian during the Holocaust in Germany and Czechoslovakia and after the Holocaust in Germany.

  20. Joseph and Rosalie Holler Collection

    Contains two German children's books titled, "Die Fahrt ins Gluck" by A. Gaber and Alpentragodie written by Richard Voss, one children's game, one autograph book (Poesie), and one cardboard construction with children's theatre pasted inside along with family. Also contains papers including biographical materials, correspondence, reparation files, photographs, and printed materials documenting the Hollers' lives in Stettin, Germany and their immigration to the United States in 1939.