Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,301 to 2,320 of 4,487
Holding Institution: Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
  1. Henri R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henri R., who was born in Poland in 1910. He recalls growing up in P?ock; his father's desire that he become a rabbi; moving to Paris in 1931 with his future wife to study medicine; working as a custodian while studying; joining the Foreign Legion; demobilization in the free zone; rejoining his wife in Paris; arrest in May 1941; internment in Pithiviers; working as a physician; adequate living conditions; visits from his wife; transfer to Drancy with a group of children in September 1942; deportation to Auschwitz a week later; voluntary transfer to Golleschau; forced ...

  2. Colette T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Colette T., who was born in France in 1932. She describes growing up in Rouen in a very assimilated family (she did not realize she was Jewish); her father's service in the French military; fleeing to Agen with her mother and brother after German invasion; learning her father was a prisoner of war; returning to Rouen; shame at having to wear the yellow star; an empathic teacher; arrest with her mother and brother on January 15, 1943 despite their status as family of a war prisoner; deportation to Drancy; transfer to Beaune-la-Rolande; return to Drancy; a rabbi who org...

  3. Rose and Aaron M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aaron M., who was born near ?o?dz?, Poland circa 1915, and his wife Rose M., who was born in ?o?dz? circa 1916. Mr. M. relates his conscription into the Polish army prior to the outbreak of the war; his escape from the army and, later, from deportation; the German takeover of his home town; and his transfer to the ghettos of Warta and then ?o?dz?, where he remained from 1942 until 1944. He describes life in the ghetto; his separation from his first wife and small daughter, whom he never saw again; and his own capture and imprisonment. Mrs. M. discusses the ghettoizati...

  4. Helen E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen E., who was born in Sosnowiec, Poland in 1925, one of three children. She recounts attending a Jewish public school; participating in Gordonyah; her father's death; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; working as a tutor; a notice to report for forced labor in January 1942; hiding with an aunt, then a non-Jewish neighbor; arrest; transport to Neusalz; slave labor in a factory; a six week death march in January 1945; briefly escaping with two fellow prisoners in Karlovy Vary; train transport to Flossenbürg, then a week later to Bergen-Belsen; starvation, l...

  5. Sonia W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonia W., who was born in Mie?dzyrzec Podlaski, Poland in 1925, one of three children. She recalls attending public school; German invasion; forced labor; hiding with her family during deportations; ghettoization; her brother placing her sister in hiding with a non-Jew; her father and brother hiding with another non-Jew; their betrayal and execution; deportation with her mother to Majdanek; public hangings of escapees; separation from her mother (she never saw her again) when she was transferred to Auschwitz/Birkenau; hiding during selections; a beating when their wor...

  6. Arnold L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arnold L., who was born in Polzin, Germany (presently Po?czyn-Zdro?j, Poland) in 1919. He recalls attending public school; expulsion in 1935 due to antisemitism; attending a Zionist agricultural school near Berlin with his brother; visiting his parents in Berlin, where they had been forced to move after confiscation of their assets; moving to a kibbutz in Hessen in 1937, then to another in Gru?sen; emigration in 1938 to a town outside Amsterdam in order to leave for Palestine; illegally traveling by ship to Palestine with 1500 other people in 1939 (his brother had emi...

  7. David R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David R., who was born in Mukacheve, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Ukraine) in 1916, one of nine children. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; emigration of siblings to the United States; cordial relations with non-Jews under the Czech regime; his father's death in 1920; working in a factory; Hungarian occupation; his mother's death in 1939; antisemitic harassment; moving to Budapest; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1943; hospitalization; returning to his unit; German invasion; transfer to Uz?h?horod, then Terka; building roads and bridges; sket...

  8. Tamar S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tamar S., who was born in Berlin, Germany. She recounts her family's Dutch citizenship; spending summers in Amsterdam, where she met Anne Frank; being sent to boarding school in Holland while her parents moved to Paris in 1933; joining the Scouts; assisting Belgian refugees through the Scouts, after German invasion; moving to Moulins with her family; attending school in Lyon; her parents and younger siblings being forced to move to Grenoble; joining the Jewish scouts which rescued Jewish children; the family's arrest; leaving her three-year-old sister in hiding with a...

  9. Israel M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel M., who was born in Slonim, Poland (today Belarus), in 1937. Mr. M. tells of being sent by his family (whom he never saw again) to visit his uncle in 1941; fleeing east from the German attack with his uncle and family; traveling through Minsk to Kiev, where they entrained for Soviet Central Asia; German air attacks en route; and arrival in Samarqand, Uzbekistan in late 1941. He recounts the lack of food and poor sanitation; the deaths of his relatives from disease; placement in a Russian orphanage in 1942; returning to liberated Poland in 1945; anti-Semitic tau...

  10. Claire S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Claire S., who was born in Germany, the oldest of four children of Polish émigrés. She recounts her family's move to Brussels; attending school; working at fourteen to help support her family; joining the Bund; her father's arrest for debt resulting in his deportation to Germany; obtaining money to secure his return; German invasion; one brother hiding in a monastery; anti-Jewish restrictions; marriage in 1942; obtaining false papers; her sister's deportation; bribing officials to free an underground member from the Gestapo; her father's round-up and deportation; ar...

  11. Erica K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erica K., who was born in Mad, Hungary in 1925 and grew up in Miskolc. She recalls a carefree childhood; German occupation; her father being "taken early"; deportation to Auschwitz with her mother and siblings; transfer to Birkenau with her sister and cousin; constant thirst and hunger; the oppressive odor; liquidation of the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); transfer to Ravensbru?ck in August 1944, then Reinickendorf; a German foreman providing extra food which she shared with her sister; and transfer to Oranienburg. Mrs. K. describes liberation by Soviet troops; living i...

  12. Rabbi Alexander A. Holocaust testimony

    Video testimony of Rabbi Alexander A., who was born in Hungary in 1906. Rabbi A. recounts moving to Salzburg, Austria, then Trier, Germany where his father served as rabbi. He relates studying at Yeshivas in Cologne, Bratislava and Berlin; receiving his Ph.D. and rabbinical ordination in Berlin; serving as a rabbi at orthodox synagogues in Berlin; his marriage in 1932; and the difficulties he and his congregants experienced as Hitler rose to power. Rabbi A. describes Jewish community life; the attempts of almost all Jews to leave Germany; the cultural responses of the Jewish community which...

  13. Henry R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry R. (originally Heinz), who was born in Go?ttingen, Germany, in 1921. In this highly detailed testimony, Mr. R. relates his family's move to Hamburg due to Nazi threats; his brother's incarceration and emigration after Kristallnacht; six months in Buxtehude labor camp in 1939; deportation with his family to Minsk in 1941; ghetto conditions; mobile gas vans used for mass executions; physical and psychological brutalization; and marriage in 1942. He recalls help from a German family friend; liquidation of the ghetto, including his wife and family; deportation to Tr...

  14. Henry S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry S., who was born in Kraków, Poland in 1923. He recalls attending private school; summer vacations in the mountains; German invasion; the family's flight to Mielec; returning to Kraków; anti-Jewish measures; their move to Kalwaria; volunteering for a labor camp in his brother's place; escaping in 1940; riding to Kalwaria with a Polish driver; fleeing to the Kraków ghetto in order not to endanger his family; transfer to Płaszów; witnessing brutal killings by Amon Goeth; public executions; a futile attempt to be placed on Oskar Schindler's list; transport to Au...

  15. Mania K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mania K., who was born in Poland in 1919 and brought up in Starachowice. She describes antisemitic incidents in school; German invasion; her younger brother fleeing to the Soviet zone; fleeing to a nearby village for two weeks; working in a munitions factory in Starachowice camp with her sister (her father and brother were also there); assistance from a Jewish doctor when her sister had typhus; her brother being shot with others who had typhus; a public execution; the prisoner uprising; transfer to Auschwitz in June 1944 with her sister; transfer to Bergen-Belsen wher...

  16. Goldie M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Goldie M., who was born in Czechoslovakia in 1920. She recalls her observant home; a small Jewish community; living with her aunt in Abau?jva?r; attending school; her mother's death; meeting her future husband; Hungarian occupation; confiscation of Jewish property; conscription of men for forced labor battalions; ghettoization near Mukacheve in 1944; forced labor; cruel guards; deportation with relatives to Auschwitz/Birkenau; a child's sadistic murder upon leaving the trains; separation from her relatives, except one cousin; appels, starvation, and forced labor; bury...

  17. Charlotte K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charlotte K., who was born in Osnabru?ck, Germany in 1909. She recalls the family move to Dortmund in 1911; food shortages after World War I; attending a boy's school in order to matriculate at university; membership in a nationalistic youth group; obtaining a Ph.D. at the University of Berlin; dissertation research in England; working one year in the United States; studying French in Paris in 1932; her close friendship with Hannah Arendt; observing the Nazi anti-Jewish boycott; her father's anti-Nazi sentiments; marriage to a Jew in Paris; her son's birth in November...

  18. Sonja M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonja M., who was born in Krevo, Poland in 1922. She recalls her four brothers; attending public and Jewish schools; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in 1941; transfer to the Oshmyany ghetto; slave labor with two cousins in Kena in 1943; transfer with her younger brother to Kais?iadorys; a partisan attack; transfer to Kovno, then Stutthof; a beating for trying to smuggle food to her friends; a death march in January 1944; liberation by Soviet troops; recuperation in a Soviet military hospital in Ciechocinek; meeting her future husband; traveling to Byshkov, ...

  19. Thomas R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Thomas R., who was born in 1920 and served in the United States Army in World War II. He recounts military draft after Pearl Harbor; serving in the 3rd army, 79th infantry division; deployment to Belfast, then England; crossing the channel; fighting in France, Austria and Germany; encountering several slave labor camps; entering Dachau; "skeleton-like" prisoners; freight cars filled with corpses; being stationed in Salzburg; observing evacuations of displaced persons; and military discharge.

  20. Joseph N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph N., who was born in Przemys?lany, Poland (today Peremyshli?a?ny, Ukraine), in 1918. Mr. N. recounts his upbringing in an orthodox family; imposition of the Soviet regimen after 1939; being drafted into the Red Army and posted to the Romanian border in early 1941; losing all contact with his family after the German invasion; retreating with his unit; building roads and airfields near Baku, Azerbaijan; and traveling at war's end to Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland, where he located his sister-in-law and learned of the deaths of all in his family. He tells of his marriage; e...