Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 19,301 to 19,320 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Edith Jacoby letter regarding the Warsaw ghetto

    Consists of a letter written by Edith Aron Jacoby from the Warsaw Ghetto, during the period 25 January through 18 March 1943. Jacoby's letter describes the climate of severe anxiety and grief after spending three years in the ghetto. She tells of changes in her physical appearance due to stress and her strong desire to be reunited with her children. Also included is a second letter (21 January 1946) from Maria-Ruth Kadlubowska, an acquaintance of the Jacoby family. Kadlubowska informs Josephsohn of the conditions in Poland and the Trawniki concentration camp near the time of her sister's de...

  2. Articles concerning the Hamm Jewish community

    Consists of two articles and three essays relating to several aspects of the Jewish community of Hamm, Germany, at the time of Kristallnacht and during the Holocaust era. One article by Mechtild Brand covers Jewish history from the year 1660 to the 20th century using the Hamm community as an example.

  3. "Babi Yar" poem

    Consists of the poem "Babi Yar" written by Elizaveta Volfson in 1988. The poem describes the massacre of approximately 33,000 Soviet Jews at the Babi Yar ravine near Kiev in September 1941.

  4. US Justice Department restitution files for the Netherlands

    Consists of looted claims forms filed by the government of the Netherlands on behalf of Dutch citizens whose property the Germans seized from 1940 to 1942. *Not available on microform.

  5. Bureaucratic persecution Jewish life in Frankfurt-am-Main, 1933-1938

    Manuscript produced at Harvard by Paul Hamburg in 1967. Contains information about antisemitic persecution and anti-Jewish laws in Frankfurt am Main, Germany; organized boycotts of Jewish businesses; Kristallnacht; and Jewish reaction to persecution in Frankfurt am Main.

  6. Golden book and other Forty-Second US Rainbow Division memorabilia from the Rainbow Division archives

    Contains information about the involvement of the 42nd US Infantry ("Rainbow") Division in the liberation of Dachau and the memorialization of Belgian political prisoners who died there. Included are excerpt pages from the "Golden Book" containing the signatures of several Dachau survivors.

  7. Rodney A. Ross essays relating to the Gordon and Goldberg families

    Consists of "Ethel Nottinger Gordon, 1886-1966" and "Yesterday Czarist Lithuania, Today the World: The Dispersal of the Children of Raphael and Chana-Rochel Goldberg," both written by Rodney A. Ross. "Ethel Nottinger Gordon..." contains information about Ethel N. Gordon (grandmother of the donor) and her life in Lithuania; Nottinger and Gordon family genealogy; and her life in America. "Yesterday Czarist Lithuania..." contains information about the genealogy of the family of Raphael Goldberg (paternal grandfather of Rodney A. Ross); the Goldberg family in Slobodka, the "Jewish ghetto" near ...

  8. Fritz Gutenstein postcard from Dachau concentration camp

    One postcard written by Fritz Gutenstein from Dachau concentration camp on November 18, 1938, to his wife, Bertel (Bertha)Gutenstein, in Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany. He reports on his arrival in the camp and asks for news from home.

  9. Post-liberation Buchenwald photographs

    The collection consists of copyprints taken after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp by the United States Army in April 1945.

  10. Post-liberation photographs of Nordhausen concentration camp

    Contains ten black-and-white copyprints of photographs of Nordhausen concentration camp taken by James C. Ernest, a member of Company A of the 238th Engineer Combat Battalion, shortly after liberation in April 1945. The photographs contain images of victims' bodies and burial of victims in mass graves by German citizens.

  11. Post-liberation photographs of Dachau concentration camp

    Contains 17 black-and-white photographs of Dachau concentration camp taken shortly after liberation in April and May 1945. Among the images are scenes of dead victims, dead SS troops from the camp, dead victims in railroad cars near the camp, surviving inmates in the camp, and Dachau camp buildings and crematoria.

  12. Erich Reisfeld papers

    Contains identification cards with photographs, membership cards, certificates, letters, and various other documents relating to Erich Reisfeld's life in Vienna, Austria, in the late 1930s, his involvement with Zionist youth organizations, and his emigration from Austria to the United States via England in 1939.

  13. Sterbeurkunde for Paul Reiss

    Photocopy of a Sterbeurkunde (death certificate) for Paul Reiss issued from the Standesbeamte des Sonderstandesamt Arolsen on July 24, 1963. Includes Paul Reiss' date and place of birth, date and place of death, and similar information for his wife, Rosalie Reiss.

  14. Post-liberation photographs of Dachau concentration camp

    Contains nine black-and-white photographs of post-liberation scenes at Dachau concentration camp. Includes scenes of dead bodies, the crematoria, and liberators viewing dead bodies. The photographs were taken circa April 1945, mass-produced and distributed throughout Europe.

  15. Hans Salomon papers

    Contains three certificates relating to Hans Salomon's imprisonment in Gurs and Rivesaltes concentration camps in France, and a safe travel pass with a black and white photographs of Hans Salomon attached. The document allowed for Salomon to travel safely throughout France from 1942 until 1943.

  16. Post-liberation photographs of a German concentration camp

    Contains eight black-and-white photographs of scenes at a German concentration camp after liberation. Included are photographs of the crematoriums, mass gravesites, and execution sites.The presumed date range of the photographs is from 1945 to 1946.

  17. Walter K. and Lucie H. Sobotta papers

    Contains photographs, affidavits, statements, and certificates relating to Walter K. and Lucie H. Sobotta and their experiences during World War II.

  18. Postwar retrospective: Germany, war in Europe

    US propaganda/documentary film about World War II. A post-war U.S. narrative of intentions in Germany. Berlin's war ruins, rubble, "Unter den Linden" street sign laying on ground. Allied victory celebrations in Paris and London. Lots of waving, happy crowds, parade. Scenes of soldiers marching. Flashbacks to war scenes show Allied planes bombing enemy cities, parachutists, plane crashes, amphibious landings. 04:46:11, cut to Gens. Eisenhower, Bradley, Patton, and others visit a concentration camp and see German atrocities. Former prisoner (survivor) with scarf describes scenes at camp. Libe...

  19. Two dish towels with blue swastika patterned trim

  20. The Eternal Jew Der ewige Jude [Book]

    Anti-semitic propaganda book created as promotional material for a Nazi sponsored exhibition of the Der Ewige Jude [The Eternal Jew)," which opened in Germany in November 1937. According to an exhibit promotional postcard, canceled December 18, 1937, the installation was considered by the Nazi party to be a "great political exhibition" and was on display daily in the Munich German Museum.