Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 18,021 to 18,040 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Selected records from the Romanian Ministry of Defense

    Memoranda, lists, charts, maps, correspondence, orders, reports, and other documents relating to Jews in forced labor in Romania; deportations of Jews from Bessarabia and Bukovina to Transnistria (Ukraine); establishment of concentration camps in Transnistria; confiscation of Jewish property; executions of Jews; surveillance of Jews in Transnistria; and Hungarian atrocities in Transylvania.

  2. Records of Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Sygn. 362)

    Contains reports, correspondence, case files, and other materials from the archives of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Amt VII. Included is information about the monitoring of religious groups, churches, political organizations, and other Masonic organizations, as well as of members of the clergy, police, journalists, scholars, and individuals by the Sicherheitspolizei und Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS. In its totality, the collection reveals much about the interests of Franz A. Six, head of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Amt VII. Also included are periodic, special, and situation r...

  3. Records of the Kommandeur der Gendarmerie Lublin (Syg. 156)

    Consists of orders, reports, name lists, and various other documents relating to the activities of the Gendarmerie (rural military police) in and around Lublin, Poland, from 1939 to 1944. Includes information about the structure of the police force; daily orders given to gendarmerie personnel; weapons and ammunition for gendarmerie personnel; cooperation with the SS and Gestapo; living quarters and provisions for gendarmerie personnel; handling of prisoners of war; combatting partisans; and transportation (motor cycles and cars) for gendarmerie personnel.

  4. Joseph Maier collection

    This collection contains sworn testimonies of war criminals tried at Nuremberg, 1945-1946, and various correspondence, memoranda, notes, articles, and clippings relating to the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany, from circa 1945 to 1946. Also contains the work of Joseph Maier as an interrogator during the trials and a copy of the handwritten confession of Rudolf Hoess concerning the number of Jews killed at Auschwitz concentration camp.

  5. General Antonescu meets with Hitler

    Romanian General Antonescu with Hitler. 05:00:03 MS high contrast Antonescu arrives in car to visit Hitler. INT shot as Hitler rushes across room to greet him. MS, group of 4 men talking including Hitler and Antonescu. Camera follows as they walk over and sit at sofa around table. 05:00:34 Antonescu enters conference room; Hitler at door, they salute, walk to large map on table with other officers including Keitel and von Ribbentrop.

  6. Cabec used by refugees escaping France

    Cabec, a grape harvesting tool, carried by refugees when escaping France. A cabec is a pick that is used to till the soil during grape harvesting. This tool is used only in Cerbere, Port Vendre and Banyuls.

  7. Excerpted pages from the diary of Alton G. Brown concerning Dachau and Munich

    Contains information about the aftermath of World War II in the vicinity of the town of Dachau, Germany, the crematoria in the Dachau concentration camp, the various types of prisoners held at Dachau, and the destruction in Munich, Germany, due to Allied bombing.

  8. UFA Anschluss footage; Parade; Hitler speaks

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria", Vienna, Austria, 1938. German Narration. German army motorcade up country hill road, people salute from roadside (wearing swastika). POV car, into Vienna. A procession of cars and trucks enters Vienna. The Nazis are cheered and saluted as they pass public buildings. Crowds, HJ. Civilians parade also, chanting Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer. HAS crowds at city center, German soldiers control crowd, CUs, children wave small Nazi flags. Hitler rides in open car through the streets with Seyss-Inquart in some shots, in other shots Seyss...

  9. Inauguration of Synagogue in Munich

    "Muenchen: Einweihung der Synagoge" Opening of rebuilt synagogue. U.S. General Lucius Clay is present and speaks. A tablet is unveiled in commemoration of Jews who died in Holocaust. LS of rabbi at podium, ark behind him, music playing. MLS from back of room, large audience. CU of General Clay. MS Clay goes to podium. CU of three men in top hats in pew. MS shot of religious officials. LS Clay speaks, "Men of many nations and of many faiths have gathered here today to pay tribute to you and be with you in the opening of your new synagogue." MS of audience. Clay leaves podium and returns to h...

  10. Szmugiel Na Wage Zycia = Smuggle worth the life

    Contains information about Polish history, life in the Warsaw ghetto, the assistance to Jews by non-Jews in the Warsaw ghetto during the Holocaust, and assistance to Jews in escaping from the Warsaw ghetto.

  11. Florian de la Comble collection

    The Florian de la Comble collection consists of a photocopy of a map dictated by M. Jean Simon and drawn by Colonel Florian de la Comble of the route used by Banyuls people to assist refugees into Spain. Also includes three large copyprints of photographs: one of an image from the top of a mountain in the Pyrenees showing a beachfront town below; one of the train station in Banyuls-sur-Mer (undated, possibly 1930s) with the town in the background; and one of the plaza in front of the train station with four people and a horse-drawn cart (undated).

  12. Mutti

    Consists of a photocopy of "Mutti" by Ilse M. Thompson. The memoir is an English-language translation of a German-language diary that Ilse Thompson kept from 1940 to 1946, while living as a German-Jewish refugee in the United Kingdom. Included are Thompson's reactions to news about her mother, who had remained in Germany, and to Holocaust events.

  13. Miriam Mordecai memoir

    Consists of a photocopy of a typescript memoir, which describes how Miriam Mordecai and her family, Greek Jews, survived the Holocaust. She gives credit to gentiles in Greece who helped save members of her family. Also included is information about World War II in Italy and Albania and the deportation of several of Mordecai's relatives to Auschwitz.

  14. Hitler meets Admiral Horthy

    Hitler meets Admiral Horthy of Hungary; German troops in Budapest: MS then CUs. Admiral Horthy disembarks and is met by Hitler and Von Ribbentrop and others. Lots of handshakes. MS Hitler and Horthy walk into conference room. Hungarian foreign minister Sztojay talks to German officer. Hitler and Horthy walk through room greeting others as camera follows. (Handshaking and bowing among uniformed officers.) German troops roll into Budapest as roadside civilians wave and smile. As tanks and equipment move through streets many civilians seem noncommittal. German talks to Hungarian policeman. MS ...

  15. Grodno Oblast Archive records

    Consists of microfilmed documents relating to the activities of various German occupation agencies in and near Grodno (Hrodna) during World War II. Records include proceedings of criminal investigations; examples of anti-Jewish propaganda; census name lists for Grodno and the vicinity; the use of forced labor; and documents with information on the destruction of synagogues, the treatment of Soviet prisoners of war, ghettos in Belorussia and Poland, partisan activities, resistance actions, transports of Jews from Grodno to concentration camps, arrests of Roma and Sinti, racial policies, and ...

  16. Stadtverwaltung Litzmannstadt records

    These documents relate to the Stadtverwaltung Litzmannstadt (Łódź) Poland, and the Kriminalpolizeistelle Litzmannstadt, Kriminalkommissariat Getto. They concern the general administration of the city and the ghetto. Subjects include the establishment of the ghetto; food supplies in the ghetto; public welfare; hospital administration; forced labor of Jews and Poles; police activities in the ghetto; "Germanization" of Polish orphans and their adoption by German families; confiscation of Jewish property by the ghetto police; birth and death statistics for the Jews in the ghetto; murder of Jews...

  17. Selected records from the National Archives in Prague relating to Roma

    Selected records related to administration of penal camps and labor camps; gendarmerie administration of the so-called "Gypsy problem"; Roma camps; deportations; Jews, Romani, and Russian populations in Danzig and East Prussia; and persecution of Roma peoples. Also included are documents with statistical and evidential data derived from investigating the Roma population, and documents recording pro-fascist legislation relating to persecution of Roma.

  18. Big Three at Yalta Conference

    FDR, Churchill, and Stalin meet at Yalta to discuss postwar issues. 01:53:54 MCU Pres. Roosevelt in cape lights cigarette next to Premier Joseph Stalin. Big Three seated. Behind FDR is Admiral William Leahy. Two shots of Churchill and Roosevelt. Two shots of FDR and Stalin. MS of all three seated on portico, Churchill smokes cigar. Among those standing behind them are Anthony Eden, Edward Stettinius, Vyacheslav Molotov, William Harriman, Harry Hopkins, Gen Marshall, Air Marshal Sir Charles Portal, Alexander Cadogan. 01:56:51 VS military and civilian cameramen shooting Big Three (most Russia...

  19. The Poison Mushroom Book

    Antisemitic children's book, Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom), found by Arthur Lampner, a Corporal with the United States Army Signal Corps., 129th Sig. R.I. Co., while stationed in a manor house, Falkanhof, in Bensheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany, in May 1945. The book was published by Der Stuermer Verlag, a division of the viciously anti-Jewish newspaper, Der Stuermer, published by Julius Streicher from 1923-1945. The illustrations are by Fips (Phillip Rupprecht), the paper's well known antisemitic cartoonist. Both men were arrested by the US Army in May 1945. Rupprecht was tried by ...

  20. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 2 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 2 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.