Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 161 to 180 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Refugees

    Magyar Híradó 950. Intertitle reads “LENGYEL MENEKÜLTEK érkeztek a Kárpátok hágóin Magyarországra. M.F.I- HORVÁTH.” The Hungarian landscape from a moving train. Two soldiers ride bikes along the road, and the second one waves. The train moves quickly past buildings. In the yards are various soldiers and multiple horses attached to carts. A large number of horse drawn carts all together on the side of the road. A man sits in a cart pulled by two horses, multiple others trailing behind him. A man in uniform sits on top a pile of items in a horse-drawn cart, looking at the camera as he rolls p...

  2. GIs swimming; Brenner Pass

    VS of Stevens and others in unit dressed in German hats. Shots on bridge over river. Old chateau or apartment building bombed out. Appears to be mausoleum with caskets with swastikas on them. GIs swimming in cold river. Men sitting by campfire. Stevens and others swimming. Stevens and others by jeep overlooking lake. This may be Berchtesgaden. VS of lake. Small two-engine German fighter in field. Village square with sign that reads: "Brenner Pass." Shot of main street of town, CU of sign that reads: "Brenner." Men of unit in street. Barricade reads: "All vehicles stop here." Sign with snow-...

  3. German newsreel excerpts: German munitions trains; American POWs; V-1 bombs

    Reel 2, Part 1, camouflaged German munitions trains move up near Caen after the Normandy invasion. German antiaircraft fires at Allied planes over Caen. Devastation in the city. German troops assist civilians. Tanks, motorcycles, infantry, and artillery move up. Antitank guns cripple U.S. Sherman tanks. U.S. POWs are marched to the rear. Part 2, Hamburg, Germany, in flames after an Allied air raid. Searchers probe into debris; dead and wounded are removed. Corpses are laid out in a huge hall. V-1 bombs are launched.

  4. Postwar destruction; German occupation in Bulgaria

    Reel 1 Bulgarian intertitles. Contemporary footage of a man singing a song in Bulgarian and playing the guitar (the song is performed other times over the duration of the film). Footage of postwar Sofia and Nazi atrocities - ovens, corpses, children showing their tattoos after the liberation of Auschwitz. Denmark, bicycles. CUs memorials, tombstones. Train. Hitler in mountains, meeting with Bulgarian official. Star of David patch. Antisemitic propaganda leaflets. CUs, newspapers. Nazis marching, flags with swastikas. CUs, documents and telegrams. Still photographs of Jews, synagogue. Contem...

  5. Life in DP camps in Germany

    A documentary film about the life of the Jewish people in the DP camps in Germany. Children boarding trains. Supplies. UNRRA. Men kissing. Loading displaced women and luggage onto flatbed trucks. MS, baby lifted onto truck. More shots of DPs boarding truck, loading luggage. CU, boy with guitar and other children, waving goodbye as trucks depart. In Landsberg, women with babies and carriages in the park, children playing. Man speaking to crowd, davening. Religious ceremony. Hebrew memorial sign reading "150,000." Pan, men at meeting, sitting at table. Man delivering speech, reading. Crowd lo...

  6. Goebbels in Danzig; German battleships

    (1) Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels waves to crowd at rally in Danzig. Street traffic and German banners adorning city. (2) Japanese infantry and navy attack Chinese town; infantry takes city. (3) German battleships, cruisers and speedboats perform maneuvers; Adolf Hitler launches battleship Bismarck.

  7. Croatian fascists

    Pan and CU of posters supportive of the fascist government of the Independent State of Croatia (NHD). One gives the dates 1941 and 1945. MS, Bust and portraits of NHD leader and Ustasa founder leader Ante Pavelic. Men in uniform (Ustasa and German) sit at the base of a statue. Pan down from a clock tower to a busy street scene in Zagreb, including German soldiers and many civilians. Poster showing an antisemitic cartoon (an oversized Jewish caricature standing over a smaller Croat family). Part of the text reads Smrt fasizmu (death to fascism) and Sloboda Narodu (freedom to the people). Str...

  8. Oral history interviews by Vivian Tucker

  9. Berchtesgaden; GIs relaxing at campsite

    EXT, shot from INT, Stevens and another man silhouetted with Alps in BG. Long panning shot of valley. VS on balcony of a building in Berchtesgaden appear to be Stevens and Moffat, then pan to valley below. Stevens walking up hill from Berchtesgaden. Stevens and Moffat looking over river, appears to be different climate and a different place than the previous shots of the valley. Horse carriage on side of road. German soldiers walking along road. Campsite near river. men bathing by campsite near blue lake, motorboat in lake. American soldiers hamming it up for the camera- one bather turns an...

  10. Document

  11. Rubble in France and Belgium

    Modern apartment buildings as the soldiers leave Paris. The Reims Cathedral. Rubble and destroyed buildings. Back in Belgium. Soldiers pack up trucks, smoke cigarettes, and joke around. Ruins in the countryside as they enter Germany.

  12. Julien Bryan Collection compilation

    Compilation of newly preserved footage from the Julien Bryan Collection at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shown during a Museum development event in Florida in 2005. Segments include RG-60.3941, RG-60.4008, and RG-60.4116.

  13. Foreign troops

    Officers inspecting troops on parade ground, deep red flag with single white star. (Could be Morocco or Tunisia or Turkey) Senior officer (Bradley?) addresses troops. Officers of country with red flag in white tunics with red band on caps. Foreign officer in white uniform speaks briefly. CU of color guard and officer in charge of troops. Bespectacled General (Bradley) presenting medals to two men in front of color guard.

  14. Belsen: Survivors eating

    Man sits alone eating soup, another eating bread. MS, through barbed wire. Survivors, some organize others. Young man sitting in hay, idly scratches neck. General LSs of camp with debris.

  15. Speech about Christian merchants in Hungary, 1942

    Magyar Híradó 944. An intertitle reads “KERESZTÉNY KERESKEDELEM. M.F.I- HORVÁTH TÖRÖK SARDI.” A grand chandelier with many lights hangs from the ceiling. There is a split-color flag with the symbol of a bird in flight holding a seal that says “BAROSS SZOVETSEG” with a sun motif. A table of seated men and one woman, a denser crowd of seated men on the level behind them, and young boys in uniform in front. In the middle, the President of the Association for Christian Merchants addresses the audience. WS of the audience members. Men and women sit separately. Flags in the BG. The men at the fro...

  16. GIs; German landscape

    Underexposed INT shot of American soldiers. Aerial shot of river running between mountains. VS, aerial views of mountains with wing of military plane in FG of shot.

  17. Illich family activities in 1940

    Family activities in the year 1940. Introduced with Maexie Films logo (drawing of Maexie holding a film camera) and some German titles. Fritz Regenstreif walks down a walkway amidst the snow; the entire villa is under snowy cover. Ivan shoveling and the twins, Micha and Sascha, digging in the snow. Ellen Regenstreif (Maexie) struggles to make it through the snow. The boys cross country ski through the forest. Inside the villa, the twins play music and take violin and piano lessons (Blüthner piano) with "Olgica". The boys and their teacher sing songs. On April 21, 1940 (Maexie's birthday), t...

  18. 1936 Olympics special exhibition oral histories master tape

    Oral history monitor exhibited as part of "NAZI OLYMPICS, Berlin 1936" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from July 19, 1996 to July 27, 1997.

  19. Evacuation of the Hohne camp and Glyn Hughes hospital

    Includes letters, memoranda, and minutes of meetings written between November 1949 and May 1950 relating to the evacuation of Jewish displaced persons from the Hohne camp near Bergen-Belsen and the Glyn Hughes hospital. Also included is a July 16, 1948, memorandum written by Josef Rosensaft concerning the growth of antisemitism in the British zone of Germany.