Croatian fascists
- Imperial War Museums
Scope and Content
Pan and CU of posters supportive of the fascist government of the Independent State of Croatia (NHD). One gives the dates 1941 and 1945. MS, Bust and portraits of NHD leader and Ustasa founder leader Ante Pavelic. Men in uniform (Ustasa and German) sit at the base of a statue. Pan down from a clock tower to a busy street scene in Zagreb, including German soldiers and many civilians. Poster showing an antisemitic cartoon (an oversized Jewish caricature standing over a smaller Croat family). Part of the text reads Smrt fasizmu (death to fascism) and Sloboda Narodu (freedom to the people). Street scenes and portraits of men in the town square. Frontbuchhandlung (front bookstore) and a Nazi eagle appear on a sign, followed by the Kavana Splendid café, which only German and Ustasa military personnel were allowed to patronize. Ustasa (?) soldiers walk and ride in horse-drawn carriages down the street. A little boy (Ivo Vinski’s son) runs toward the camera. A Croatian officer ushers the boy and a woman (Vinski’s wife?) into a building marked Einsatz. 05:11 Ivo Vinski (?) gestures toward a streetlight pole on which have been posted numerous direction markers. CUs on several of the signs. People walk past piles of rubble. A uniformed man directs pedestrian traffic. 05:48 CU of a smiling woman in a striped jacket. Zoom in on a poster of Uncle Sam and Churchill supporting a ladder with a man on the top who reaches for a balloon. Text reads "Tko Visoko Leti, Taj Nizko Pada". People in a crowd look upwards. Bayer sign on top of a building. CU of faces in the crowd. More people walking and talking in the street. A soldier with crutches walks along the street. He and his companion stop to look in the window of the Croatian Red Cross building. German soldiers line up in front of a building.
- Zagreb, Croatia
- Amateur.
- Film