Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,741 to 1,760 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. The Schiffer family visits Mohács

    The Schiffer family visits Mohács, Erzsébet’s hometown on the Danube, in summer 1932. (00:16) Adults and children in bathing suits. They swim in a wooden structure moored to the shore of the Danube. János and his mother, Erzsébet Schiffer. (01:29) János and his cousins play in Klári and János Molnar’s yard with a toy stroller and ball. (01:53) Nurse-maid (brief). The children play outdoors. (02:42) MS, Erzsébet's mother Jenny Tornai (nee Reicher) and Klári seated at an outdoor table, smile and nod for the camera. Three children sit at a table. The family group eats a meal. The three childre...

  2. District Court Hamburg-Supervisory Authority 223-9 Amtsgericht Hamburg-Stiftungsaufsicht

    Selected records of the Amtsgericht Hamburg (District Court Hamburg) relating to finances and activates of the charitable foundations of the Jewish community in Hamburg. Contain mainly correspondence, registers and financial records of the charitable foundations.

  3. Herbert Steinhäuser photograph collection

    The Herbert Steinhäuser photograph collection consists of eight photographs, printed as 4 photo prints, depicting scenes of Biala Podlaska, Poland and Łosice, Poland photographed by Herbert Steinhäuser (1908-1943?) in June 1941. The photographs depict gave markers in a Jewish cemetery and market scenes in Biala Podlaska as well as residents of the Biala Podlaska and Łosice ghettos.

  4. Edith Stein papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Edith Stein (née Grunwald), her parents Bernat and Golde Grunwald, and her sister Gisela Grunwald including pre-war life in Antwerp, Belgium, wartime life as refugees in France and Altstätten, Switzerland, and post-war immigration to the United States in 1951. Biographical material includes an autograph book, family book (trouwboekje), identification documents, vaccine certificate, and a two-page personal narrative chronicling Edith’s story. Immigration papers include travel visas, Czech passports, declaration of intention forms, and...

  5. General Hospital Bermbek 352-8/5 Allgemeines Krankenhaus Barmbek

    Selected records of the Allgemeines Krankenhaus Barmbek (General Hospital Barmbek) relating to the hospital administration, medical practices and care of civilians, education of nurses, and employment of Jewish medical staff, Consists of regulations, orders, statistics of medical procedures, registers, guidelines for the hospital library, and orders of medical books.

  6. Selected records from the Regional State Archives in Opava

    Features administrative records pertaining to the expropriation of Jewish properties and assets and the enactment of anti-Jewish measures in the districts of Opava and Olomouc, including from the Oberlandrat, the Regierungspräsident Troppau, the SD headquarters in Opava, the Gestapo headquarters in Opava, the Finance Chief in Opava, and the Police Headquarters in Olomouc. Also features administrative records from the State District Archives Přerov, State District Archives Šumperk, State District Archives Bruntal, State District Archives Karviná, State District Archives Jeseník, and the Stat...

  7. Delegation for Commerce, Shipping and Trade II 371-8 II Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe II

    Selected records of the Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe (Delegation for Commerce, Shipping and Trade) relating to overall management of trade and shipping. Consists of files of rental and purchase of land, installation of shipyards, communications with the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, business operations of emigrants and agents (1903-1937), a concession of the HH-America line and the Norddt.Lloyd and other transatlantic shipping companies, statistical reports from the Reich Migration Office (1918-1939), monthly reports of the Reichskommissare for the emigration in Hamburg and ...

  8. Vienna

    Title: “Neue Nachrichten No. 3” with WH logo. “Salzburg zur Festspielzeit” “Die Wasserspiele in Hellbrunn” “Mitglied des Klubs der Kino-Amateure Österreichs” CU of a young woman leaning over a railing (this shot was also used in Jonnys Gang film). “Pilger aus dem Burgenland” People standing by the doorway “Glaspalast” (possibly the Franz-Josef-Bahnhof terminus railway station in Vienna). Camera follows a man walking out of the door, passing chairs lining the building exterior. Film ends. Note: This is a roll of trims by Walter Hausner; the handmade titles do not seem to be related to the im...

  9. Gladys Grantz passport

    A Czechoslovakian passport issued to Gladys Grantz, 1938-1939.

  10. Oral history interview with Alfonsa Stirpe

  11. Selected records from the State Archives of the Public Organizations of Ukraine (TsDAGO) (Fond 263)

    Selected records of the of extrajudicial criminal cases, tried by so-called " troika" without public and fair trials during the time of the Stalinist repressions. All defendants were rehabilitated by the Soviet legal system in 1950s-1990s. This collection includes records of criminal investigations (arrest warrants, interrogations, cross-interrogations, indictments, etc) and trials of the Soviet Jews, largely residents of Kiev and Kiev region, accused of various political crimes, such as alleged anti-Soviet activities ( e.g. espionage. participation in the terrorist organizations etc), memb...

  12. Dancing; young people relaxing by the river in swimsuits

    INTs, dancing couples including Győrgy at 01:26 (could be postwar 1945 or 1946). 01:28 Outdoors by the river (prewar summer), includes Bandi Kardos who perished in Holocaust. A man photographs a young woman lying on a boat. A different couple lounges in the grass. Woman in bikini puts on makeup as the man continues to photograph her. The group of young friends joke around on the riverside beach, CUs. HAS, they relax in chairs on a pier. Film ends 03:02

  13. Presentation by Rhoda Kuflik

  14. Visiting London and Oxford

    “Aufnahmen. Walter Hausner.” “Mitglied des Klubs der Kino-Amateure Österreichs” Title: “Mit dem österreichisch-englischem Austauch-Komité nach London.” Women in hats, CUs. Ride on a ferry boat. Water, people on board, CUs. Title: “Stadtbilder” Buckingham Palace and other London buildings, street traffic. People congregate in a garden. Double-decker buses pass the Bank of England. Aerial views of the city. Shots from the top of an open-air bus. Parliament. Palace guards. Big Ben with scaffolding. A plane takes off. Planes in the hanger. City scenes. 01:04:36 Animals at the zoo: wolf, kangaro...

  15. UNRRA selected records AG-018-018 : Dodecanese Islands Mission

    Consists of the UNRRA Central Registry Files and Subject Files relating to relief and rehabilitation, welfare inquires, and displaced persons and refugees on the Dodecanese and Rhodes area.

  16. Postwar Jewish Community Vienna collection

    Records relating to the Jewish community Vienna in the immediate postwar period, including telephone and address books; electoral registers; correspondence with international organizations and individuals; case files; reports; questionnaires; financial records, and lists of survivors relating to searches for individuals, restitution, care of Jews, missing persons, Jewish refugees and DPs.

  17. Performers at convalescent homes and DP camps in Italy

    Soprano Marguerite Kozenn and pianist and composer Julius Chaje shake hands with two men in front of a gate at a rest home or DP camp in Italy with the sign “AMERICAN JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE.” Kozenn and Chaje tour the terrace with a large fountain and several small statues. CU of a statue of a cherub. Kozenn, Chaje, and the two men walking down a set of steps in a garden. INT, CU hands playing piano. Chaje plays piano, then stands up, bowing to the camera. Chaje plays piano accompaniment as Kozenn sings for the audience of refugees. Chaje and Kozenn talk to several young refugees in t...