Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 16,141 to 16,160 of 26,867
Country: United States
  1. Kreishauptmann Jedrzejów records (Sygn.159)

    Contains information about administrative, economic, and propaganda matters in Jedrzejów, Poland. Also contains situation reports and monthly reports (Lageberichte and Monatberichte), submitted to the General Gouverner's office in Kraków, concerning the political and economic situation in Jedrzejów. The reports range in date from December 1940 to October 1941.

  2. Records of the Feldkommandantur Radom (Sygn.161)

    Contains correspondence, reports, orders and various other documents relating to administrative matters handled by the Feldkommandantur in Radom, Poland, from circa December 1944 to circa March 1945. Includes promotions for military personnel; special operations for German military formation Korük 532; distribution of weapons; building of trenches and defenses; dismantling of businesses in Radom; and report of "bandit" or partisan attacks on German soldiers.

  3. Sidney Stecher collection of restitution claim files

    Contains restitution case files for clients of Sidney Stecher. The case files contain personal information about Holocaust survivors including: place of birth, occupation, ghetto and concentration camp experiences, place of liberation, medical information, and attempts to receive restitution from the German government. Files also contain various documents dating from the 1930s and 1940s used as evidence in the claims process.

  4. Henry L. Cohen collection relating to Nuremberg Case No. 11, the Ministries Case

    Contains transcripts of interrogations of defendants and witnesses in the "Ministries Case" (Nuremberg Case No. 11); general administrative records from the case concerning the interrogations of defendants and witnesses; translations of pre-World War II and World War II-period German documents collected as background information and as evidence in the Ministries case. The bulk of the materials in the collection relate to the participation of Richard Walter Darré in crimes against humanity while serving as Reichsbauernführer and Reichsernärungsminister from June 1933 to May 1942.

  5. Edna McFarland Maloy papers

    Contains photographs and typescripts relating to Edna McFarland Maloy's time in Allied-occupied Germany after World War II and her work with the Office of the Secretary General and the Chief of Defendants' Information Center from October to December 1946. Materials appear to be written during or shortly after Maloy's arrival in Germany, circa 1946. Also included is a biography of Mary Baum and United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter.

  6. Shoshannah Gallowski Fine papers

    The Shoshannah Gallowski Fine papers consist of Allied Expeditionary Forces Displaced Persons (A.E.F D.P.) registration records, administrative records, correspondence, photographs, and printed materials documenting Fine's work with orphaned Jewish children and displaced persons at Kloster Indersdorf (Kibbutz Dror) and in Great Britain after the Holocaust. The papers also contain addresses given by Leonard G. Montefiore relating to Jewish orphans; a book of drawings by Moshe Barash entitled "Figures from the haze" (in Hebrew); and a book of songs entitled "Songs from the Vilna ghetto" (in Y...

  7. Association of Teheran children and their instructors collection

    The collection contains copies of various documents from an exhibition produced for the 50th anniversary reunion of the Association of Teheran Children and Their Instructors in 1993. The exhibition of documents and photographs recounts the history of the rescue of the "Teheran Children" from the Nazis and their relocation in Israel via Teheran, Iran, in 1943. Daṿid Laʾor, an agent of the Jewish Agency for Israel, served as the Director of the Jewish Children's Home in a camp for Polish refugees in Teheran beginning in 1942. He organized instructors to help locate Jewish children in the ref...

  8. Isaac Stone collection

    Contains two copies of the International Military Tribunal indictment, 1945, of the major war criminals with attached list of errata; "International military tribunal Nurnberg Germany 1945-1946" which summarizes the indictment and brief biographies of the major war criminals; "Guide to captured German documents, prepared by Gehard L. Weinberg, 1952"; and "Conference on Jewish material claims against Germany : Annual Report 1965."

  9. Registration cards of the Jewish prisoners of war from the camps in Lublin Kartoteka Jeṅcow Wojennych Żydow z obozu w Lublinie (Sygn. 208)

    Contains registration cards arranged as an index to the names of Jewish prisoners of war (POW) who were recruits from the eastern borderland (Kressy Wschodnie) of prewar Poland, were held in various POW and other camps in the area of Lublin, Poland, and were killed in Majdanek. The registration cards contain information on prisoner names, date and place of birth, parents’ names, and the camp where they were imprisoned. The majority of the registration cards include the prisoners’ mug shots and fingerprints.

  10. Board of Jewish Population Delegation in Będzin Centralna Rada Starszych Gmin Żydowskich w Będzinie (Sygn. 212)

    Contains instructions issued by Chaim Israel Merin, “chairman of the board” of the Judenrat in Będzin (Zarząd Przedstawicielstwa Ludności Żydowskiej w Będzinie); lists of the names and addresses of Jews in Będzin; reports of Jewish police activity; identification cards and photographs of some Jews from Będzin; a list of Jews deported during liquidation actions in the Będzin area; a list of Jewish intellectuals killed by the Nazis; notices to German firms in Będzin concerning the employment of Jews; an alphabetical population list of Jews in Będzin from 1942 to 1943; a list of Jews sent to t...

  11. Registration forms for Jewish inhabitants of Kraków, Poland Karty Rejestracyjne Żydow Krakowskich (Sygn. 218/34/1-264)

    Contains registration forms completed by the Jewish inhabitants of Kraków (Krakau), Poland, in 1940 and coordinated by the Jüdishce Gemeinde in Krakau in response to a Nazi order. The forms contain information on date of birth, address, occupation, and names of parents, and are accompanied by photographs for identification cards.

  12. Memoirs of Jews Pamietniki Żydów (Sygn. 302)

    Record group 302. Consists of memoirs of Jews written during the German occupation of Poland, 1939-1945, and deposited in the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. In addition to memoirs by Jews, there are some written by Poles who witnessed atrocities. There are 5 DVD-Roms plus 2 duplicate sets of those 5 DVD-Roms, and in addition 1 DVD entitled "A Missing Diary."

  13. Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD Radom, Aussenstelle Petrikau (Sygn.168)

    Contains reports, orders, lists, circular letters, leaflets, and various other documents relating to the activities of the Petrikau (Piotrków Trybunalski) branch of the Sicherheitsdienst in Radom, Poland. The records also contain information about sabotage in the Piotrków area; crimes against Volksdeutsche; combatting partisans ("bandits"); Polish anti-German and communist propaganda; and illegal and underground newspapers in circulation in Poland during the war.

  14. Kommandeur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD im Distrikt Radom, Aussenstelle Kielce records (Sygn.170)

    Contains reports, memoranda, instructions, circular letters, and various other documents relating to the activities of the Kielce branch of the Sicherheitspolizei and Sicherheitsdienst in Radom, Poland. Also includes information on sabotage in the Kielce area; acts of arson; German counter espionage activities; activities of resistance fighters ("bandits"); combatting the activities of communists in the area; and several episodes of persons denouncing others as members of the resistance, Also contains detailed information concerning the arrest, trial, and sentencing of Jósef Sitek for his ...

  15. Kommandeur der Ordnungspolizei Lublin (Sygn.175)

    Contains instructions, name lists, questionnaires, and correspondence concerning uniform allowances for members of the 25th Regiment of the SS, Ordnungspolizei in Lublin, Poland; questionnaires completed by police functionaries in the 25th Regiment in Lublin; correspondence concerning furloughs for SS personnel of the 25th Regiment; instructions of the commander of the Ordnungspolizei in Lublin concerning the showing of a propaganda film concerning bombs; and correspondence from the Generalgouvernement in Lublin concerning real estate.

  16. Gouverneur des Distrikts Lublin (Sygn.180)

    Contains correspondence, questionnaires, name lists, situation reports, and various other documents from the office of the Gouverneur des Distrikts Lublin (Generalgovournement) and police offices in Lublin, Hrubieszów, Pulawy, Bilgoraj, and Chelm districts. The documents contain information about activities of the Gouverneur's office; activities of police in the Lublin area; population statistics for Jews and other nationalities in the Lublin area; activities of partisans (bandits); crime in the Lublin area; confiscation of Jewish property in the Lublin area; executions of Poles; and Poles...

  17. Abwehra Lublin records (Sygn.182)

    This collection contains counter-intelligence investigation protocols of arrests, agents' reports, correspondence, instructions for agents issued to units with the code names "Einheit Lichtenstein" and "Meldekopf Spesser," and agents' notes. Subjects include Polish underground movements, the attitudes of the Ukrainian population, the Red Army on the Eastern Front, arrests and investigations of members of partisan groups and parachute groups in the Lublin area, Soviet espionage in the Lublin area, and arrests and investigations of Soviet agents.

  18. Kreishauptmann Zamość (Sygn.188)

    Contains financial and administrative documents from the Kreishauptamt Zamość, Finanzkasse relating to confiscated food and fines leveled against Jews in the Zamość area; guidelines for regulation of non-German labor; reports on evacuation and relocation of Poles and Ukrainians; lists of families and camp inmates released for labor from the Arbeitsamt Zamość; and provisions for police and prisoners from the Amt für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft.

  19. Harry Boonin collection

    Contains the photocopies of six depositions and relating to mass killings of Soviet civilian Jews and Soviet Jewish prisoners of war from Starokosti︠a︡ntyniv, Vinnyt︠s︡i︠a︡ Gaysin, and Uman in Ukraine. The killings took place in Kirovohrad, Ukraine, around September 1941, and were carried out by Police Battalion 304. The depositions were used by the German Democratic Republic as prosecution evidence in war crimes trials held in Halle, circa 1970 to 1988.

  20. Lena Fishman Fagen collection

    The Lena Fishman Fagen collection consists of original documents Fagen collected while working as a chief document screener for the prosecution at the Nuremberg war crime trials. Most of the records are original signed correspondence addressed to Alfred Rosenberg or his adjutants, Adolf von Trotha or Werner Koeppen. Correspondents include high-ranking Nazi party officials such as Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring, Hans Frank, and Joseph Goebbels. The collection also includes four Nuremberg trial briefs and a 1951 report on the sentences of Nuremberg-convicted war criminals.