Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,221 to 1,240 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Oral history interview with Moshe Leshem

  2. Eckstein family in Summer 1939

    August 1939. Nannies swing Michaela and Antonin in a sheet in the garden of the family home in Brno, filmed probably from the balcony of the home. Pan of the grand outdoor space. 01:01:04 A woman practices somersaults beside the pools for the children; Antonin and a nanny playfully slap her and she laughs. The children play outdoors. 01:01:34 Father Michael joins them. 01:02:06 Children snack outdoors at the table with other unknown children and their female caretakers. They chase each other in the grass beside the family home and occasionally pose for a portrait. Michael follows the kids i...

  3. Oral history interview with Carla "Carol" Holtz

  4. Selected records of the Prison in Busko Więzienie w Busku (Sygn. 695)

    Court and prison correspondence, protocols and personal files of individual Jewish prisoners. Includes personal data of prisoners, and short sentences for common crimes such as theft.

  5. Silent animated film

    Titles: Gemeinnutziger Kulturfilm-Vertrieb zeigt" “Der Löwe und die Maus” [Boy in Circus]. An animated short film. Ends 01:05:13

  6. Polish Red Cross Provincial Board in Kielce Polski Czerwony Krzyż Zarząd Wojewódzki w Kielcach (Sygn. 363)

    Selected records of the Polski Czerwony Krzyż (Polish Red Cross) in Kielce. Consists of reports of the Rada Główna Opiekuńcza, RGO (Central Welfare Council), lists of war graves, lists of victims of German crimes and war losses, help of the Polish Red Cross for prisoners of war, information about the fate of the Jewish population. Includes lists of Jewish soldiers who died during World War II and reports of the situation of Jews during World War II.

  7. Selected records of the School Inspectorate Kielce Inspektorat Szkolny Kielecki (Sygn.109)

    Consists of personal files of teachers employed in schools in Kielce region, among them are files of Jewish teachers: Brykman Pesa from Lelów, Bursztyn Nachyma from Suchedniów, Chmielnicki Zelman from Bodzentyn, Ejbuszyc Majlech from Łopuszno, Elwing Zyla Majloch from Małogoszcz, Katz vel Kluger Hadesa from Wodzisław, Wajnsztok Izrael Mendel from Bodzentyn, Wajfelnera Mirla from Włoszczowa, Zylberberg Aron from Kielce and Białogon, Zylbersztajn Mojżesz from Jędrzejów.

  8. Selected records of the County Office in Włoszczowa Starostwo Powiatowe we Włoszczowie (Sygn. 1804)

    A diary of the history of city Włoszczowa, monthly situational reports for 1945 and 1946 of the Starostwo Powiatowe we Włoszczowie (County Office in Włoszczowa), the document of the establishment of the Powiatowy Komitet Żydów Polskich we Włoszczowie (Committee of Polish Jews in Włoszczowa),1946-1949; minutes and reports of the Zarząd Żydowskiego Zrzeszenia Religijnego (Board of the Jewish Religious Association), 1946; and Staroste's ordinances regarding cemeteries, 1948.

  9. Selected records of the District Court in Piotrków Trybunalskim Sąd Okręgowy w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim (Sygn. 892)

    Court records of civil cases of Jewish population in Piotrków Trybunalski. Includes authorizations, protocols, statements, translations from Russian, court judgments, notices, receipts, marriage certificates related to inheritance, rights of possession, notary acts, acknowledgement of purchase-sales, restoration of property, exclusion of rights of possession, appropriation of land, annulment of last wills, bids, returning of money, divorces and annulment of marriages, ratification of marriage acts, alimonies, determining identity, rectification of register act, criminal acts as homicides, r...

  10. Americans tour cities in Europe and Russia before World War II

    Touring Europe before World War II, probably in the year 1930. Home movies by an unknown American cameraperson. Consists of two 14" reels which contain short 16mm rolls spliced together. Includes segments of rare Kodacolor (lenticular) film. The Americans travel by bus, boat, and train across Europe with stops in England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Finland to Russia, Belarus, Poland, Austria, Switzerland, and Italy. Reel One begins in Michigan with a ferry trip to Canada where the group of Americans board the SS Athenia ship. Folks play games on the ship. Icebergs. (10:35) Docking at the har...

  11. Oral history interview with Oscar K. Reiss

  12. Selected records of the Commune Council in Radoszyce Gminna Rada Narodowa w Radoszycach (Sygn. 702)

    Plans of reconstruction of the burned settlement of Radoszyce and other villages in the commune of Radoszyce, plans and registers of abandoned Jewish properties; applications for building permits, inheritance claims (Jews in Radoszyce commune); files on marital status, religious matters, death and birth certificates; records on population movement in the commune of Radoszyce; registers of cemeteries of religious associations and tombs, Radoszyce commune, 1953.

  13. Kreisgericht Steyr: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Steyr, Austria.

  14. Hitler Youth; American homefront activities

    Army-Navy Screen Magazine #50. 16mm film made for soldiers and war workers including two segments. "William L. Shirer Talks About The Hitler Youth" Lengthy segment about the Hitler Youth hosted by William Shirer, with footage of youth and how they were trained and raised for war. "By Request" shows images of the US homefront, a German mini submarine, and a woman singing in a radio studio. Includes Flatbush, New York; Fox Theater, Henry Street NYC; Baseball.

  15. Selected records of the Presidium of the County Council in Starachowice Prezydium Powiatowej Rady Narodowej w Starachowicach (Sygn. 2682)

    Records related to Jewish properties after the WWII in Starachowice region. Includes notary deeds, court decisions, and correspondence.

  16. Collection of materials from the "Kurier Polski" Editorial Board: Competition "This is how People's Poland began" Kolekcja dokumentacji Redakcji „Kuriera Polskiego”: Konkurs „Tak zaczęła się Polska Ludowa” (Sygn. 572)

    Memories, documents, publications, clippings, evacuation cards, certificates, ID cards, announcements, photographs, postcards, and other documents sent by readers for the competition to the newspaper "Kurier Polski" after WWII. Includes documents related to land reform, contingents, a map of the so-called Recovered Territories, and book ordinances of the City Board in Biskupiec.

  17. Selected records of the Electoral Commissions of the Kielce Voivodeship Komisje Wyborcze Województwa Kieleckiego (Sygn. 103)

    Selected records related to elections to the Legislative Sejm (Polish Parliament) in 1918, elections to the Sejm and Senate in 1928, 1930, 1935 and 1938; the Socialist Left Bloc (Bund and NSPP), the Żydowski Robotniczy Komitet Wyborczy "Polej Sjon" (Jewish Workers' Election Committee), Zjednoczony Żydowski Blok Gospodarczy (United Jewish Economic Bloc), Ogólno-Żydowski Narodowy Blok Gospodarczy (General-Jewish National Economic Bloc), Blok Obrony Praw Narodowości Żydowskiej w Polsce (Bloc for the Protection of the Rights of Jewish Nationality) and others.. Consists of correspondence, announ...

  18. Selected records of the Cooperative Bank of Merchant in Pińczów Spółdzielczy Bank Kupiecki w Pińczowie (Sygn. 2362)

    A register of members of the Spółdzielczy Bank Kupiecki (Cooperative Bank of Merchant) in Pińczów, membership declarations, a book of minutes of general meetings of members.

  19. May and Wolff families papers

    Correspondence primarily sent by Julius and Hermine May (donor Julie Wolff's grandparents) in Frankfurt, Germany, addressed to their daughter and family in the United States. The letters are dated between 1938 and until Julies and Hermine were deported in November 1941 from Frankfurt to Kovno, Lithuania, where they were killed. Includes memoirs written in 1946 in Johannesburg, South Africa, by Josef Wolff (donor Roy Wolff's grandfather), who was arrested after Kristallnacht in November 1938 in Munich, Germany and deported to the Dachau concentration camp. After some weeks he was released an...