Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,521 to 3,540 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Reich Labor Service; Women's Labor Service

    With German title cards. Reich Labor Service (RAD) during WWII. Coastal fortifications. Prague. Mercedes-Benz. Erich Fromm. Konstantin Hierl in 1943. Female Labor Service (Arbeitsmaiden)

  2. Max Bloch collection

    Contains a memoir written by Max Bloch (Johanna Marcus's maternal cousin) who in 1938 managed to flee his hometown of Prague to Lisbon and from there to the United States. He served in the US Army as a translator. While working for the US Military Government for Germany, Max Bloch wrote his memoir, starting on February 7, 1947 in Berlin; in German; 208 pages. Includes a photograph depicting General Dwight D. Eisenhower pinning a ribbon on Max Bloch's chest for his service; photo by the US Army Signal Corps.

  3. Konskier and Sierota families photograph collection

    Contains a photo album compiled and captioned by Abram Konskier, “In memory of the time after liberation in 1945 in Poland, and the time in Würzberg Stuttgart, Germany 1949.” Includes images of friends and family in Poland, displaced persons camps in Germany, and in the United States, including Abram's sister Fela (donor's mother) with her husband Mendel Sierota and daughters Blima and Basia; captioned in German. Collection also includes loose photographs of assorted friends and family; some captioned in Polish.

  4. Theodore Mattern family papers

    The collection contains correspondence, photographs, and other related documents, documenting the immigration of the Mattern (originally Matfus) family from Vienna, Austria in 1938-1939. Includes correspondence to Theodore Mattern, living in the United States, from his parents, Izak (Josef) and Olga, his grandmother, Leontine Loewy, and his sister, Kitty, during the various stages of their emigration from Europe, including the period that Mattern's parents spent in Shanghai prior to their immigration to the United States. Also includes photographs of the family during this period, earlier f...

  5. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Bodzentyn Sąd Grodzki w Bodzentynie (Sygn. 1158)

    Court civil cases, records of individual litigation, e.g. correspondence, restoration of birth, marriages or death certificates; andinheritance cases.

  6. Personal files of Jewish students who studied in Warsaw University before World War II Teczki osobowe studentów Żydów studiujących przed II wojną światową na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim

    Students’ personal files related to the admission to studies (application, resume, matura (A level) certificate, other documents, e.g. an excerpt of a population book, birth certificate), a course of studies (applications, a student’s book, marks, official letters, documents concerning granted scholarship, reminders of payment), as well as the completion of studies (diplomas, certificates). Most of the files contain photos for identity or membership documents of the given person. Personal files contain personal data of a given individual, most of the Jewish students of the Warsaw University...

  7. Palestine in the 1920s

    Bethlehem. Birthplace of Christ: Pan across the city, Church of the Nativity: Arab population. View of the church, street scenes, Jerusalem. The Holy Land: View through an archway to the city, The Jaffa Gate: Arab population, horse drovers, riders on donkeys The Church of the Holy Sepulcher above the grave of Jesus: In front of the small gate a guard in uniform, The Wailing Wall: View from above, many people on the wall, including women

  8. Frank's headquarters at Wawel castle

    Wawel Castle where Hans Frank set up residence after being named Governor General of the German-occupied (General Government) Polish territories in October 1939. LS and CU of Nazi flag waving from the castle. Pans of Wawel's open courtyard. View of courtyard of Jagellonian University's Collegium Maius, and a memorial statue of Nicolaus Copernicus. 01:04:32 Pan down stone sign for the Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit (established at Krakow on April 20, 1940 as a German-dominated scientific and historical arm of the General Government of Poland to investigate race and nationality in Poland. It...

  9. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Kielce Sąd Grodzki w Kielcach (Sygn. 1159)

    Court files of civil and criminal cases from 1939-1944 as well as indexes to the cases. Many cases refer to evictions and cases against Jewish inhabitants of Kielce by the Social National Insurance for outstanding payments.

  10. Selected records from the State Archives of the Western-Kazakhstan Region in Uralsk

    Records related to the evacuation of civilians.

  11. Wehrmacht in France; French POWs

    German soldiers in field. Sign "Achtung Minen Lebensgefahr" warning about mines. Various views of men on the front, fences. Minefields. Cemetery. Ruins. Soldiers shave, cook, rest. 10:19:19 Pak at street. Local French town in ruins. Germans pass on horseback, tanks. Roadside gravesites. Monument. 10: 21:13 French bunker. More graves of German soldiers who died on June 15, 1940). Destroyed village, downed French plane. 10:22:10 Pak at the coast. Troops advance. 10:22:14 Brief shot of French civilians en route. German troops on road. "RAON L'ETAPE (Vosges)" 10:23:13 French prisoners of war ma...

  12. Pomerania and Baltic Sea beaches

    Home movies. 10:01:36 - 10:05:46 Pomerania, beach life, island of Wolin on the Baltic coast, probably Misdroy [Międzyzdroje], a town and a seaside resort in northwestern Poland, cruisers in the background. 10:06:19 - 10:06:51 Misdroy, beach life

  13. UNRRA selected records AG-018-021 : France Office

    Selected records of the UNRRA Offices in France: correspondence between London and Paris, 1944-49, subject files, reports, and medical office files, 1944-48, monthly mission reports, daily bulletins, displaced persons reports, organizational charts, field operations, statistical reports of emigrants including unaccompanied children.

  14. Untitled

  15. Selected records of the Brus Commune Akta Gminy Brus (Sygn. 224)

    Ordinances of the German occupation authorities, various statistics related to the population, agricultural and industrial production, various data about the commune, registers of residents of the commune, along with indexes, registration books, and records relating to culture and education in the commune, public health, sanitary and order matters, as well as inspections of trade companies. The File No 185 of the collection contains the number of Jews in the Brus commune.

  16. North African campaign, Erwin Rommel

    Company Appeal of the 3rd Company, Arab with flock of sheep by the sea, close-up of luggage vehicle, car ride, soldiers with locals, photos with Knight's Cross bearer, turtle with swastika and palm, man with donkey, troop entertainment, horses, camels, soldiers disguised as Arabs and Indians

  17. Oral history interview with Hanna Green

  18. Krieger and Frankel families photograph collection

    The collection contains 13 prewar, wartime, and postwar photographs of the Krieger and Frankel families of Łódź, Poland. Included is a prewar childhood photograph of Ben Zion, Kaila, and Shifra Krieger; wartime photographs of the Łódź ghetto, 1941; postwar photographs of Nacha Frankel Krieger, her brother Shlomo Frankel, Yuma Krieger, Yuma Krieger's wife at the Feldafing displaced persons camp; and a camp liberation photograph that is likely a copy.

  19. Traveling on the Autobahn; Russian volunteers; Hitler Youth

    Drive in 1936 via Salzburg to the Black Sea, impressions from the Balkan Reichsautobahnbrücke and Munich border. 00:21:53 Sea, France, soldiers, Paris, Eiffel Tower, Atlantic coast, port. Red Cross column. 00:40:50 Excavator loads railroad cars, motive: Westwallbau, Organization Todt. 00:57:40 rail transport. 00:58:17 Freiburg. 01:08:35 Winter: Postman on skis with packages. 10:14:00 Bridge for Reichsautobahn. 01:16:14 Nuremberg: Nazi Party Rally Grounds. 01:17:44 Target practice with carbines. 01:20:45 Railway, driver's cab, tracks, electric locomotive, other locomotives. 01:25:52 Red Cros...