Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,461 to 3,480 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Russian Campaign, private films

    heavy industry, construction, railways, industrial plants, large production hall, horse cart, ferry, airfield, shooting from a flying plane

  2. Western Campaign: France

    Refugees, destroyed tanks, dinghy, military exercise with a smoke bomb, formal service, watch on the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. Primo Levi manuscript collection

    The Primo Levi manuscript collection consists of the typescript text of a working draft of Primo Levi's original manuscript Se questo è un Uomo [If This Is a Man], which recounted his experiences as a prisoner at Auschwitz, and was later published as Survival in Auschwitz. Contains handwritten corrections and additions in red pencil; and includes 10 of the 17 chapters that were eventually included in the final publication. Many of the texts conclude with the date on which they were written, along with Levi’s name.

  4. Western Campaign

    Soldiers, medals, marching through snow, swastika, soldiers' graves, train, coast guard, pistol shooting drills, military band

  5. Boelke squadron (color film) Russian Campaign

    Russian campaign, Boelcke Squadron

  6. Itzkovitz and Heshkovitz Families collection

    Collection of photographs of the Izkovitz family in Beregszasz (Berehove), Czechoslovakia.

  7. Leo Weinrieb: My many lives

    Photocopy of a transcript, 63 pages, of several interviews conducted by Elizabeth Conant with Leo Weinrieb, originally of Poland, but who survived the Holocaust while in hiding in the Netherlands. Interviews were recorded in 2009 and 2010 in Willliamsville, NY, and were subsequently transcribed by Kathleen Hume, under the title "Leo Weinrieb: My Many Lives."

  8. Private film recordings of a glider group

    With German title cards. "Wir lernen fliegen". "Ein Segelflieger-Film der Fliegerortsgruppe Greven e.V. des deutschen Luftsportverbandes". ["We learn to fly". "A glider pilot film of the Greven e.V. group of pilots of the German Air Sports Association".]

  9. Giorgio Perlasca correspondence with Eva and Pál Lang

    Correspondence, sent between Giorgio Perlasca, of Padua, Italy, and Eva and Pál Lang, of Budapest, Hungary, 1988-1992. and with Perlasca's family, 1992-1997. The Langs, who were among the Jews saved by Perlasca's actions in Budapest in 1944-1945, when Perlasca provided over 5,000 people with safe conduct passes through the Spanish legation in Budapest to prevent their deportation by the Nazis, contacted him in 1988 to express their gratitude. The Langs remained in contact with Perlasca in the following years, visiting him in Italy and hosting visits in Hungary, which are documented in this ...

  10. Replacement Fighter Group 50 at Ossum at Erbenheim (partly in color)

    Replacement Fighter Group 50, airfield, winter, attendance of highschool students

  11. Collection of testimonies of disabled soldiers of World War II Zbiór relacji inwalidów II wojny światowej (Sygn. 1702)

    Collection consists of the memoirs of disabled ex-servicemen from Poland, related to their experiences during World War II and the German occupation of Poland. The volume of individual accounts ranges from a few to several dozen pages. Many cases include personal questionnaires. The main subjects included in the memoirs are: the campaign of September 1939, the Polish Resistance movement, the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, forced labor and imprisonment in concentration camps and prison camps for NCO’s and soldiers in Nazi Germany.

  12. Family of Walther and Erika Lenger: Holidays; children at school; singing and dancing

    Intertitle: “Der Kunze-film II. Teil,” “Weihnachten 1934,” “Vorbereitungen.” Plates of seeds. The older woman from the film before takes a cup full and grinds them up. The man eats handfuls of what appears to be nuts. The woman pours flour into a basin and moves her hands through it. The man carries a board with four fresh breads on it atop his head. He puts coins into his hand and then bows with a tip of his hat and takes the empty board back through a door. The woman sews. A younger woman types on a typewriter. Intertitle: “heiliger Abend,” “Der weihnachtsmann kommt.” A man with a long wh...

  13. Hitler Youth

    Winter maneuver, Military hospital, Roll-call, Hitler Youth

  14. Ministry of Public Administration in Warsaw Ministerstwo Administracji Publicznej w Warszawie (Sygn. 199)

    Selected files from the following departments of the Ministry of Public Administration in Warsaw: The Cabinet of the Minister (Gabinet Ministra), Political Department (Departament Polityczny), Department of Administration and Law (Departament Administracyjno-Prawny), Department of Religious Denominations (Departament Wyznaniowy). The materials refer to: repatriation, the organization and activities of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP), Jewish political parties, organizations (e.g. Joint, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Polamit), statistical data and Jewish religious congregations,...

  15. Central British Fund for Germany Jewry. Agreement.

    Contains a printed legal form from the Central British Fund for German Jewry, four pages, spelling out the relationship between the Central British Fund and those who would act as guarantors to bring persecuted Jews from Germany to the United Kingdom. Undated, circa 1933-1939.

  16. Chaja and Teifeld families photographs

    The collection primarily contains pre-war photographs of the Chaja (Guyer) and Teifeld families of Gąbin, Poland. Subjects include depictions of family life, sports teams, drama clubs and the theatre, and post-war life in Poland, Israel, and Detroit, Michigan. Also include are theatre playbills in Yiddish of plays that Max Chaja and Zelda Teifeld performed in.

  17. Oral history interview with Hertha Kluge

  18. Pomerania, land by the sea

    Pomeranian village on the River, Lute boy gets a beating, barefoot, Kashubians in the district of Bütow, Industry, landscape, agriculture, watermill

  19. Municipal Government in Rawa Mazowiecka Zarząd Miejski w Rawie Mazowieckiej (Sygn.1637)

    Minutes of sessions of the Municipal Government of Rawa Mazowiecka, Poland, from the period immediately following World War II. Includes lists of war damages, statistics related to the town from 1945, matters related to synagogue and Jewish graveyards, matters of exhumation of bodies, lists of war graves, various certificates related to the estates, a list and administration of abandoned property in the area of Rawa Mazowiecka, and issues related to the provision of help to the war victims.

  20. Antisemetic Nazi propaganda leaflet mimicking a US silver certificate

    Anti-Jewish and anti-Allied forces Nazi propaganda leaflet like those dropped from planes over Paris in late 1943, as part of a German propaganda campaign to raise suspicions against the United States and its part in the worldwide Jewish conspiracy which threatened the safety of France and all of Europe.