Family of Walther and Erika Lenger: Holidays; children at school; singing and dancing
- Walther Lenger (Camera Operator)
- Agentur Karl Hoeffkes
Scope and Content
Intertitle: “Der Kunze-film II. Teil,” “Weihnachten 1934,” “Vorbereitungen.” Plates of seeds. The older woman from the film before takes a cup full and grinds them up. The man eats handfuls of what appears to be nuts. The woman pours flour into a basin and moves her hands through it. The man carries a board with four fresh breads on it atop his head. He puts coins into his hand and then bows with a tip of his hat and takes the empty board back through a door. The woman sews. A younger woman types on a typewriter. Intertitle: “heiliger Abend,” “Der weihnachtsmann kommt.” A man with a long white beard skis down a snowy mountain. A small child. She shakes the hand of the man wearing the white beard, meant to be Santa. The man nods his head. The girl picks a present from his satchel. He gives her other presents. She looks around at tinsel. He shakes her hand. The girl plays a xylophone, just gifted to her. The girl plays with all of her new toys. Her mother joins her in playing the xylophone. She blows out candles on the tree. 11:12:13 Intertitle: “2. Marx 1935: Edith - 3 Jahre.” The woman strokes the young girl’s face. Other young girls have joined her to play. The parents clap as the girls dance in a circle. Intertitle reads: “Weihnachten 1935.” The man places a christmas tree in it’s stand. They put ornaments, tinsel, and candles on the tree. The man dressed as Santa wheels out a baby carriage with a doll in it for the young girl. The girl hugs the doll to her and smiles at the camera. The man opens up his new toolkit, happily displaying it. Other family members drink from bottles of alcohol they received. 11:15:32 Intertitle: “Sylvester 1935,” “Die verstärkte Familienkapelle sorgt für Stimmung.” The family joyfully plays instruments. One man jokingly hits the piano player’s hat on his head with a drumstick.The young girl smiles. The man plays with a trombone. Intertitle reads, “Begrüssung des neuen Jahres 1936.” The group does a cheers with glasses of champagne at their New Years celebration. 11:17:12 Intertitle: “Radfahrt 1936.” The young girl and her father ride a bike down a tree-lined street. A slightly older girl pushes the younger one on a swing. The young girl places a stuffed bear on a chair. An intertitle reads, “Ostern 1938: Edith kommt in die Schule.” (color) A building with a large clock on the facade. The young girl, all dressed up for school. She practices her cursive on a chalkboard outside on a bench. Intertitle: “19. April 1939: Christa Kunze geboren.” A woman holds a newborn on a pillow, a sister to the other girl. The woman holds the baby up in her arms. 11:19:08 Intertitle: “Weihnachten 1939.” The baby, the young girl, the mom and the grandmother all together. The father holds baby. Intertitle: “1940.” More of the family. The grandmother with the two girls, pushing the baby in a stroller. The young girl pushes the baby by herself. The young girl on a rocking-horse, pushes by her older sister. An intertitle reads, “Die Wunderkiste.” A young girl plays with a cardboard box. The older sister pops out of it. All the girls sit in the box together. Intertitle: “Ein Tänzchen der Kleinen,” “Herbst 1943: Ein Tänzchen der Kleinen.” The mother plays the accordion while the two young girls spin in a circle, dancing to the music. (black and white) Intertitle: “Bodenturnen.” The girls do somersaults. Smiling and laughing. Two of the girls sit inside of train tracks and watch a model train go around. The end title screen: “Ende,” “W.L. Film 58.” “Chronica der Familie Walther u Erika Lenger. 2 Teil.”
- Leipzig, Germany
- Film
- Amateur.