Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 26,721 to 26,740 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Territorial Photographic Collection.

    The Territorial Photographic Collection contains photographs of Jewish life in more than 65 different countries. There is a series concerning Belgium, totalling 57 folders. Folders “Belgium 1940-1944 photo Antwerp I”, “Belgium 1940-1944 photo Antwerp II”, “Belgium 1940-1944 photo Antwerp III” and “Belgium 1940-1944 photo Antwerp IV” contain portraits of people wearing the yellow star. In folders “Belgium 1940-1944 photo Brussels 1”, “Belgium 1940-1944 photo Brussels 2” and “Belgium 1940-1944 photo Brussels 3, 4” we resp. find group portraits of students of a Jewish school (before the deport...

  2. Territorial Collection.

    This fonds contains a subseries on Belgium, totalling 54 folders. They contain various archival material (correspondence, reports, leaflets, …) and printed matter. We note the following file descriptions, cited verbatim from the folder list: “Experience of Belgian Jews during the war. Catalog of a 1946 exhibiton entitled Crimes Hitlérien May 25-June 30 1946” (nr. 1), “2 copies of SD 1942 report on Belgian Jews and the measures against them” (nr. 2), “Wartime identity cards. School Reports by Jewish students”(nr. 3), “Part of burned Torah” (nr. 4), “Anti-Semitic articles in the Brüsseler Zei...

  3. Eyewitness Accounts of the Holocaust. Collection, 1939-1945.

    This collection consists of over 1900 testimonies written by Holocaust survivors, documenting their experiences in occupied Europe in the years 1939-1945. The testimonies are often very extensive, numbering in the dozens of pages. There are three series, corresponding with efforts to collect testimonies undertaken in the immediate postwar years (Series I), in 1954 (Series II) and since the 1960s (Series III). Testimonies with reference to Belgium are especially found in Series I. These testimonies were collected in displaced persons camps in Germany, Austria, Italy and also in Poland and ot...

  4. Edward S. Goldstein: Jewish Labor Committee Research Files.

    Box 2, folder nr. 60 (“France and Belgium: Children’s Homes and other JLC-Supported institutions”) contains a brief overview concerning children’s institutions supported by the JLC in France and Belgium. The documents date back to 1948.

  5. Jewish Labor Committee Collection Photographs.

    This collection is of great interest for this guide. It contains photographs on aid, cultural activities, the children adoptation program etc. provided by the Jewish Labor Committee in the immediate postwar years. In “Subseries B: Holocaust and Jewish Life in Europe under the Nazis” of “Series I” we find photographs and “mixed materials” on Belgium, 1939-1945 (box 1 folder nr. 9). They mostly consist of poor quality copy prints of news service photographs. Box 1, folder nr. 26 of “Subseries C: Postwar Aid Activities” consists of photographs and “mixed materials” regarding “Belgium, Left Poa...

  6. Records of the Union of Sephardic Congregations.

    Box 3 contains a file entitled “Belgium, 1945”. It contains correspondence (1946), i.a. with Jacques Abolafia, concerning requests for aid to the Sephardic community of Antwerp. The folder also contains a picture of the severely damaged Sephardic synagogue in Antwerp.

  7. Saly Mayer Archives.

    This fonds contains archival material produced by Saly Mayer, who was the principal liaison between the JDC and the Jewish communities in Nazi-occupied Europe – including Belgium. Nr. 29 contains a file titled “Belgium, 1943-1945”, in which we find correspondence and reports on the activities of the Comité National de Défense des Juifs en Belgique, financed by Saly Mayer and the JDC.

  8. American Jewish Committee Records.

    In “Section II Subject Files 1937-1958”, we note a file on Belgium (1945). See box B8, folder nr. 17.

  9. World Union for Progressive Judaism Records.

    This fonds contains several files on Belgium, located in the various Series in the section “Geographic files”. See the files entitled “Belgium” in box D1, folder nr. 11 (years 1928-1932, 1944, 1957-1979, 1981); box F1, nr. 4 (“Brussels, Belgium”; 1966-1967); box G1, nr. 5 (1980-1981); box I1, nr. 22 (1988-1989); box I4, nr. 19 (idem); box I6, nr. 9 (idem) and box I8, nr. 10 (1994).

  10. NSDAP Hauptarchiv

    Selected items from documents assembled in 1947 a the Berlin Document Center and later transferred to the Bundesarchiv at Koblenz (except police records now in the Bavarian Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Munich and materials relating to Himmler and Streicher in the Berlin Document Center). Note: For history of the archive and contents of the reels see Grete Heinz, NSDAP Hauptarchiv: Guide to the Hoover Institution microfilm collection. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 1964. Contents: Reels 1-96, 1A-37A and reel B reproduce the Collection NSDAP Hauptarchiv, containing the most valuable docume...

  11. San Jose Conferences on the Holocaust Proceedings

    Proceedings of the First Western Regional Conference on the Holocaust, relating to the ancient, medieval, and modern origins of the Holocaust, its meaning for western civilization, and the methodology for teaching about the Holocaust in schools and universities.

  12. Fryderyk Topolski: Wspomienia i ludzie. Kronika wydarzen

    Relates to the Polish communist movement, the deportation of Poles to the Soviet Union in 1939-1941, engineering and industrial activities in Soviet-occupied Poland and the Soviet Union during World War II and in postwar Poland, and antisemitism in postwar Poland.

  13. Die "Reichspogromnacht" in Bremen-Nord

    Relates to Kristallnacht persecution of Jews in Bremen, 1938. Paper entered in the Schulerwettbewerb deutsche Geschichte um den Preis des Bundesprasidenten. Includes material describing the competition.

  14. Lösung der Judenfrage in Galizien

    Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei Reichsfuerhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei. SS-und Polizeifuehrer im Distrikt Galizien. Relates to Nazi persecution of Jews in Polish Galicia during World War II. This report by the SS and the Polizeifuehrer Galizien sent to his superior in Cracow on June l0, l943 deals with the registration of Jews, the formation of forced labor camps, resettlement in ghettos, control of the typhus epidemic, etc. The report is extensively illustrated, but because it is in photostat, the photographs are badly reproduced.

  15. Die jüdische Kultusgemeinde in Prag

    Relates to demographic characteristics, and social, cultural and other organizations, of the Jewish community in Prague and surrounding areas. Includes charts.

  16. International Revisionist Conference Proceedings

    Sound recordings of speeches, relating to revisionist interpretation of various aspects of World War II and of World War II historiography. Conference sponsored by the Institute for Historical Review. Includes speech by David Irving and Robert Faurisson.

  17. International Military Tribunal Proceedings

    Mimeographed testimony and evidence, relating to the trials of alleged German war criminals at Nuremberg. The Hoover Institution Archives has a collection of documents from the Nuremburg Trials, but it is not complete and not indexed. You should consult the published sets of Nuremburg documents. One set, in 42 volumes, contains the proceedings of the trials and documents relating to them (such as evidence, interviews). One set, in 23 volumes contains only the proceedings. Both sets include indexes. Below are the citations to these sets, which use the official name of the entity that conduct...

  18. Holokausta izpetes problemas Latvija (Conference Proceedings)

    Program, conference papers, press coverage, photographs, and sound recordings and videotape of proceedings, relating to the Holocaust in Latvia during World War II.

  19. Holocaust and the media (Harvard University Conference Proceedings)

    Relates to the reaction of the media and the government in the United States to the Jewish holocaust in Europe during World War II. Conference sponsored by the Harvard Divinity School, the Neimann Foundation, WCVB-TV, and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.