Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,421 to 2,440 of 26,870
Country: United States
  1. Selected criminal cases of the Jewish residents of the Lviv region and Jewish refugees from Eastern and Central Europe arrested by the Soviet Security Services of USSR (NKVD) [Fond R-3258]

    This collection contains investigative records (interrogations, verdicts, court hearings, appeals, personal documentation of defendants etc) related to the arrest, interrogation, and subsequent trials of Jews, residents of the Lviv region arrested by the Soviet Security Services (NKVD) after the occupation and annexation of Eastern Poland (present day Western Ukraine) and accused for the Zionist, religious, and political activities as well as for belonging to the category of people who were considered by the Soviet authorities to be "dangerous to the Soviet society." In addition, this colle...

  2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Deported Danish police officers and "antisocial" repeat offenders (Group 84.A.29a-g)

    Selected records concerning the deportation of Danish police, individual files relating to the repatriation of prisoners from Germany, internment in Froslev camp, case files, arrests of border guards, and deportation of criminals.

  3. Oral testimony of Clara Robzyk

  4. Medical forms from Aliyat Hanoar

    Contains seventeen forms, both typed and handwritten, with medical examinations results, issued by Jüdische Jugendhilfe [Assistance for Jewish Youth], for would-be immigrants to Palestine, in Vienna, Berlin, Zurich, Freiburg, Tachov (Czechoslovakia) and other locations. Jüdische Jugendhilfe [Assistance for Jewish youth] was the official title of "Aliyat HaNo'ar" organization in Germany, meant to mask its Zionist goals. The organization was founded in 1933 by Recha Freier, and acted to unite Jewish youth movements, to give their members professional training and to obtain immigration certifi...

  5. UNRRA selected records AG-018-013 : Bureau of Services

    Consist of correspondence, trainning materials, statistics, memorandums, reports of operations, newspapers in DP camps. Records relete to repatriation, welfare services, trainings and education, health of displaced persons, cooperation with the international organizations, health services for military, immigration of European children to USA, and matters of Jewish and other refugees.

  6. Jewish Congregations in Pitești and Botoşani, Romania collection

    Contains about 730 documents, letters and other paper items, handwritten and printed, concerning Jewish congregations in the towns of Pitești and Botoşani. Pitești, Botoşani and Bucharest, dated 1910s to 1940s (most are from 1920s-30s). The collection includes some 650 items from Pitești, among them: letter on behalf of the "Union of Jewish Congregations of the Old Kingdom" (Uniunea Comunitatilor Evreesti Din Vechiul Regat) to the congregation of Pitești; some 30 letters and booklets on behalf of "Union of Romanian Jews" (Uniunea Evreilor Pământeni); receipt booklet for charity donations, i...

  7. Selected records from Archivio di Stato di Bari

    Records concerning the discrimination and persecution of foreign and Italian Jews in the community of Bari, Italy. Records trace the cooperation of the Italian administration on all levels in accordance with the Mussolini racial laws. Included are census, monthly reports, birth and marriage certificates, documents on repatriation of Italian Jews, an alphabetical list of Jewish foreign residents, 1938, and more.

  8. Justice Ministry : State Court Linz-Criminal cases against illegal Nazi Party members Justizministerium : Landesgericht Linz-Strafsachen gegen illegale NSDAP Mitglieder (AT-OeSta /AVA Justiz)

    Court cases against illegal Nazi party members in Linz and surrounding localities in Upper Austria before annexation to Nazi Germany.

  9. Moskovits Archives Archivo Moskovits

    Various organizational records related to activities of the legal office of Mr. José Moskovits, a Holocaust survivor and attorney in Buenos Aires. This includes correspondence, project files, press releases, several issues of the German newspaper: Völkischer Beobachter, Berlin (1933), minutes, reports, photographs, printed material, and other documents. Documents and clippings relate to Nazi war criminals who were believed to have or actually had relocated to Argentina after World War II; Project folders relate to memorial events in Argentina and other activities of Holocaust survivors. Con...

  10. Collection of Rabbi Viktor Kurrein Sammlung Rabbinder Dr. Victor Kurrein (P148)

    Private collection of Rabbi Dr. Victor Kurrein. Consists of private letters, certificates, newspaper clippings, and photographs of the synagogue in Linz.

  11. Rosel Benedikt Neuburg collection

    Cookbook primarily written by Rosel (Ruzena) Benedikt Neuburg (Neuburgova) with other pages inserted most likely written by her mother Elise Rindskopf Benedikt. Inscribed and sent by Rosel to her daughter Elisabeth “Liesel” Amalie Margaret Neuburg in April 1942. In 1938, Elisabeth had been sent by her mother from their home in Vienna, Austria to England, and she remained in London throughout the war. Rosel was deported to an unknown camp from Theresienstadt on May 25, 1942 and did not survive the Holocaust. Includes photographs of Rosel Neuburg and her children Elisabeth and Franz, whose fa...

  12. Selected records of the Der Landrat Des Kreises Litzmannstadt Starosta Powiatu Łódzkiego (Sygn.2122) : Wybrane materialy

    The collection contains: announcements and orders of superior authorities, personal files of employees, reports on the escape of Poles from works and prosecution of fugitives, information about deceased Poles in concentration camps, population traffic statistics, lists of taken over Polish and Jewish property by communes, requests of Poles for return of property, taking over church property and general matters of the Civil Registry Office, rules and regulations regarding entries and granting DVL groups, statistics according to the assigned groups, minutes of management meetings, issuing cer...

  13. Military POW camps Obozy wojskowe-zbiór akt (Sygn.1334)

    Records of the camps of Polish prisoners of war (Oflags and Stalags) and internment camps in Switzerland. Include correspondence, periodical reports, courses, publications, reports for the Red Cross, camp chronicles and other information.

  14. Letter of protection issued by the Spanish Embassy in Budapest

    Contains a "Letter of protection" (Védlevél) issued for a Jewish man named Miklós Hreblay on behalf of the Spanish Embassy in Budapest, dated November 1, 1944. The letter indicates that the bearer of the letter is under the protection of Spain. Typewritten on official letterhead of the Spanish Embassy of Hungary, photo of bearer affixed, stamped with ink stamp of Spanish Embassy and ink stamp of Ángel Sanz Briz, who was later recognized as Righteous Among the Nations for his actions assisting Jews in Budapest.

  15. Stanisław Dobosiewicz collection

    Private collection of Stanisław Dobosiewicz. Includes various materials mostly collected by Dobosiewicz among the former prisoners of the KL Mauthausen-Gusen: biographical materials, studies and own texts by Stanisław Dobosiewicz, letters and correspondence, memories and accounts of former prisoners of the Mauthausen-Gusen camp relating to resistance movement inside the camp, attempts to escape and ways to preserve life and dignity; comments of former prisoners to Stanisław Dobosiewicz's books, archival materials relating to the cultural, artistic and self-educational activities of prisoner...

  16. Sarina and Jacques Colonomos photograph

    Photographic postcard: black and white image of studio portrait of woman wearing print blouse under dark jacket next to man wearing dark suit with polka dot tie; inscribed in red ink on verso "Souvenir / affectouzo al caro / oncle Ely de / Sarinai Jacov Colonomos" and "Skopje 1946" in dark ink in lower left corner. Pictured are Sarina Colonomos (donor's maternal aunt) and with her husband Jacques.

  17. Dachau liberation photograph

    Photographic print: black and white image of concentration camp survivors in striped prisoner uniforms unloading corpses from a wagon behind the crematorium at the Dachau concentration camp; the bodies were later interred in mass graves by German civilians from Dachau; no inscription on verso.

  18. Gabriel Chaim Zvi Pappenheim papers

    The Gabriel Chaim Zvi Pappenheim papers include correspondence, forms, name lists of immigration candidates, and notes documenting Pappenheim’s work with Agudat Israel to obtain immigration permits to Palestine for the Jews in Europe during the Holocaust. Correspondence includes letters from Jacob Griffel (representative of the Rescue Committee in Turkey) and Julius Steinfeld (representative of the Rescue Committee of the Association of Rabbis in the United States) among others and document efforts undertaken in Jerusalem, Istanbul, Ankara, New York, and Switzerland. Forms consist of Jewish...

  19. Torah Novaelle collection

    Contains a notebook of Torah novaelle, 32 pages, written by a student of the Mir yeshiva, who was exiled to Shanghai, China during World War II; dated February 18, 1943 to December 20, 1945. Includes a novaelle on various topics connected to the weekly Torah portion; a "dictionary" leaf of useful terms for exiles to Shanghai translated from Yiddish to English; and a list of students including Pinchas Hirschprong, Moshe Mendelbaum, Avraham Eiger, Anshil Weinhaus and others.