Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,241 to 1,260 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Dyrekcja Policji Kryminalnej w Warszawie Kriminaldirektion Warschau (GK 714)

    Orders, and reports regarding officers and employees of the Criminal Police in Warsaw, diagrams showing the organizational structure of various divisions of the Police in Warsaw, correspondence in personnel matters, as well as investigations regarding forgery of money.

  2. Selected records of the commune Mirzec Akta Gminy Mirzec (Sygn. 2692)

    Book of resolutions of the Board of Commune Mirzec, 1932-1939; books of permanent population with an alphabetical index.

  3. Urząd Okręgu Warszawskiego Selected records of the Amt des Distrikts Warschau Amt des Distrikts Warschau (GK 101)

    Telephone and address book of the Office of the Head of Warsaw District and subordinate German authorities and institutions in Warsaw; ordinances and circulars, reports regarding the political, economic and cultural situation in the Warsaw District at the end of March 1940. Includes official correspondence, personal files of prison guards at Rakowiecka Street in Warsaw, reports on escaped prisoners, and situational reports.

  4. Shanghai register of Polish citizens from 1934-1941 Szanghajski rejestr obywateli polskich z lat 1934-1941

    Shanghai Ledger contains the records on Polish citizens kept by the Consulate of Poland in Shanghai in 1934-1943. The ledger was the supporting administrative tool for the diplomatic outpost as well as for the citizens, who settled in a given consulate jurisdiction. Based on the ledger, Polish citizens were able to apply for various documents and compensation. They could also be found more easily by their relatives and were able to get through all the formalities at the consulate faster. The ledger records the experiences of the citizens listed and the material evidence of the care and help...

  5. Selected records from the State Archives of Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine related to the history of the Jewish Communities of the region before, during, and after WWII

    Records of the history of the Jewish communities of the Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine. Includes leaflets, minutes and reports submitted to the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Headquarters on the activities of the Zionist Jewish Party in Transcarpathia; correspondence of the police and district authorities on the activities of various political parties operating in the Zakarpatsʹka oblastʹ; reports of the police and district authorities on Jewish parties in various locations; reports on activities of Jewish associations (preparing Jews for emigration to Palestine), and the New Zi...

  6. Selected records of the Łódź Anti-Beggar Society Łódzkie Towarzystwo Przeciwżebracze (Sygn. 240)

    Lists of people, including Jews, in a shelter for the elderly and cripples in Łódź, as well as lists of arrested beggars (including many Jews).

  7. Selected records of the commune Nowy Korczyn Akta Gminy Nowy Korczyn (Sygn. 2173)

    Books of permanent population of the Nowy Korczyn commune from 1902-1931, and files regarding abandoned Jewish property (property that belonged to Jews before the war.)

  8. Political groups in the country during the occupation-collection of records Polityczne ugrupowania w kraju w okresie okupacji-zbiór akt (Sygn. 1332)

    Selected records of the small Polish organizations working during the German occupation: “Racławice”-Chłopska Organizacja Wolności; Kompania Dozorowania im. Gen. W. Sikorskiego; Konfederacja Warszawska; Legion Unii Narodów Słowiańskich; Narodowo-Chrześcijański Związek Walki; Obóz Narodowy; Obóz Polski Walczącej; Oddział Wydzielony Wojska Polskiego majora Hubala; Młody Orzeł-Polska Organizacja Patriotyczna; Znak-Polska Organizacja Zbrojna; Polski Związek Wolności; Powstańcy Polscy-Centrala Krakowska, Oddział Schronu; “Świt”-Samodzielna Polska Partyzantka Robotniczo-Chłopska; “Wolność”-Socjal...

  9. Selected records of the County Office in Końskie Starostwo Powiatowe w Końskich (Sygn. 1107)

    List of 108 persons registered in the Council of Elders of the Jewish Community in Końskie, February 28-April 28, 1941.

  10. Selected records of the Cooperative Bank in Wodzisław Bank Spółdzielczy w Wodzisławiu (Sygn. 1790)

    Bank's statute, correspondence, reports, bank statements and announcements on the auction of seized real estate property, and four copies a magazine "Spółdzielczy Ruch" published by the Związek Żydowskich Spółdzielni w Polsce (Union of Jewish Cooperatives in Poland.). Materials relate to activities of Bank Spółdzielczy in Wodzisław in 1927-1939, and its board: Moszek Kupczyk, Szaja Borensztajn, Moszek Jachimowicz, Zelik Pikus, Chuna Waser and Moszek Kwaśniewski.

  11. Paris 1945

    Three rolls: Paris 1 (18:22) Paris 2 (17:09) Paris 3 (10:35)

  12. Wedding of Red Orchestra resistance members

    January 25, 1941 wedding of Günther Weisenborn and Margarethe (Joy) Schnable in Berlin. Günther and Joy belonged to the important German resistance group labeled "Rote Kapelle" [Red Orchestra] by the Gestapo. Both were later arrested and survived only with great fortune. Resistance members pictured in the film include Harro Schulze-Boysen and his wife Libertas, the actress Marta Husemann, and famous publisher Ernst Rowohlt. The film opens with a hand-drawn title: “Hochzeit in Schoeneberg”. Horse-drawn carriage with driver. Günther and Joy seated. Berlin street scenes - street cars, tall bui...

  13. Reichswehr training activities; von Hindenburg

    Ozaphan film.Title: “Deutsche Reichswehr Manöverbilder” [German Reichswehr-Maneuver pictures.] Horse-drawn carts driven by German soldiers on a dirt road in the countryside. Title: “Marschfahigkeit aller Waffengattungen ist die Vorbedingung des Erfolges.” [Eligibility of all branches of arms is a prerequisite for success.] Soldiers marching on a dirt road. Some of them are marching with dogs, or riding bikes. Title: “Rast” [Rest] Soldiers dismount from their horses, sitting on the sides of the road in the shade under some trees. Title: “Die Gulaschkanone.” [The Goulash Cannon.] A large obje...

  14. Association for the Protection of Foreigners in General Government Związek Opieki nad Cudzoziemcami w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie (Sygn. 763)

    Applications, notes, instructions, permits, address books, and correspondence of the Związek Opieki nad Cudzoziemcami (Association for the Protection of Foreigners) in the Generalne Gubernatorstwo (General Government ), Poland.

  15. German Information Office S.A. Agency in the General Government Niemieckie Biuro Informacyjne S.A. Agencja w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie (Sygn. 566)

    Articles and announcements intended for publication, reports on daily life in GG, newspaper clippings, War messages from the German supreme command, balance sheets, financial statements, and commercial announcements regarding share capital of enterprises.

  16. Selected records of the commune Gowarczów Akta gminy Gowarczów (Sygn. 525)

    Statistics, registers of the owners of real estate buildings, various records of trade and industry firms, lists of school children, reports on social assistance, a list of persons who own real estate from 1941-1943, and the book of permanent population of Gowarczów. 1917-1932,

  17. Selected records from the IG-Farbenindustrie collection (R 8128)

    Consists of selected records from the institutional archive of Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, commonly known as IG Farben, a German chemical and pharmaceutical conglomerate. Records pertain to slave labor at the IG Farben complex at Auschwitz, as well as forced labor throughout the IG Farben complex (such as the arms production and the mining industry such as the Riebek'sche Montanwerke AG), the purging of Jewish employees and workers, the nexus between Stickstoff production and explosive weapons production, internal correspondence and minutes of meetings, monthly reports, the 1...

  18. Selected records of the Association of communities in Busko Związek gmin w Busku [Gemeindeverband in Busko] Sygn. 2123. Wybrane materialy

    Records related to the economic exploitation of the local population by the German occupation authorities: taxes, tributes and tolls. Includes lists of companies and a list of residents of the Busko region with statistics of Polish and Jewish people.

  19. Kreisgericht Krems: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Krems, Austria.

  20. Wyższy Dowódca SS i Policji Wschód Der Höhere Schutzstaffeln (SS) und Polizeiführe Ost (GK 901)

    Consists of collection of orders of the Reichsführer-SS regarding the forced labor of Polish workers, 1939-1944, the organizational decree no. 1, 26 June 1942 regarding activities of police authorities in occupied Poland, set of guidelines for general matters, a daily order no. 46 regarding the transfer of officers to other positions, 1943; name lists of associates of SS-Obergruppenführer Krüger , and officers of the WD office, as well as names of civil and military administration institutions, and a name list of Polish and Ukrainian police in the General Government, 1940-1944. Includes a c...