Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 9,161 to 9,180 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Selected records from the Deutscher Gemeindetag collection (R 36)

    Contains selected documents of the Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Municipal Organization) which was responsible for the systematic exclusion of German Jews and other targeted groups from government welfare programs.

  2. "Fröhlich-Schipper family history"

    Consists of memoir, 55 pages, by Agnes Schipper regarding her mother, Sabine Fröhlich Schipper, who survived the Holocaust as a hidden child in the Netherlands. Although her older brother Andreas perished, she and her parents survived by moving constantly with the help of family friends. Sabine eventually married one of the resistance fighters who helped her, Cornelis (Cor) Schipper.

  3. Handknit green sweater worn by a young girl while living in hiding in the Lvov sewers

    Handknit, green, short sleeve sweater worn by 7 year old Krystina Chiger when she lived in hiding in the sewers of Lvov, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine), from June 1943 to July 1944. Krystyna had watched her paternal grandmother knit the sweater in the home they shared before the German invasion of Poland in 1939. After the German occupation of Lvov in June 1941, Krystyna watched from hiding as this grandmother and Krystyna’s young cousin, Inga, were loaded into a truck for deportation. Her grandmother waved in her direction and the guard hit her in the head with his rifle. The transport was presuma...

  4. Amateur travel footage of daily life in Germany, Austria and Hungary in 1937

    Color footage of daily life in Nazi Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia in August 1937 shot by a dentist during his vacation from the northeast of England. Thomas Henry Brown and his wife, Kate Brown (nee Spittle) left their 3 year old child with paternal grandparents to go on an extensive tour. Tom had some German language skills. It was their second visit to Germany. Title: "A Tour of Central Europe / August 1937," "Photography and Titles by T.H. Brown" Pedestrians walking past train, boat, CUs. Sign, "KAAI-OSTENDE-QUAI." Cranes. Sign, "London Oostende-k Bruxelles no Aachen Koln...

  5. Preparations for Nazi Party rally 1929; leaders, followers

    Film depicts various activities leading up to the staging of the 1929 Reich Party Day. Frequent titles give names of people shown and other information. 01:00:35 Prominent people involved in the production and distribution of the Nazi newspaper "Voelkischer Beobachter." Franz Pfeffer von Salomon works in his office as various party members (including Philipp Bouhler and Heinrich Himmler) enter, confer with Pfeffer, and leave. People work busily in the paper's offices; the newspaper is distributed by SA men. Also shown: Max Amman, Alfred Rosenberg, and Hermann Esser, all identified by intert...

  6. Memorial ceremony in Warsaw; probably dedication of the Rapoport monument to the Warsaw ghetto uprising

    Possibly a continuation of the memorial ceremony depicted in Story 4334. There is somber music but no narration. The camera pans down a large banner with a picture of Mordecai Anielewicz. Anielewicz, commander of the Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa [Jewish Fighting Organization, ZOB], was killed during the Warsaw ghetto uprising. The next shot shows the interior of a theater, with a huge crowd listening to speeches. One of the speakers is Haike Grosman, a Jewish woman from Bialystok, who was active in the resistance and who after the war became a member of the Central Committee of Polish Jews. ...

  7. Abram Zelig papers

    Collection consists of three photographs of Abram Zelig's family before World War II in Łódź, circa 1937; 14 photographs of Jewish youth in the Łódź ghetto, circa 1940-1943; eight photographs of Jewish youth in the "Kibbutz" in Łódź, circa 1946; and one identification card issued to Abram Zelig in 1946.

  8. Hitler's birthday; charity; Roehm; Goering in Rome

    Celebration of Hitler's 44th birthday in Berlin, including flags flying and the SA planting a "Hitler Linden" tree. The narrator notes that nobody will go hungry on the Chancellor's birthday. A scene shows the collection of money for charity through sales of Edelweiss flowers. Close-up of hands holding "Hitler-Geburtstagspende." Shot of people using or exchanging the vouchers (for money?). Location switches to Munich, where a group of SA men, including Ernst Roehm, places a large wreath at the memorial for the fallen heroes of the NSDAP movement. A band plays while the men carry the wreath ...

  9. Irene Adler memoir

    Contains one memoir, 87 pages, written by Irene Adler. In the memoir, she describes her childhood in a north-eastern village of Hungary in the 1930s, hiding in Budapest during the Holocaust, her escape from a death march in late 1944, her life and liberation in the Budapest ghetto, and her ailyah to the newly-founded state of Israel. She also describes the experiences of her husband, Mr. Bernard Adler, who was deported from Hungary to Auschwitz and was liberated in Ebensee.

  10. Pál Szegö diary

    This collection consists of a diary written by Pál Szegö, originally of Hungary, while he was in a forced labor battalion in Hungary and at the Mauthausen concentration camp from 1944-1945. Pál wrote in the margins as well as on blank pages of a pocket New Testament that he kept with him in the camps. In the diary he writes about the horrible living condition while in the forced labor battalion including the lack of food, unsanitary conditions, punishments, and frigid weather conditions while digging trenches and working in the forest. Pál continues his diary while on a tugboat to Mauthause...

  11. Grossdeutschland 1938

    Cover of brown textured paper with interior pages bound together by string; printed on front cover is circular image of two men holding Nazi flag standing on platform with eagle insigna and text in German above and below image; adhered to lower left corner on front cover is green square stamp of Adolf Hitler with ink impression of Nazi emblem stamped in black below.

  12. Dave Williams slide collection

    Collection consisting 14 positive image cut, mounted, and taped between two pieces of glass depicting "Jewish ghetto" scenes, identified in some cases as Kozienice, Poland and Russia, and as being photographed by "Konrad Berge of Infantry Regiment 43."

  13. Watercolor of a female corpse by an inmate given to a liberator of Bergen Belsen concentration camp

    Full-length portrait of a dead female inmate painted by 24 year old Marianne (Mausi) Grant and presented to Major Charles Philip Sharp, a liberator of Bergen Belsen concentration camp, in May 1945 as he prepared to depart. Sharp wrote about it in his diary, USHMM collection 2005.20.1: "Marianne, the little Czeck artist presented us with a picture of a body in No 1 "To the Commandant so that he will never forget Belsen" --as though I could. She used to do cartoons and gay pictures before she was taken--now see what she does. We are using her as a signwriter so she apologized that this drawin...

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Pope Pius XII blessing Allied troops

    Pope Pius XII with an audience of American and British soldiers. The pope is carried in on a chair, preceded by Swiss guard members. He speaks to the troops in English from his chair at the front of the room (the sound is echoey and somewhat hard to hear). Shots of the soldiers listening attentively. Close views of the pope. He stands and bestows his blessings. Scenes of the pope surrounded by and chatting with soldiers. Good views of the Pope, smiling, chatting. 01:06:07 groups begins singing and he is carried out on his chair. Other cuts and camera angles. MOving shot very close through c...

  15. Mentally ill patients

    b&w scenes from 01:00:00 - 01:06:42 color scenes from 01:06:42 - 01:08:27 "AGFA 1939" Mentally ill patients of Kaufbeuren-Irsee asylum. EXT, asylum building, patients dressed in costume parading on hospital grounds, on country road. Accordion player at front. "Reigen vor dem Saalbau" HS, patients entering gates, crowding together, holding hands, dancing. Closer shots, dancing more rapidly in a circle. Man with umbrella. "In der Pflegeanstalt Irsee" Closer shots of patients parading - clowns/jester, chef, folk dress, man with cane (doctor or nurse?). Nuns at entrance of old convent area ...

  16. Hitler speaking about Memel

    Session of the Reichstag in Nuremberg on 9/15/35. Hitler speaks from a podium about the situation in Memel. He speaks of the mistreatment of the ethnic Germans and that their only crime is being German and wanting to remain German. Memel was annexed to Lithuania in 1923. Hitler wanted Memel and its ethnic German population to be reincorporated into the Reich. The ethnic Germans, headed by Dr. Ernst Neumann, became dominant in local politics and most of the Lithuanian and Jewish population fled the territory. Memel was annexed to Germany in March 1939.

  17. Egon Berg papers

    The Egon Berg papers consist of biographical materials and emigration and immigration papers documenting the marriage of Karl and Rosa Berg, their relocation to Kenya with Egon in 1939, and their immigration to the United States in 1947. Records include a wedding certificate, Rosa Berg’s German identification card and Kenyan certificate of registration, Kenyan customs forms, orders and restrictions to which the Bergs were subject in Kenya, and a letter of recommendation in lieu of passport for the Berg family.

  18. March of Time -- outtakes -- American soldiers in France; wounded German POWs

    American soldiers drive tanks through a town on their way to Avranches, in Normandy. A long line of American military vehicles is greeted by a few civilians on the roadside. Scenes of Americans passing columns of German POWs on dusty roads, with destroyed buildings visible. The POWs walk with their hands clasped behind their heads. German prisoners receive medical care (a plasma IV) from American medics. German wounded are loaded into the back of an ambulance. A couple of German soldiers stand with Americans next to the ambulance. One of the Germans wears a red cross armband. More interacti...

  19. "Gebt mir 4 Jahre Zeit" Goebbels speaks at exhibit, etc.

    Exhibition "Gebt mir vier Jahre Zeit" in Berlin, about the accomplishments of the Hitler regime in the four years since the seizure of power. Narrator explains the purpose of the exhibit over scenes of the German countryside and the exterior of the exhibition hall. Goebbels stands on a stage in a large hall and speaks of the rise in employment, the resurgence of German farming and industry, the growth of a "proud army on the borders of the Reich," the "Kraft durch Freude" (Strength through Joy) trips, etc. Huge panels on the walls display photos mounted on pages that turn as he speaks of ea...

  20. Bishop Clemens August Graf von Galen at a religious ceremony & procession through the town of Lette

    A religious ceremony (a Firmung, or Firmelung, is a confirmation) in the town of Lette, attended by Bishop Clemens August Graf von Galen, Archbisop of Münster. German intertitles describe the action. Citizens of the town of Lette, including women and children standing along the roadside and a number of uniformed men on horseback, line the road at the border between Coesfeld and Lette. 10:02:20 The bishop arrives in a horse-drawn carriage and is greeted by the most important of the town's citizens. Men on bicylces, then men on horseback, ride through the streets, which are decorated with fla...