Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 8,201 to 8,220 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Selected files from the collection: "Preussische Bau- und Finanzdirection" (A Pr. Br. Rep. 042)

    Records include the following topics: communist sub organizations; status and retirement of Jewish civil servants; taxes for Jewish properties and other Jewish property matters; inquiries concerning Jewish companies; employment of war prisoners; antisemitic books; mail service for the Gestapo and the “Ostgebiete” (Eastern regions); requirements for Jewish students in foreign countries; and proof of Aryan origin.

  2. Selected files from collections of the Polizeipräsident and Polizedipräsidium, Berlin

    Contains personal files; court records; charges against Jewish people; reprieves; release papers and reports; and records related to the banning of Jewish institutions and reports such as the automobile club and student organizations.

  3. Chamber for disciplinary actions Selected files from the collection : Disziplinarkammer (of the Bezirksvervaltungsgericht Berlin) (A Pr. Br. Rep. 031-04)

    Contains trials against Jewish people or related to Jewish matters. Also includes records relating to private and professional relationships to Jews; bribery on behalf of Jews; provision of public benefits for Jews; Jewish medical doctors; false statements about the ethnic background; patronage of Jewish-owned businesses; providing shelter to Jewish people; unauthorized respectful treatment of Jews; financial business with Jews; unauthorized promotion of Jewish employees; sharing residence with Jews; and tolerance of race defilement.

  4. Headquarters of municipal authorities Selected files from collection: Magistrat Generalbüro (A. Rep. 001-02)

    Contains records relating to the renaming of streets; expropriation of Jewish property; discriminatory regulations against Jews at work and in public places; financial support for schools; local political issues; and statistics from the local registry office. Also contains correspondence, certificates, and other documents such as: birth, marriage, and death certificates; and local correspondence (claims) between the authorities of Berlin and other districts; correspondence between the Jewish community and the Reichsbund (Reichs Union) of Jewish front-line soldiers.

  5. Municipal nursing facilities of Buch Selected files from the collection: Städtische Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Buch (A. Rep. 003-04-01)

    Contains registration forms and guidelines for registration; correspondence related to ethnic background. Records relate to the shortage of nursing staff; Jewish employees; dismissals related to the Reichs law concerning medical doctors; “racial politics"; transfer of Jewish patients; abolition of health insurance for Jews; and unauthorized renting out of property to Jewish people. Also includes lists of Jewish patients.

  6. Selected files from the collection : "Bezirksamt Wilmersdorf" (B Rep. 209)

    Contains records relating to evaluation and treatment of Jewish property (addresses, type of property and ownership status); renaming of streets; denazification and Aryanization, and protesting against Jewish businesses. Includes also name lists of “foreigners” and forced laborers.

  7. Health administration and Senate Administration for Health Selected files of the Gesundheitsverwaltung and Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit (B. Rep. 012)

    Contains records about Jewish-owned pharmacies, Jewish pharmacists, the reorganization of the health care system, relations between Jews and non-Jews, Roma in hospitals, and the sterilization of “disabled” persons.

  8. Selected records of the Bezirksamt Tiergarten (A. Rep. 032 - 08)

    Contains records relating to Jewish property: expropriation of Jews; Jewish owners and renters; and sale of Jewish property; medicine: racial biology and eugenics; sterilization of disabled persons; rabbis in local hospitals; expulsion of Jewish doctors; fines for consulting Jewish doctors; list of Jewish hospitals and pharmacies; education on racial biology and genetics for Aryan doctors; statistics concerning eugenics and racial biology; and special files relating to the hospital Moabit; NSDAP propaganda and salaries for war prisoners.

  9. Records of South African Jewish Board of Deputies

    Contains selected records related to government efforts to limit immigration through legislation, correspondence and lists of the Jewish Immigration Officer at the Cape, naturalization applications, shipping lists, anti-Jewish agitation in South Africa, post-war Holocaust Commemoration, as well as selected photographs of Jewish immigrants arriving in South Africa and of the South African Jewish community assisting refugees.

  10. Jewish Trade Unions in Lithuania (Fond 1141)

    The collection contains statues, correspondence files, membership lists, circular letters, minutes of the board meetings, applications for membership of the trade unions, professional, cultural , emigration and health organizations active in the prewar Lithuania: Artisan Union “ Ezras Paolim” in Telsiai, Lithuanian Jewish Coop Enterprises Association, ORT, “Education and Work”, Jewish Teachers Association “Hamore”, OZE, Jewish Refugee Support Committee and Jewish Theater and Art Support Association etc.

  11. Records of the Jewish School in Utena, Lithuania (Fond 790)

    The collection contains lists of students who attended school, minutes of the meetings of the Teachers Council, applications for admission, duplicates of the graduation diplomas, registers of students and correspondence with the Ministry of Education of Lithuania.

  12. Jewish Cultural and Educational Society "Tarbut," Wilno office (Fond 295)

    The collection contains records of the Jewish private schools located across Wilno area (Adutishkis, Oszmiana, Moldeczno, Ostryna, Vasiliszki, Radoszkowiczy etc.). The file for each school contains certification of the schools and its curriculum, correspondence with the Board of Education of the Wilno district of Poland, Office of School Inspector and other Polish government institutions.

  13. Association of Jewish landlords in Wilno and Wilno district (Fond 342)

    The collection contains correspondence files with the Ministry of Public Work, Ministry of Finances, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Wilno Magistrate, Wilno Treasury and other local and central government offices of the Polish government as well as Jewish community. Includes also minutes of the meetings of board of the organization, membership lists, list of Jewish owners of the real estate properties in Wilno, personal files of the Jewish real estate agents, card catalogue of members of the association.

  14. Vermögensanmeldungen und Arisierungsakten Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Linz

    Contains records pertaining to the registration and expropriation of Jewish property and assets in Upper Austria. Often, official documents are supplemented with personal letters and affidavits of those who were affected.

  15. Working group for genealogical research Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sippenforschung

    Contains records pertaining to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sippenforschung. Mainly contains correspondence, questionnaires, and manuals relating to genealogical research in Upper Austria and Lower Austria.

  16. Hermann Göring-Werke/Vöest

    Contains records pertaining to the Hermann Göring ironworks founded in 1938. Collection includes internal reports with information on forced labor and letter correspondence between Reichsmarschall Göring and Generaldirektor Pleiger.

  17. Department of Finance of the State of Upper Austria Finanzlandesdirektion Oberösterreich

    Contains records pertaining to aryanisation, expropriation, and restitution of properties of Jewish and non-Jewish individuals and institutions.

  18. Selected pamphlets from the Australian Jewish Historical Society

    This collection contains pamphlets and files of the United Jewish Overseas Relief Fund from 1943 to 1952, information from Jews in China, and information from the Bermuda Conference on Refugees. Other pamphlets are by the New South Wales Board of Deputies.

  19. Leah Elerant Kreimer Derera papers

    Contains documents concerning the experiences of Leah Elerant Kreimer (donor) and family, including her first husband, Mechel, who did not survive the Holocaust, as well as her second husband, Lazar Derera, during the Holocaust in Romania, dated 1930s-1940s.

  20. Everyday life at a Roma/Sinti camp

    Russian intertitle. High angle shot of a Roma/Sinti encampment beside a river. Closer shot of a family group under a tent. The rest of this film, not shown here, is about the integration of Roma into Soviet society.