Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 61 to 80 of 26,870
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. ORT vocational schools

    A film about the ORT vocational schools in the US Zone of Germany. Introduction by Jacob Oleiski, US zone director of ORT, including English subtitles. VAR scenes of survivors in vocational training programs. Men and women working on machinery, furniture making, sewing, women's clothing, etc. in Landsberg, Germany. 22:09:31 Max (Mordchai) Rubin, a chemistry teacher at ORT Munich, is visible, along with his student Adi Rubin (Ribon) at 22:09:37. ORT UNRRA Vocation School sign. MCU young men entering building. Oleiski speaking again, with English subtitles.

  2. Prewar life in an Austrian village and tourist views of Prague

    Amateur footage shot in Schruns, Austria (identified by the location of the Hotel Taube, which appears in the film). AUSTRIAN VILLAGE title. Low aerial shots of picturesque village, focusing on a church spire. Children and adults, many dressed very formally and/or in local costume (long dresses, hats, dirndls) walk outdoors near the church. A priest or monk speaks with a group of young boys. Townspeople, men and boys wear top hats and lederhosen or breeches, on the occasion of a Catholic holiday(?). Shop signs advertise film equipment/stock - Agfa and Perutz. 01:59 German flag with a swasti...

  3. GIs; battered corpses; Dachau camp victims

    Campfire burning. Hamilton, Stevens and others on ground cooking, drinking coffee. Change of scene, jeep Toluca covered with snow. Stevens in front of jeep Toluca shakes hands with crewcut American (Major Dick Cahoot). CUs, they are smoking, dressed in winter parkas (handwritten annotation to LoC cataloger's notes indicates that this footage was shot in Belgium). At Dachau, by a railroad track, empty boxcars, some snow on ground. Frozen corpse lying in coal beside track. Gruesome CU of snow covered huddled corpse by boxcar. Several gruesome shots of battered corpses of German SS. Frozen bod...

  4. Coal mining; Warsaw street scenes-daily life

    There are burn-in time codes on the intermediate Betacam SP (Protection) video. Factory, church and mining sequences. Warsaw shots begin at 01:11:04:00. Trams. POV from tram to streets. People window shopping at various shops. Shop fronts. Kiosk with Charlie Chaplin poster. Street scenes, traffic, pedestrians. Gliders. LS town square. VS, MCUs, pedestrians. Trams, tram sign, INT shots of people in tram. LS to MS to MCU- policeman directs traffic, acknowledging the camera's presence, looking out of the corner of his eye. Street scenes, buses, automobiles, bicycles, horse drawn carts, pas...

  5. Nuremberg Trial interpreters; closing speech at Malmedy Trial

    Munich 225 - War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany July 1946. Individual CUs of interpreters speaking into microphones. 03:04 Munich 294 - Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany July 11, 1946. Lt. Col Burton J Ellis continuing his closing speech to the court.

  6. Pre-war Jewish life in four small towns of Poland

    01:00:32 Kolbuszowa. Very good shots of market. HA of busy square. Shots of various vendors, shoppers, goods. Jews and peasants. Street scenes. Scenics of surroundings. Shots of buildings. Police men. Large tree in park. VAR streets. Shots of children. Town "Mashugena". Cheder children. Various Jewish institutions. Yeshiva boys. Cemetery sequence. More important buildings. Town beauty. Band plays. Men pose on street. Magistrate. Town square not market day. 01:12:25 Ranizow. General shots of town square, street, EXT of synagogue, man pumps water. 01:14:22 Sokolow. Main street. Children pose ...

  7. Festival in Bayreuth; House of German Art in Munich

    “Ufa Schmalfilm Magazin” / UFA film logo / “Nr. 43” “Beute im Werte von hunderten von Millionen Mark.” Rows and rows of small carts in a field, some covered. A pile of soldiers helmets. Aerial view of a city. Smokestacks. Nazi officers walk alongside piles of weapon parts. INT weaponry facility. Men pour water from a metal cylinder. Steel rods. Neatly stacked rows of German bombs. 01:01:43 Intertitle, “Friedliche Leben in Deutschland.” Bayreuth Festspielhaus. People walk under banners that read, “Herzlich Willkommen in Bayreuth,” and “Suheee! Deutschland bist Du!” Nazi flags. More people wa...

  8. Oral history interview with Markus Safirstein

  9. Belsen: Medics moving typhus patients

    Medics loading trucks with people suffering from typhus. Red Cross truck. Women walking in a forest.

  10. Jews perform forced labor on a farm

    Magyar Híradó 857. Intertitle: “ARATNAK A MUNKASZOLGA’LATOSOK. A közérdekü munkaszolgálat aratószázadokkal segít a kis-birtokosoknak és az uradal-maknak. M.F.I.-ZSABKA.” A man uses a tool to hammer at the edge of his wooden scythe. Two men use wooden tools to smooth the long blade of the scythe. In the field, six laborers use their scythes to cut away at rye, while an officer stands in the background on the left, watching. More of the men using their scythes to cut the rye. Another laborer drives through the field on a mechanical reaper. CU of the machine. It spits out bundles of rye (sheav...

  11. Oral history interview with Leah Gutman

  12. Fall of Paris, 1944

    (INV 1457) Hand-held slate reading "SPX-F 8-17 Paris Capt Morse Jensen" 00:06 Shot of bridge (across Seine?), with a person crossing it. Smoke rising behind a building in the BG. 00:12 Large crowds in street cheering, smiling, clapping, and waving at the camera. 00:16 Camera moves left to scan view of the crowds. 00:24 Wider shot of crowds, again moving left, coming back a full circle. 00:44 Soldiers and civilians standing on a military vehicle above crowds. A Red Cross station is across the street. 00:50 Wider shot of soldiers standing on a tank near a metro station. 01:05 French tricolor ...

  13. Liberation special exhibition "Testimony" monitor

    "Testimony" monitor with interviews exhibited as part of "Liberation 1945" at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from May 9, 1995 to May 8, 1996.

  14. Sen. Hiram Johnson opposes third term for President Roosevelt

    Seated at a desk filled with papers, Senator Hiram Johnson speaks into a microphone for the newsreel camera. He opposes a third term for FDR and supports Republican Wendell Wilkie. Cuts from Johnson's CU, Johnson coughs and says, "It makes no difference to me whether this chance of election may have one sort or another. It makes a vast difference that I shall preserve that which has been most dear to me in my life -- my independence and my country's will." Cut. "I emphasize, this an American crisis alone, and for that reason, we must salvage ourselves as Americans in order that our coveted ...

  15. Files of the Kurzelów commune Akta gminy Kurzelów (Sygn. 3180)

    Various materials concerning the inhabitants of the commune from the 1920s and 1930s (including the Jewish population), such as statistics, certificates, purchase and sale files of the real estate, lists of craftsmen, population records, lists of births, files of the Jewish Religious Community (including contributions from members of municipalities).

  16. Private Sofia Gurewicz Yiddish Gymnasium in Vilnius Gimnazjum Żydowskie Zofja Gurewicz w Wilnie (Fond 198)

    The collection contains administrative documents, minutes of the meetings of the pedagogical council, records of the examination commission, teacher’s reports correspondence related to admission of students, personal files of students, lists of admitted students, registration books of graduation certificates, student’s behavioral conduct and progress report cards, statistical information about students and other related documentation. Copies of graduation certificate files and students' personal files are listed according to the surnames of individuals in alphabetical order.

  17. Private co-educational H. Epsztejn Humanistic Gymnasium in Vilnius Koedukacyjne Humanistyczne Gimnazjum Żydowskie z językiem wykładowym polskim w Wilnie (Fond 199)

    The collection contains minutes of the gymnasium’s examination committee, high school and primary school students' behavior and progress report cards, primary school students' registration book, student applications for admission to high school and primary school, students' personal files, academic certificates and other related documentation. Personal files, applications for admission to school, and educational certificate files arranged according to the surnames of students in alphabetical order. Most of the student’s personal files also include photos of students.

  18. Oral testimony of William C. Goins, Jr.

  19. County Health Fund in Ostrowiec Powiatowa Kasa Chorych w Ostrowcu (Sygn. 3178)

    Personal files of doctors and dentists of Jewish origin employed in the Health Fund.