Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,721 to 7,740 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. T. Scarlett Epstein diary

    Consists of a diary kept by T. Scarlett Epstein (Trude Grünwald), originally of Vienna, Austria, in the summer of 1937 and in the summer and fall of 1938. A teenage girl, Epstein records her visit to the World's Fair in Paris in 1937. In the summer of 1938, she describes her escape from Vienna into Yugoslavia, made possible through Epstein's friendship with the ex-ambassador of Yugoslavia to Austria. From Yugoslavia, Epstein traveled to Albania in November 1938. Throughout the diary, Epstein inserted train tickets, maps, photographs and other pieces of realia she collected.

  2. Selected records of the Reichsamt für das Landvolk (NS 35)

    Contains correspondence with other party agencies and departments, documents concerning “Regime-destructive actions” of the rural population in the Rheinland and the march Brandenburg (the so-called “Rheinische bzw. Märkische Bauernbriefe 1937-1938”), and reports on agricultural policy in Austria.

  3. Selected records of the Reichsnährstand / Reichsbauernführer (R 16-I)

    Contains correspondence addressed to the Nazi Party’s National Agency for Agricultural Policy, files of the Reich Farmers Council, and the like.

  4. Collection of non-official German documents (RG 90) Nazi Party in Palestine.

    The collection contains records from the Nationalist Socialist Party Headquarters in Palestine, 1932-1939 and files and registers of the Temple Society, 1878-1948, as well as documentation on German enterprises.

  5. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Landes

    Contains information on the systematic persecution of Jews in the Landes, France. Includes information concerning the expropriation of Jewish property, the wearing of the yellow star, police surveillance of cinemas, and name lists of Jews residing in the area.

  6. Personal archives of Siegfried Jagendorf

    Contains records of Mr. Jagendorf, Jewish engineer deported to Moghilev Podolski, Transnistria, in 1941.

  7. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Maine-et-Loire

    Contains records pertaining to the systematic harassment, imprisonment, and spoliation of Jews in the Maine-et-Loire as well as records pertaining to the Jewish internment camp at Clefs and the Roma-Sinti internment camp at Montreuil-Bellay.

  8. Selected records from the Austrian State Archives collection Zeitgeschichtliche Sammlung

    Contains records related to forced labor, protective custody (Schutzhaft) including prisoner lists, and religious organizations in the Ostmark, Austria.

  9. Selected records from the Austrian State Archives collection NS-Vermittlungsstelle

    Contains compensation claims made by the so-called Legionäre (illegal Austrian Nazis who found refuge in Nazi Germany before 1938, and returned after Austria’s annexation to Nazi Germany), by heirs of killed or executed Austrian Nazis, and others.

  10. Selected records of the Nazi Justice (NJ) collection

    The collection "NJ" consists of over 25,000 single files of selected Nazi trial records compiled at the Archives of the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands (SED) Central Party of the East German communist party, after the war. The SED Archives collected original files from different German courts, including the "Volksgerichtshof" (Nazi "People's Court"), district courts and others between 1933 and 1945. Records mainly document resistance and opposition to the Nazis and relate to communists, social democrats, clerics, Jews and members of resistance organizations in the occupied countr...

  11. Testimonies and transcripts of World War II Jewish veterans

    Contains transcripts of interviews and articles regarding Jewish World War II veterans provided by the staff of the Judaica Institute in Kiev. Although the documents are primarily transcribed interviews of the veterans, there are some first and third person biographical accounts. In addition to extensive detail about their military service during the war, there is some information about daily life, religious activities, family life and educational attainment before and after the war.

  12. American Joint Distribution Committee in Poland

    Contains 2,445 Polish- and English-language files of the American Joint Distribution Committee (AJDC) in Warsaw, including those of the Secretary’s Office and the Emigration, Individual Relief and Welfare, Tracing, Warehouses, Bookkeeping, Administration, and other departments or units. Contents reflect the AJDC’s main activities: rendering material assistance (e.g., food, medicine, clothing, tools) and funding organizations such as the Central Committee of Jews in Poland, the Bund, Zionist movements, youth associations, religious societies, and Hebrew schools.

  13. Death cards from the Ghetto of Warsaw Karty zgonu z Getta Warszawskiego (Sygn. 201)

    The collection contains 10,055 certificates of deaths fulfilled and signed by the Jewish doctors in the Warsaw Ghetto for the office: “Wydział Statystyczny Zarządu Miejskiego w mieście Warszawie” (Statistical Department of the Council of Warsaw) for the statistical purposes and census records of the City of Warsaw. Certificates of deaths contain following information: the last, first and second name, the year of birth, the place of birth, the father's, and mother's name, the address, the date of death, the number of the death certificate, the marital status, the occupation, the citizenshi...

  14. Central Historical Commission : Nazi Documentation-Munich Municipality (M.1.DN)

    The collection contains files concerning persecution of Jews during the Nazi period, mainly in Munich, but also in Frankfurt am Main, Ansback, and a number of other towns in Germany.

  15. Central Historical Commission : Collection about displaced persons (M.1.P)

    The collection contains materials gathered by The Central Historical Commission of the Central Committee (CHC) of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone, Munich related to the post-war activities-political, social, and cultural-of then-liberated Jews in the DP camps and in the newly-established Jewish communities in Germany in the American zone. Types of materials: documents, name lists, reports, correspondence, statistical table, posters, announcements, and excerpts from publications.

  16. Central Historical Commission : Questionnaires of the Regional Councils-Landraete (M.1.L)

    The collection contains approximately 542 questionnaires which were distributed among the regional and municipal authorities, mainly in the zone occupied by the Americans in Germany, to be filled out by them. The Central Historical Commission (CHC) of the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the U.S. Zone, Munich distributed questionnaires for the purpose of gathering information about the plight of Jews under Nazi in the various localities.

  17. Collection of testimonies relating to Hungary, YV O15E

    The collection contains approximately 5,000 statements recorded by a Deportáltakat Gondozó Országos Bizottság (DEGOB), a special documentation department set up by the Jewish Agency in conjunction with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC or Joint) .

  18. Collection of various testimonies, diaries and memoirs (O.33), 1942-1992

    This collection consists of miscellaneous statements containing, primarily, written testimonies, memoirs and diaries handed over by private individuals to Yad Vashem since its creation.

  19. Teresienstadt collection (O64)

    Contains mainly the Zeev Shek collection and the Weiss collection.

  20. Selected records of various Landratsämte (administrative district offices)

    This collection contains selected records of the Landratsämte (administrative district) offices of Jarocin, Kalisz, Konin, Krotoszyn, Leszno, Nowy Tomyśl, Oborniki, Ostrów, Poznań, Czerników, Wolsztyn, and Września. Documents cover financial matters, taxes, medical care, German officials, municipal affairs, and other administrative matters. Files contain lists of inhabitants, employees, and other local materials.